Telling stories with SDG data Hackathon

The Challenge

Effective communication is essential for maintaining the relevance of official statistics and maximising the value to society. Increasingly, users want answers to questions based on data.  Statistical organisations can produce statistics that are more effective and can add value to products by putting the data in context and telling the broader stories.

The task

A hackathon is an intensive problem-solving event. In this case, the focus is on statistical content and effective communication. The teams will be challenged to “Create a user-oriented product that tells a story about the younger population”. During the Hackathon, fifteen teams from nine countries had 64.5 hours to create a product that tells a story about the younger population. The teams were multidisciplinary - with members from statistical offices and other government departments. The product created should be innovative, engaging, and targeted towards the general public (that is, not specialists). There was no limit on the form of the product, but the teams had to include a mandatory SDG indicator in the product. 

The mandatory indicator was "Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training" SDG indicator (Indicator 8.6.1).

Four “winning” teams will be asked to present their product at relevant modernisation and SDG meetings (For example, the HLG MOS Workshop in November 2017 or the CES Plenary Session in June 2018). The "winning" teams will be announced on Friday 15 September. The “winning” teams will be chosen based on combination of scores from the Evaluation Panel and the popular vote. 



 Kiwi Jam - for a "Shiny" narrative with "NEET" graphics


 Polish Statistical Crew - for outstanding visual appeal


 SDGs Mexico - for a thought evoking presentation


 Mexican Storytellers - for an engaging story in a fun package.


All Teams Hacks

US Bialystok

NEETs problem in Poland

US Bialystok.pdf

Team Eurostat

Being young in Europe today



NEET: Not Working Nor Studying

Kiwi Jam

Global to local: opportunities for our youth

Polish Statistical Crew

Who NEETs really are?


Team Olivier Godard



Information about the team

SDGs Mexico

Do all youth not at school or in

training and unemployed, are idle?

Team Hungary

"How probable.....? Game"

Mexican Storytellers

Proportion of youth

(aged 15-24 years) NEET

Great Hack Forwards

"Global Village"

Team Tabitha Williams

Be an SDG Changemaker

Team GeoStorm

Youth in the United Kingdom

Team NameOrganization/sTeam members
GeoStormUK Office for National StatisticsIan Coady , Chris Gale , Bruce Mitchell , Jeremy Brocklehurst
SDGs-MexicoNational Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI-Mexico)Benito Arciniega-Castro , Manuel Cuellar-Rio , Eduardo Mendoza-de-la-Torre , Juan Muñoz-Lopez, José Luis Mondragón
Mexican StorytellersNational Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and Department of Government (SEGOB)Inés Arce Hernández , Maricarmen Hinojosa Silva , Andrea Calderon Romero , Tania Garcia Pareja
KiwiJamStats NZSekhar Vadlamannati , Novyl Saeed , Ruvani Ratnayake , Alan Bentley
SURS TeamStatistical Office of the Republic of SloveniaTina Črnogij Marc , Teja Rutar , Martina Žnidaršič , Irena Svetin
US BialystokStatistical Office in Bialystok (Poland)Anna Godlewska , Monika Kowalewicz , Magdalena Truskolawska , Anna Witkowska
Polish Statistical CrewCentral Statistical Office of PolandTomasz Pudłowski , Jacek Maślankowski , Beata Zawistowska , Karolina Dawidziuk
Team IrelandCentral Statistics Office, IrelandPaul Rockley , Clare O'Hara , Brendan O'Dowd , Nova Sharkey
Team Tabitha WilliamsStatistics Canada/ Treasury Board Secretariat of CanadaTabitha Williams , Eleanor Melanson , Aqeela Somani , Jason Blackwell
Team Stephanie MailletStatistics CanadaStephanie Maillet , Francis Grignon , Li Wang , Travis McFarlane Team member 5: Ayi Ajavon
Team Olivier GodardStatistics Canada, -Employment and Social Development CanadaOlivier Godard , Raphael Duteau , Shane Bahmann , Manolo Malaver-Vojvodic
Workers hacktimeStats NZLaura O’Leary , Justin Gunter , Jamas Enright , Karl Majorhazi
Great hack forwardsStat NZCaleb Moses , Alistair Ramsden , Kirsti McInnes , Carina Zheng
Team EurostatEurostatSimon Bley , Laurent Olislager , Lisa Waselikowski
Team HungaryHungarian Central Statistical OfficeZsolt CZINKOS , Mária JÓNYER , Orsolya CSERTA , András KEZÁN

The Virtual Hackathon on Telling Stories with SDG data took place virtually on 5-7 September 2017.

Effective communication is essential for maintaining the relevance of official statistics and maximising the value to society. Increasingly, users want answers to questions based on data.  Statistical organisations can produce statistics that are more effective and can add value to products by putting the data in context and telling the broader stories.

The task

A hackathon is an intensive problem-solving event. In this case, the focus is on statistical content and effective communication. Multidisciplinary teams will be challenged to “Create a user-oriented product that tells a story about the younger population” within the three day timeframe. 

During the Hackathon, the teams will create a product that tells a story about the younger population. The product created should be innovative, engaging, and targeted towards the general public. It could take the form of interactive fact sheets, videos, infographics, or other innovative products – the sky is the limit!

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will drive the international development agenda in the coming years. National Statistical Institutions will play a key role in monitoring and reporting on the progress towards these goals. They will also need to communicate about the SDGs in a clear and captivating way. Therefore, we have chosen SDG data to be the focus of this Hackathon.

The following SDG Indicators relate to the younger population:

  •  3.7.2 - Adolescent birth rate (aged 10-14 years; aged 15-19 years) per 1,000 women in that age group
  • 4.1.1 - Proportion of children and young people: (a) in grades 2/3; (b) at the end of primary; and (c) at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics, by sex
  • 4.3.1 - Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
  • 4.4.1 - Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
  • 5.3.1 - Proportion of women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 and before age 18
  • 8.6.1 - Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training

Data for these indicators exist in the UN SDGs Indicators database(

It was mandatory to include the "Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training" indicator (Indicator 8.6.1) in the product created during the Hackathon.

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