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New Data Governance for Statistical Interoperability  

Machine Learning for Official Statistics


Statistical Data Architecture

Data Integration Guidelines

Synthetic Data for Official Statistics: a Starters Guide (output of the 2022 UNECE HLG-MOS Synthetic Data project)

Input Privacy Preservation Project report (draft) (output of the 2021-2022 UNECE HLG-MOS Input Privacy-Preservation project)

Strategic Communication Framework for Statistical Institutions (2021) (publication combining the output of the 2018 and 2019 HLG-MOS project)

On-line publication of Strategic Communication Framework (includes Phase I and Phase II of the Project and new case studies).

The role of brand management, marketing and crisis communication for Statistical Organizations

New page with the outputs of the group: Human resources and more...

Guidelines for Managers  |  Руководство для менеджеров


Generic Activity Model for Statistical Organizations (GAMSO)

Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM)

Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM)

Common Statistical Production Architecture (CSPA)

Common Statistical Data Architecture (CSDA)

Generic Statistical Data Editing Model (GSDEM)

Statistical Metadata Glossary

Modernisation Maturity Model / Roadmap

Linked Open Metadata

The Common Metadata Framework

Alignment of GSBPM Overarching Process with GAMSO

Geospatial View of GSBPM (GeoGSBPM)

Linking GSBPM and GSIM - Information Flow within GSBPM using GSIM

ModernStats Models Governance

GSBPM "Tasks" (activities finer level than sub-process)

Position paper on the use of Machine Learning in Official Statistics

Telling stories with SDG data Hackathon (2017)

Sprints - Lessons learned from HLG-MOS projects 

Expert Group Meetings in area of Modernisation (papers and presentations)

Investment Catalogue(not updated)

Synthetic Data Challenge (January 2022)