These workshops are organized by the Statistical Modernisation and Management Unit of the Statistical Division of UNECE. The focus is on sharing and discussing innovative practices and identifying future areas of work in official statistics. Invitations are sent to National Statistical Organisations and statistical departments of intergovernmental organisations. However, participation is open to any organisation or department producing official statistics as well as relevant academic institutes and NGOs. Please visit the specific meeting pages for further information and consult the Information Notices or contact the UNECE secretariat if you wish to register. Only workshops held since 2010 are listed here.

We very much welcome countries or institutes to host any of our workshops. Please contact UNECE (support DOT stat AT un DOT org) if you are interested.

Upcoming and Recent Modernisation Workshops and other events of 2024

High-Level Group Workshops
Modernisation Standards and Tools Workshops
Modernisation Sprint Workshops and Webinars (access might be restricted)
Workshops of innovative thematic Expert Groups

Expert Group on Statistical Data Collection:

Expert Group on the Dissemination and Communication of Statistics:

Expert Group on Statistical Data Editing:

Expert Group on Statistical Data Confidentiality:

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