Metadata Glossary is a list of definitions and explanatory texts for main terms used in ModernStats Models: GAMSO, GSBPM, GSIM and CSPA. For GSIM which already has its own glossary, Metadata Glossary team reviewed terms and made proposals for changes (column Note). 

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TermStandardDefinitionRelationshipsExplanatory textNote
Active MetadataGSBPM Related Termsmetadata stored and organised in a way that enables operational use, manual or automated, for one or more processesMetadata; Passive metadata

ActivityGAMSO 1.2what we doCapability; ProcessProcess is how we do an activity.
Capability is what enables us to do an activity.

An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities. (Source: PROV-O)

In GAMSO, activities are grouped into 4 activity areas i.e. Strategy and leadership, Capability management activities, Corporate support, and Production.

Administrative DetailsGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)extensions to the model based on an organisation's administrative needs
The Administrative Details object is designed to act as a "placeholder" to allow for future extensions to the existing model. It allows for further information to be added about the Administrative Details required to maintain the other objects outlined by GSIM.
Administrative RegisterGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)source of administrative information which is obtained from an external organisation (or sometimes from another department of the same organisation)Register; Statistical RegisterThe Administrative Register is a source of administrative information obtained usually from external organisations. The Administrative Register would be provided under a Provision Agreement with the Information Provider. This administrative information is usually collected for an organisation's operational purposes, rather than for statistical purposes.
AgentGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)someone or something that bears some form of responsibility for a Business Process taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's Business Process
An Agent may be either an Organisation or an Individual. An Organisation may be an entire organisation or entities within a larger organisation, such as departments or divisions. An Organisation may have sub-Agents, which may be either other Organisations within the parent Organisation or Individuals that belong to that Organisation.

This definition is based on the definition of Agent used in the PROV-Ontology (PROV-O). (W3C Recommendation 30 April 2013)
Proposal made
Agent In RoleGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)Agent acting in a specific Role
In the Organisation Ontology from W3C Agent In Role is called a “Post”.
Agree An Action PlanGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of deciding what should be improved in future iterations of the statistical business processEvaluateThis Sub-process includes a consideration of time, cost, available resources, impact, and priorities of the organisation. These decisions may be applied to other statistical business processes.
AnalyseGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process in which data are carefully examined before dissemination to usersPhase; Prepare Draft Outputs; Validate Outputs; Interpret And Explain Outputs; Apply Disclosure Control; Finalise OutputsThe Analyse Phase ensures that data to be disseminated are fit for purpose. It includes the validation, interpretation and adjustment of the data and the preparation of documents such as technical or methodological notes explaining the statistical content.
Application ArchitectureCSPA 1.5Application Architecture (AA) classifies and hosts the individual applications describing their deployment, interactions, and relationships with the business processes of the organisation (e.g. estimation, editing and seasonal adjustment tools, etc.).  AA facilitates discoverability and accessibility, leading to greater reuse and sharing.Enterprise ArchitectureThis is the third of four layers within the enterprise architecture.
Apply Disclosure ControlGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of protecting data in order to ensure that no person or organisation is identifiable in the released dataAnalyseThis Sub-process is where the likelihood of identification of a person or an organisation in the data and metadata is assessed, and protection techniques are considered and implemented. 
Architectural PatternCSPA 1.5The description of a recurring particular design problem which comes from different design contexts. The solution schema is specified by describing its components, its responsibilities its relations and the ways they collaborate.

ArtefactCSPA 1.5service definition, or service specification, or  service implementation description, or service implementation code
In CSPA, an artefact is commonly viewed as a reusable and standardised resource/service that can be composed with others to implement a statistical business process in a Service-Oriented Architecture.
AssessmentGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)result of the analysis of the quality and effectiveness of any activity undertaken by a statistical organisation and recommendations on how these can be improved
An Assessment can be of a variety of types. One example may include a gap analysis, where a current state is determined along with what is needed to reach its target state. Alternately, an Assessment may compare current processes against a set of requirements, e.g. a new Statistical Need or change in the operating environment.

An Assessment can use various information objects as inputs, whether they are the main objects that the Assessment is about or auxiliary information objects that help accomplish the Assessment.

Attribute ComponentGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)role given to a Represented Variable in the context of a Data Structure, which supplies information other than identification or measuresData Structure Component; Identifier Component; Measure ComponentExamples:

 - the embargo time (at which point the observation will be made publicly available)
 - the base period of the data in the series

BuildGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process concerned with the construction and deployment of the ready-to-use production system, based on results from the Design phasePhase; Reuse Or Build collection instrument; Reuse Or Build Processing And Analysis Components; Reuse Or Build Dissemination Components; Configure Workflows; Test Production System; Test Statistical Business Process; Finalise Production SystemsThis Phase builds, assembles, and tests the production system to the point where it is ready for use in the "live" environment. The outputs of the Design Phase direct the selection of reusable processes, instruments, information, and services that are assembled and configured in this phase to create the complete operational environment to run the process. The Sub-processes include building  modules, services, and sub-systems for collection, processing, and dissemination, which constitute a production system.  Each of the constituent parts of the resulting production system may be automated or not. 
Business ArchitectureCSPA 1.5all activities undertaken by a statistical organisation, including those undertaken to conceptualise, design, build and maintain information and application assets used in the production of statistical outputsEnterprise ArchitectureThis is the first of four layers within the enterprise architecture. BA drives the Information, Application and Technology architectures for a statistical organisation.
Business CaseGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)proposal for a body of work that will deliver outputs designed to achieve outcomes. A Business Case will provide the reasoning for undertaking a Statistical Support Programmeto initiate a new Statistical Programme Design for an existing Statistical Programme, or an entirely new Statistical Programme, as well as the details of the change proposed.Change Definition; Statistical ProgrammeA Business Case is produced as a result of a detailed consideration of a Change Definition. It sets out a plan for how the change described by the Change Definition can be achieved. A Business Case usually comprises various evaluations. The Business Case will specify the stakeholders that are impacted by the Statistical Need or by the different solutions that are required to implement it.Proposal made
Business FunctionGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)something an enterprise does, or needs to do, in order to achieve its objectivesBusiness Service (GSIM 1.2); Process DesignA Business Function delivers added value from a business point of view. It is delivered by bringing together people, processes and technology (resources), for a specific business purpose.

Business Functions answer in a generic sense "What business purpose does this Business Service or Process Step serve?" Through identifying the Business Function associated with each Business Service or Process Step it increases the documentation of the use of the associated Business Services and Process Steps, to enable future reuse.

A Business Function may be defined directly with descriptive text and/or through reference to an existing catalogue of Business Functions. The Phases and Sub-processes defined within GSBPM can be used as an internationally agreed basis for cataloguing high level Business Functions. A catalogue might also include Business Functions defined at a lower level than "Sub-process". For example, "Identify and address outliers" might be catalogued as a lower level Business Function with the "Review and Validate" function (5.3) defined within GSBPM.
Proposal made
Business FunctionCSPA 1.5something an enterprise does, or needs to do, in order to achieve its objectives

Business LineCSPA 1.5A business line within a statistical organisation usually delivers a particular business outcome. Business lines allow the Business Architecture to be split into homogeneous areas of related activities. Business lines are defined in order to guarantee independence from reorganisation of the current organisational structure.

Business ProcessCSPA 1.5set of process steps to perform one or more Business Functions to deliver a Statistical Programme

Business ProcessGSBPM 5.1process employed to implement the necessary activities of an organisationProcess GSBPMNecessary activities are those needed to help fulfilling the mandate of an organisation. Examples from a statistical office are those needed to conduct a survey or manage personnel. Unnecessary activities might include holiday celebrations in an office.
Business ProcessGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)set of Process Steps to perform one or more Business Functions to deliver a Statistical Programme Cycle or Statistical Support ProgrammeProcess Step; Statistical ProgrammeFor example, a particular Statistical Programme Cycle might include several data collection activities, the corresponding editing activities for each collection and the production and dissemination of final outputs. Each of these may be considered separate Business Processes for the Statistical Programme Cycle.
Business ServiceCSPA 1.5defined interface for accessing business capabilities

Business ServiceGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)means of performing a Business FunctionBusiness Function (GSIM 1.2)A Business Service may provide one means of accessing a particular Business Function. The operation of a Business Service will perform one or more Business Processes.

The explicitly defined interface of a Business Service can be seen as representing a "service contract". If particular inputs are provided then the service will deliver particular outputs in compliance within specific parameters (e.g., within a particular period of time).

Note: The interface of a Business Service is not necessarily IT based. For example, a typical postal service will have a number of service interfaces:

- Public letter box for posting letters
- Counter at post office for interacting with postal workers

Calculate AggregatesGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of transforming data to generate the required macro data or to derive statistical indicatorsProcess; Calculate Weights; Design Processing And AnalysisThis Sub-process can include the summing of data for records sharing certain characteristics and determining measures of average and dispersion. In the case of sampling surveys, weights determined in 5.6 (Calculate weights) are used to obtain the aggregated values as well as measures of sampling errors.
Calculate WeightsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of calculating coefficients with the aim of ensuring estimates approximate the population totalsProcess; Design Processing And AnalysisThe Sub-process generates the weights associated to unit data records according to sound methodologies and as designed in sub-process 2.5 (Design processing and analysis). 
CapabilityCSPA 1.5Capabilities provide the Statistical Organisation with the ability to undertake a specific activity. A capability is only achieved through the integration of all relevant capability elements (e.g. methods, processes, standards and frameworks, IT systems and people skills).See also Activity and ProcessActivity is what we do
Process is how we do it
Capability is what allows us to do it

CapabilityGAMSO 1.2what enables us to do an activityActivity; ProcessActivity is what we do.
Process is how we do an activity.

An ability that an organisation, person, or system possesses. Capabilities are typically expressed in general and high-level terms and typically require a combination of organisation, people, processes, and technology to achieve. (Source The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF).)

Capabilities provide the agency with the ability to undertake a specific activity. A capability is only achieved through the integration of all relevant capability elements (e.g. methods, processes, standards and frameworks, IT systems and people skills). 

CategoryGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Concept whose role is to extensionally define and measure a characteristicCategory Set; Classification Item; Code; Code List; Statistical Classification
Synonym: Class
Categories for the Concept of sex include: Male, Female.

Category ItemGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)element of a Category SetCategory SetA type of Node particular to a Category Set type of Node Set. A Category Item contains the meaning of a Category without any associated representation.
Category SetGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)list of CategoriesCategory; Category itemA Category Set is a type of Node Set which groups Categories through the use of Category Items. The Categories in a Category Set typically have no assigned Designations (Codes).

For example: Male, Female.

Change DefinitionGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)structured, well-defined specification for a proposed changeBusiness Case; Statistical NeedA related object - the Statistical Need - is a change expression as it has been received by an organisation. A Statistical Need is a raw expression of a proposed change, and is not necessarily well-defined. A Change Definition is created when a Statistical Need is analysed by an organisation, and expresses the raw need in well-defined, structured terms.

A Change Definition does not assess the feasibility of the change or propose solutions to deliver the change - this role is satisfied by the Business Case object. The precise structure or organisation of a Change Definition can be further specified by rules or standards local to a given organisation. It also includes the specific Concepts to be measured and the Population that is under consideration.

Once a Statistical Need has been received, the first step is to do the conceptual work to establish what it is we are trying to measure. The final output of this conceptual work is the Change Definition.

The next step is to assess how we are going to make the measurements - to design a solution and put forward a proposal for a body of work that will deliver on the requirements of the original Statistical Need.

Change EventGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)indication of the occurrence of a change to an Identifiable Artefact. It relates to the information object(s) that has(have) been affected.Change Event Tuple; Identifiable ArtefactA Change Event relates to the information object(s) that has(have) been affected. It can be applied to only one Identifiable Artefact and result in one or more Identifiable Artefact(s). On the other hand, a Change Event can be applied to more than one Identifiable Artefact and result in only one Identifiable Artefact. Change Event Tuple is used to list the Identifiable Artefacts that are the source of the change and the Identifiable Artefacts that result from that change.Proposal made
Change Event TupleGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)indication of the Identifiable Artefacts changed by a Change EventChange Event; Identifiable ArtefactThe Change Event Tuple was introduced to support the traceability of information objects such as Variables in information flows (from creation to dissemination) through the GSBPM.Proposal made
Check Data AvailabilityGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of determining if there are existing data sources that could be transformed to meet the user information requirementsSpecify NeedsThis Sub-process assesses existing data sources, such as administrative, statistical or non-statistical, to determine if they are suitable. When existing sources have been assessed, a strategy for filling any remaining gaps in the data requirement is prepared. An evaluation of the need for changes in existing legal frameworks to use the data may be considered. 
Classification FamilyGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)group of Classification Series related from a particular point of view. The Classification Family is related by being based on a common Concept (e.g. economic activity).Classification Series; Statistical ClassificationDifferent classification databases may use different types of Classification Families and have different names for the families, as no standard has been agreed upon.Proposal made
Classification IndexGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)ordered list (alphabetical, in code order etc.) of Classification Index Entries. A Classification Index can relate to one particular or to several Statistical Classifications.Classification Index Entry; Statistical ClassificationA Classification Index shows the relationship between text found in statistical data sources (responses to survey questionnaires, administrative records) and one or more Statistical Classifications.  A Classification Index may be used to assign the codes for Classification Items to observations in statistical collections.

A Statistical Classification is a subtype of Node Set. The relationship between Statistical Classification and Classification Index can also be extended to include the other Node Set types - Code List and Category Set.
Proposal made
Classification Index EntryGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)word or short text (e.g. name of a locality, economic activity or occupational title) describing a type of object/unit or object property to which a Classification Item applies, together with the code of the corresponding Classification Item. Each Classification Index Entry typically refers to one item of the Statistical Classification. Although a Classification Index Entry may be associated with a Classification Item at any Level of a Statistical Classification, Classification Index Entries are normally associated with items at the lowest Level.Classification Index; Statistical ClassificationA Classification Item is a subtype of Node. The relationship between Classification Item and Classification Index Entry can also be extended to include the other Node types - Code Item and Category Item.Proposal made
Classification ItemGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Category at a certain Level within a Statistical Classification. It defines the content and the borders of the Category. A Unit can be classified to one and only one item at each Level of a Statistical Classification.Category; Map; Statistical Classification
Proposal made
Classification SeriesGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)ensemble of one or more Statistical Classifications, based on the same concept, and related to each other as versions or updates. Typically, these Statistical Classifications have the same name (for example, ISIC or ISCO).Classification Family; Statistical Classification
Proposal made
Classify And CodeGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of transforming data into codes using statistical classifications and code listsProcessThis Sub-process often uses international or national standards. Classification and coding may be performed by automatic routines or manually (clerically). 
CodeGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Designation for a CategoryCategory; DesignationCodes are unique within their Code List. Example: M (Male) F (Female).
Code ItemGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)element of a Code ListCode ListA type of Node particular to a Code List type of Node Set. A Code Item combines the meaning of the included Category with a Code representation.
Code ListGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)list of Categories where each Category has a predefined Code assigned to itCategory; Code ItemA kind of Node Set for which the Category contained in each Node has a Code assigned as a Designation.

For example:
1 - Male
2 - Female

Similar Code Lists can be grouped together (via the "relates to" relationship inherited from Node Set).
Proposal made
CollectGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process concerned with the selection of units from which to obtain data and the collection or extraction of that data and related metadataPhase; Create Frame And Select Sample; Set Up Collection; Run Collection; Finalise CollectionThis Phase is about collecting or gathering all necessary information (data and metadata), using (possibly) different methods (e.g. traditional usage of question instruments as well as extractions from statistical, administrative, or other non-statistical registers and databases), managing the logistics, and loading the data into the appropriate environment for further processing. The Sub-processes include all aspects of the data collection or gathering process including selecting from where, whom, how, and what data will be gathered, and to where and how the data will be available for subsequent phases.
ConceptGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)unit of thought differentiated by characteristicsConcept System; Conceptual Domain; Question; Subject Field; Variable

Concept SystemGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)set of Concepts structured by the relations among themConcept; Node SetExamples: 1) Concept of Sex: Male, Female, Other 2) ISIC classification (the list is too long to write down).
Conceptual DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)set of valid ConceptsConcept; Described Conceptual Domain; Enumerated Conceptual Domain; Sentinel Value Domain; Substantive Value DomainThe Concepts can be described by either enumeration or by an expression.
Conduct EvaluationGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of analysing the evaluation inputs in order to provide feedback on the statistical business processEvaluateThis Sub-process produces feedback (e.g. reports and recommendations) based on the analysis of evaluation inputs collected and compiled. The feedback can cover changes to any Phase or Sub-process for future iterations of the process, or can suggest that the process is not repeated.
ConfidentialityGAMSO 1.2property of data indicating the extent to which their unauthorised disclosure could be prejudicial or harmful to the interest of the source or other relevant parties

Configure WorkflowsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of assembling the systems and transformations used within the statistical business process, checking the interactions among them, and adjusting as necessaryBuild; Design Production Systems And WorkflowThis Sub-process ensures that the workflow as specified in Sub-process Design Production Systems And Workflow works in practice.
Consult And Confirm NeedsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of evaluating the information requirements with the users, and agreeing upon the deliverablesSpecify NeedsThis Sub-process acquires the detailed requirements of the users including stakeholder consultation, expected deliverables, and the purpose of the statistical products or services. 
ContactGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)person(s) responsible for providing additional information about an information object and/or its metadata, either directly or indirectly by linking to its source

Correspondence TableGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)A Correspondence Table expresses the relationship between two Statistical Classifications. These are typically: two versions from the same Classification Series; Statistical Classifications from different Classification Series; a variant and the version on which it is based; or, different versions of a variant. In the first and last examples, the Correspondence Table facilitates comparability over time. Correspondence relationships are shown in both directions.Map; Statistical ClassificationA Statistical Classification is a subtype of Node Set. The relationship between Statistical Classification and Correspondence Table can also be extended to include the other Node Sets - Code List and Category Set.Proposal made
Create Frame And Select SampleGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of constructing a frame and producing a sample from the frameCollect; FrameThis Sub-process establishes the frame and selects the sample for each iteration of the collection, as specified in Sub-process Design Frame And Sample.
Common Statistical Production Architecture (CSPA)CSPA 1.5reference architecture for the statistical industry, which provides a set of agreed common principles and standards based on frameworks, like the enterprise architecture and the service oriented architecture. The scope of CSPA is limited to statistical production across the processes defined by the GSBPM, and is designed to promote greater interoperability within and between statistical organisations. GSIM and GSBPMCSPA covers statistical production across the processes defined by the GSBPM. It provides a practical link between our conceptual standards – the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) and the Generic Statistical Business Production Model (GSBPM), and statistical production. It includes application architecture and associated principles for the delivery of statistical services. It includes technology architecture and principles - limited to the delivery of statistical services. It does not prescribe technology environments of statistical organisations. Does not include enterprise, business, application and technology architecture descriptions which are not directly aligned to CSPA scope, nor does it prescribe technology environments of statistical organisations. Its value is that it enables collaboration in developing and using Statistical Services, which will allow statistical organisations to create flexible business processes and systems for statistical production more easily.
Data HarvestGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)concrete and usable tool to pass information between two sources, usually by a machine to machine mechanism
Examples of Data Harvest channels include web scraper, API, scanner, sensor, satellite, etc.
Data integrationGAMSO 1.2process of combining data from two or more sourcesAlso in GSBPM v5.1, sec 5.1Adapted from the SDMX (2009) definition "The process of combining data from two or more sources to produce statistical outputs". Data might be integrated for other purposes, or might be integrated at any point in the statistical lifecycle.
Data PointGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)placeholder (or cell) for the value of an Instance VariableData Structure; Datum; Instance VariableField in a Data Structure which corresponds to a cell in a table. The Data Point is structural and distinct from the value (the Datum) that it holds.Proposal made
Data ResourceGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)organised collection of stored information made of one or more Data SetsData set; Information Resource
Synonym: Data source
Data Resources are collections of data that are used by a statistical activity to produce information. Data Resource is a specialisation of an Information Resource.
Data SetGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)organised collection of dataData Resource; File; Information Set
Synonyms: Database; Table
Examples of Data Sets could be observation registers, time series, longitudinal data, survey data, rectangular data sets, event-history data, tables, data tables, cubes, registers, hypercubes, and matrices. A broader term for Data Set could be data. A narrower term for Data Set could be data element, data record, cell, field.
Data StructureGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)defines the structure of an organised collection of data (Data Set)Data Structure Component; Provision AgreementThe structure is described using Data Structure Components that can be either Attribute Components, Identifier Components or Measure Components. Examples for unit data include social security number, country of residence, age, citizenship, country of birth, where the social security number and the country of residence are both identifying components and the others are measured variables obtained directly or indirectly from the person (Unit).Proposal made
Data Structure ComponentGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)role of the Represented Variable in the context of a Data StructureAttribute Component; Data Structure; Identifier Component; Measure ComponentA Data Structure Component can be an Attribute Component, Measure Component or an Identifier Component.

 - Example of Attribute Component: The publication status of an observation such as provisional, revised.
 - Example of Measure Component: age and height of a person in a Unit Data Set or number of citizens and number of households in a country in a Data Set for multiple countries (Dimensional Data Set).
 - Example of Identifier Component: The personal identification number of a Swedish citizen for unit data or the name of a country in the European Union for dimensional data.

DatumGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)valueData Point
Synonym: Value
A Datum is the actual instance of data that was collected or derived. It is the value which populates a Data Point. A Datum is the value found in a cell of a table.Proposal made
Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)GSBPM Related Termsinternational standard for describing statistical and social science dataGSIM, SDMXDocumenting data with DDI facilitates interpretation and understanding -- both by humans and computers. The freely available international DDI standard describes data that result from observational methods in the social, behavioral, economic, and health sciences. DDI and GSIM are both models for describing statistical data, statistical activity designs, and the processing cascade. GSIM is a model specified in Unified Modelling Language (UML). It fully describes the statistical activities within and across NSIs. It is not in a form that can be directly used in an implementation. There are no bindings that are part of GSIM itself.

Currently, DDI exists as 2 separate standards: Codebook and Lifecycle. Codebook is designed to be used by researchers who need to describe a single research study and the data resulting from it. Lifecycle is more geared to the needs of NSIs, who conduct multiple surveys and other statistical activities. The overlaps and connections between these are handled through reuse, which Lifecycle supports. Both Codebook and Lifecycle are represented in XML-Schemas.

Derive New Variables And UnitsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of creating new variables or units from existing onesProcessThe Sub-process generates variables that are not available, as needed for statistical purposes. New units may be created by aggregation or by fragmentation of observed ones.
Described Conceptual DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Conceptual Domain defined by an expressionConceptual DomainFor example: All real numbers between 0 and 1.Proposal made
Described Value DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Value Domain defined by an expressionValue DomainFor example: All real decimal numbers between 0 and 1.Proposal made
DesignGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process which describes the development and design of the statistical outputs, methodology, and later phases of the GSBPM for the statistical activityPhase; Design Outputs; Design Variable Descriptions; Design Collection; Design Frame And Sample; Design Processing And Analysis; Design Production Systems And WorkflowThis Phase includes all the design elements needed to define the statistical products and processes identified in the business case from the Specify Needs phase. It specifies all the relevant metadata  and quality assurance procedures needed to produce the data. The Sub-processes include the design of outputs, collection and processing methods, and production systems.
Design CollectionGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of developing the appropriate collection exchange channels for acquiring dataDesignThis Sub-process includes the design of questions and response templates when the exchange channel is a questionnaire; agreements between the data supplier and consumer; and design of systems to exchange data.
Design Frame And SampleGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of identifying the target population, defining the sampling frame, and selecting the sampling criteria and methodology in order to select a sampleCreate Frame and Select Sample; DesignThis Sub-process currently applies to survey-based processes using administrative and statistical registers. 
Design OutputsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of designing statistical products or services to be released in the Disseminate phaseDesign; DisseminateThis Sub-process develops the specifications of statistical outputs and the related systems used in the Disseminate Phase. Rules for accessing confidential outputs and disclosure control methods are developed here. Existing statistical standards, metadata, and practices from other statistical organisations should be used. 
Design Processing And AnalysisGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of designing the methodology to be used in processing and analysing the dataAnalyse; Design; ProcessThis Sub-process can include the specification routines for coding, editing, imputing, estimating, integrating, validating, and finalising data outputs.
Design Production Systems And WorkflowGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of specifying the systems and the sequence of activities from acquiring to disseminating data to ensure that there are no gaps or redundanciesDesignExisting processes and systems across the GSBPM should be evaluated first before designing new solutions. This Sub-process also determines the responsibilities of staff for these downstream processes and systems.
Design Variable DescriptionsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of defining collected and derived variables and their related statistical classificationsDesign; Design Collection; Reuse Or Build Collection InstrumentsThis Sub-process is where variables, either collected or derived, and classifications used in subsequent phases are either selected from existing standards or are created. The Sub-process may be conducted in parallel with the design of the collection method and instrument.  
DesignationGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)name given to an object for identificationCode; Subject FieldThe association of a Concept with a Sign that denotes it.Proposal made
Dimensional Data PointGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)placeholder (or cell) for the value of an Instance Variable with respect to either a Unit or PopulationInstance VariableA Dimensional Data Point is uniquely identified by the combination of exactly one value for each of the dimensions (Identifier Component) and one measure (Measure Component). There may be multiple values for the same Dimensional Data Point that is for the same combination of dimension values and the same measure. The different values represent different versions of the data in the Data Point. Values are only distinguished on the basis of quality, date/time of measurement or calculation, status, etc. This is handled through the mechanisms provided by the Datum information object.Proposal made
Dimensional Data SetGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)collection of dimensional data that conforms to a known structureDimensional Data Structure
Proposal made
Dimensional Data StructureGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)describes the structure of a Dimensional Data SetDimensional Data SetExample: (country, gender, number of citizens) where the country is the Identifier Component and the number of citizens is a Measure Component.Proposal made
DisseminateGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process concerned with making statistical products available to customers by assembling and releasing a range of static and dynamic products through various channelsPhase; Update Output Systems; Produce Dissemination Products; Manage Release Of Dissemination Products; Promote Dissemination Products; Manage User DupportIn this Phase, statistical organisations provide information services and products oriented to different types of users who have different needs. In some cases, the dissemination must be accompanied by technical support or special tasks to customise the information products and services to solve special requests. The Phase covers releasing and promoting the information and services, as well as providing support to the users. 
Edit And ImputeGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of changing incorrect, inconsistent, and/or missing values by modifying or inserting new values according to pre-determined rulesDesign Processing And Analysis; ProcessThis Sub-process is run according to pre-determined routines for editing and imputation as designed in Sub-process Design Processing And Analysis. It also includes the analysis of the edited and imputed data and the production of metadata on the editing and imputation process itself.
Enterprise ArchitectureCSPA 1.5Enterprise Architecture is about understanding all of the different elements that go to make up the enterprise and how those elements interrelate. It is an approach to enabling the vision and strategy of an organisation, by providing a clear, cohesive, and achievable picture of what's required to get there.Business Architecture, Information Architecture, Application Architecture, Technology ArchitectureEnterprise architecture is separated into a number of layers:  
- Business Architecture: what the industry does and how it is done;
- Information Architecture: understanding of the information, its flows and uses across the industry, and how that information is managed;
- Application Architecture: the set of practices used to select, define or design software components and their relationships;
- Technology Architecture:  the infrastructure technology underlying (supporting) the business and application layers.

Enumerated Conceptual DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Conceptual Domain expressed as a list of CategoriesConceptual DomainExample: Sex Categories <Male> and <Female>. 
Enumerated Value DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Value Domain expressed as a list of Categories and associated CodesValue DomainExample: Sex Codes <m, male>; <f, female>; <o, other>.
Environment ChangeGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)requirement for change that originates from a change in the operating environment of the statistical organisation
An Environment Change reflects change in the context in which a statistical organisation operates. Environment Changes can be of different origins and also take different forms. They can result from a precise event (budget cut, new legislation enforced) or from a progressive process (technical or methodological progress, application or tool obsolescence). Other examples of Environment Changes include the availability of a new Information Resource, the opportunity for new collaboration between organisations, etc.
Establish Output ObjectivesGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of determining the outputs in terms of quality, confidentiality and availability of resourcesSpecify NeedsThis Sub-process includes consideration of legal frameworks, costs, and quality dimensions, such as timeliness and accuracy of the outputs.
EvaluateGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process concerned with the review and assessment of the experiences gained from the specific instance of a statistical business processPhase; Gather Evaluation Inputs; Conduct Evaluation; Agree An Action PlanThis Phase is related to the review of the lessons learned and the management of the knowledge acquired each time the statistical process has taken place. This Phase reviews the experiences from each one of the other Phases. It includes evaluating the quality indicators from previous Phases of the statistical business process, drawing on a range of quantitative and qualitative inputs, and identifying and prioritising potential improvements. It logically takes place at the end of each execution of the statistical business process, but relies on inputs gathered throughout all the previous phases and is used to improve the practices of the statistical office.
Exchange ChannelGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)means of exchanging informationProduct; Protocol; Provision Agreement; QuestionnaireAn abstract object that describes the means to receive or send information. The Exchange Channel is used for external and internal purposes.

Different Exchange Channels are used for collection and dissemination. Examples of Exchange Channel for receiving information include Questionnaire and Administrative Register. An example of Exchange Channel for sending information is Product. Additional Exchange Channels can be added to the model as needed by individual organisations.
Proposal made
Extensional definition
description of a Concept by enumerating all of its subordinate Concepts under one criterion or subdivisionIntensional definitionFor example - the Noble Gases (in the periodic table) are extensionally defined by the set of elements including helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon (ISO 1087-1).
FileGSBPM Related Termsphysical representation of a datasetData Set

Finalise CollectionGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of loading acquired data into a suitable electronic environment for further actionCollectThis Sub-process includes extraction and loading of data from exchange channels. It may also include analyses of paradata (process metadata) to ensure acquisition activities meet requirements.
Finalise Data Files GSBPM 5.1Sub-process of creating a data set that brings together the results of the other sub-processes of the Process phase for further processing or analysis purposesAnalyse; ProcessThis Sub-process provides inputs into the Analyse Phase. 
Finalise OutputsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of undertaking final methodological and quality checks to ensure the statistical outputs are fit for purpose and ready for releaseAnalyseThis Sub-process ensures that the statistics and associated information are fit for purpose and reach the required quality level, and are thus ready for use. It includes various activities such as consistency checks, drafting of all supporting documentation, clearance meetings with senior management, getting formal approval for dissemination.
Finalise Production SystemsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of moving the statistical business process system into a production-ready state BuildThis Sub-process includes:
• producing documentation about the process components, including technical documentation and user manuals;
• training the business users on how to operate the process; and
• moving the process components into the production environment, and ensuring they work as expected in that environment.

FrameGSBPM Related Termslist, material, or device that delimits, identifies, and allows access to the elements of the survey populationCreate Frame And Select Sample; Population

FrameworkGAMSO 1.2set of rules, ideas, or beliefs which is used to make sense of facts or events or to decide how to behave

Gather Evaluation InputsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of collecting material produced in other phases or sub-processes in order to assess the statistical business process as conductedEvaluateThis Sub-process gathers evaluation material produced in any other phase or sub-process, including feedback from users, process metadata (paradata), quality indicators, and system metrics. The collection of some of these evaluation materials can be automated and take place in a continuous way throughout the whole process. For the evaluation of certain Sub-processes it can be necessary to perform specific activities like small surveys, e.g. coverage assessment or effectiveness of dissemination.
Global Artefact CatalogueCSPA 1.5list and description of standardised artefacts, and, where relevant, information on how to obtain and use them

GovernanceGAMSO 1.2establishment of policies, mechanisms, and continuous monitoring required for proper implementation by an organisation
Adapted from the definition of Governance in the Business Dictionary. (Source:
Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM)GSIM Related Termsreference framework of information objects, which enables generic descriptions of the definition, management and use of data and metadata throughout the statistical production processGSBPM, CSPA, DDI, SDMXThe GSIM provides a set of standardised, consistently described information objects, which are the inputs and outputs in the design and production of statistics. As a reference framework, GSIM helps to explain significant relationships among the entities involved in statistical production, and can be used to guide the development and use of consistent implementation standards or specifications. GSIM defines the inputs and outputs of each process described by GSBPM.
Identifiable ArtefactGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)abstract class that comprises the basic attributes and associations needed for identification, naming and other documentation[1] See: All GSIM information objects except Administrative Details, Agent In Role, Change Event, Datum, Process Input (and its sub-types) and Process Output (and its sub-types) are a sub-type of Identifiable Artefact.Proposal made
IdentifierGSBPM Related Termssignifier associated with an object which is intended to dereference that object[2] See:

Identifier ComponentGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)role given to a Represented Variable in the context of a Data Structure to identify the unit in an organised collection of dataAttribute Component; Data Structure Component; Measure ComponentAn Identifier Component is a sub-type of Data Structure Component. Examples: The personal identification number of a Swedish citizen for unit data or the name of a country in the European Union for dimensional data.
Identify ConceptsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of identifying the concepts to be measured in the subsequent phases of the business processDesign Variable Descriptions; Specify NeedsThe selection of concepts may not align with international or national standards or practices in this Sub-process. The alignment to existing standards or creation of new standards occurs in the Design Variable Descriptions Sub-process.
Identify NeedsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of identifying statistical products or services needed in response to a new requirementSpecify NeedsThis Sub-process is the initial step in responding to a new information request or organisational changes such as budget and resources. The Sub-process may review inputs from previous iterations or the practices of other statistical organisations.
IndividualGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)person who acts or is designated to act towards a specific purposeInformation Consumer; Information Provider

Industry ArchitectureCSPA 1.5set of agreed common principles and standards designed to promote greater interoperability within and between the different actors that make up an "industry", where an industry is defined as a set of organisations with similar inputs, processes, outputs, and goals

Information ArchitectureCSPA 1.5Information Architecture (IA) classifies the information and knowledge assets gathered, produced and used within the Business Architecture. It also describes the information standards and frameworks that underpin the statistical information. IA facilitates discoverability and accessibility, leading to greater reuse and sharing. Enterprise ArchitectureThis is the second of four layers within the enterprise architecture.
Information ConsumerGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)Individual or Organisation that consumes disseminated dataIndividual; Organisation; Product; Provision AgreementThe Information Consumer accesses a set of information via a Product (or potentially via another Exchange Channel), which contains one or more Presentations. The Information Consumer's access to the information is subject to a Provision Agreement, which sets out conditions of access.Proposal made
Information ObjectGSIM Related Termsobject that specifies information about the real world
Examples include data and metadata (such as classifications), as well as the rules and parameters needed for production processes to run (e.g. data editing rules). GSIM version 1.2 identifies around 130 information objects, which are grouped into four broad categories.
Information ProviderGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)Individual or Organisation that provides collected informationIndividual; Organisation; Provision Agreement
Synonyms: Data supplier; Information supplier
An Information Provider possesses sets of information (that it has generated, collected, produced, bought or otherwise acquired) and is willing to supply that information (data or referential metadata) to the statistical organisation. The two parties use a Provision Agreement to agree the Data Structure and Referential Metadata Structure of the data to be exchanged via an Exchange Channel.Proposal made
Information RequestGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)outline of a need for new information required for a particular purposeStatistical NeedAn Information Request is a special case of Statistical Need that may come in an organised form, e.g. by specifying on which Subject Field the information is required. It may also be a more general request and require refinement by the statistical agency and formalised in a Change Definition.Proposal made
Information ResourceGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)abstract notion that is any organised collection of informationData Resource; Referential Metadata ResourceThere currently are only two concrete sub-classes: Data Resource and Referential Metadata Resource. The Information Resource allows the model to be extended to other types of resource.Proposal made
Information SetGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)organised collection of statistical contentData Set; Output Specification; Product; Referential Metadata SetStatistical organisations collect, process, analyse, and disseminate Information Sets, which contain data (Data Sets), referential metadata (Referential Metadata Sets), or potentially other types of statistical content, which could be included in additional types of Information Set.
Instance QuestionGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)use of a Question in a particular QuestionnaireQuestion; Question Block; Questionnaire; Questionnaire ComponentThe Instance Question is the use of a Question in a particular Questionnaire Component. This also includes the use of the Question in a Question Block, which is a particular type of Questionnaire Component.Proposal made
Instance Question BlockGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)use of a Question Block in a particular QuestionnaireQuestion Block; QuestionnaireThe Instance Question Block is the use of a Question Block in a particular Questionnaire Component. This also includes the use of a Question Block in another Question Block, as it is a particular type of Questionnaire Component.Proposal made
Instance StatementGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)use of a Statement in a particular QuestionnaireQuestion Block; Questionnaire; Questionnaire Component; StatementThe Instance Statement is the use of a Statement in a particular Questionnaire Component. This also includes the use of the Statement in a Question Block, which is a particular type of Questionnaire Component.Proposal made
Instance VariableGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)use of a Represented Variable within a Data Set. It may include information about the source of the data.Data Point; Dimensional Data Point; Substantive Value DomainThe Instance Variable is used to describe actual instances of data that have been collected. Here are 3 examples:

1) Gender: Dan Gillman has gender <m, male>, Arofan Gregory has gender<m, male>, etc.
2) Number of employees: Microsoft has 90,000 employees; IBM has 433,000 employees, etc.
3) Endowment: Johns Hopkins has endowment of <3, $1,000,000 and above>,
Yale has endowment of <3, $1,000,000 and above>, etc.
Proposal made
Integrate DataGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of combining data from two or more sources to obtain new and enhanced dataProcessThis Sub-process includes input sources that may be of different nature (e.g. survey-based or administrative-based). Record linkage procedures or statistical matching methodologies may be used to integrate different data sources. 
Intensional Definition
definition of a concept based on a superordinate concept with additional (delimiting) characteristics that differentiate the defined concept from the superordinate oneExtensional definition

InterfaceCSPA 1.5type of contract by which subsystems or component communicate

Interpret And Explain OutputsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of increasing understanding of the raw statistical outputs through in-depth analysisAnalyseThis Sub-process is where statisticians examine the outputs generated during the previous Sub-processes in order to interpret and explain the data and produce statistical analyses and/or reports.
LevelGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Statistical Classification has a structure which is composed of one or several Levels. A Level often is associated with a Concept, which defines it. In a hierarchical classification the Classification Items of each Level but the highest are aggregated to the nearest higher Level. A linear classification has only one Level.Statistical ClassificationA Statistical Classification is a subtype of Node Set. The relationship between Statistical Classification and Level can also be extended to include the other Node Set types - Code List and Category Set.Proposal made
Logical RecordGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)describes a type of Unit Data Record for one Unit Type within a Unit Data SetRecord Relationship; Unit Data RecordExamples: household, person, or dwelling record.Proposal made
MaintainerGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)unit or group of persons within the Organisation responsible for managing an information object and its metadata e.g. adding, modifying or deleting metadata about an information objectDisseminateA Maintainer is responsible for all administrative and operational issues relating to one or a set of information objects, e.g. adding, modifying or deleting metadata about an information object. It is answerable to all stakeholders for all issues related to the information object(s) under its responsibility. A Maintainer is not a decision-making body. Decisions are made collaboratively among the owners of the artefact.Proposal made
Manage Release Of Dissemination ProductsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of ensuring that the delivery of statistical products to users is made in a timely manner and according to the organisation's release policyDisseminateThis Sub-process manages the activities needed to be sure that the release of statistical products will be timely and satisfactory. It includes briefings for specific groups; arrangements for any pre-release embargoes; release of subscription based products; access to confidential data by authorised user groups; retracting products if errors or other wrong conditions are discovered.
Manage User SupportGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of ensuring that customer queries and requests for services are correctly managed and satisfiedDisseminateThis Sub-process ensures that customer queries and requests are tracked, satisfied in a timely manner, and according to organisational service levels.
MapGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)expression of the relation between a Classification Item in a source Statistical Classification and a corresponding Classification Item in the target Statistical Classification. The Map should specify whether the relationship between the two Classification Items is partial or complete. Depending on the relationship type of the Correspondence Table, there may be several Maps for a single source or target item.Classification Item; Correspondence Table; Statistical ClassificationThe use of Correspondence Tables and Maps can be extended to include all types of Nodes and Node Sets. This means that a Correspondence Table could map between the items of Statistical Classifications, Code Lists or Category Sets.Proposal made
Measure ComponentGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)role given to a Represented Variable in the context of a Data Structure to hold the observed/derived values for a particular Unit in an organised collection of dataAttribute Component; Data Structure Component; Identifier Component; Represented VariableA Measure Component is a sub-type of Data Structure Component. For example age and height of a person in a Unit Data Set or number of citizens and number of households in a country in a Data Set for multiple countries (Dimensional Data Set).
Measurement TypeGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)The Measurement Type defines the type of a measure, e.g. mass or currency. The Measurement Type groups all Measurement Units, which can be converted into each other. A Measurement Type can have a standard Measurement Unit, which can be used for conversion between different Measurement Units.Measurement UnitThere need not be any standard Measurement Unit for a given Measurement Type, e.g. currency. Each Measurement Type has as a standard at most one Measurement Unit.Proposal made
Measurement UnitGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)metric for a measurement in terms of an official unit of measurementMeasurement TypeMeasurement Units can be based on different Measurement Types such as weight, height, currency, duration etc. Measurement Units can be transformed into one another (e.g. kilometres into metres) if they refer to the same Measurement Type (e.g. length). The conversion rule attribute can be used to include a multiplicative factor, e.g. the non-standard Measurement Unit "1000 kg"’ = 1000 x the standard Measurement Unit "kg".Proposal made
MetadataGAMSO 1.2data describing other dataActive metadata; Passive metadataData is considered in its broadest sense.
MissionGAMSO 1.2organisation's purpose for existingVisionIf you have a mission, there is something that you believe it is your duty to try to achieve, usually expressed in an official statement of the aims and objectives of an organisation.
NodeGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)combination of a Category and related attributes
A Node is created as a Category, Code or Classification Item for the purpose of defining the situation in which the Category is being used.
Node SetGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)set of NodesConcept SystemNode Set is a kind of Concept System. Here are 2 examples:

1) Sex Categories
 - Male
 - Female
 - Other

2) Sex Codes
 - <m, male>
 - <f, female>
 - <o, other>

Non Functional RequirementsCSPA 1.5overall factors that affect runtime behaviour, system design, and user experience
They represent areas of concern that have the potential for application wide impact.
ObjectGSIM Related Termsanything perceivable or conceivableSynonym: EntityNote 1 – This is a terminological definition (ISO 704), and not specifically from IT
Note 2 – An object may be
                physical, such as a computer, an instrument, or a volt
                abstract, such as a variable, a value domain, or a sampling design
                imagined, such as a unicorn, a hippogriff, or a centaur

OrganisationGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)unique framework of authority within which a person or persons act or are designated to act towards some purposeInformation Consumer; Information Provider

Output SpecificationGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)defines how Information Sets consumed by a Product are presented to Information ConsumersInformation Set; Presentation; ProductThe Output Specification specifies Productsand defines the Presentations they contain. The Output Specification may be fully defined during the design process (such as in a paper publication or a predefined web report), or may be a combination of designed specification supplemented by user selections (such as in an online data query tool).Proposal made
OwnerGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)statistical office or other authority responsible for defining, specifying, creating and making decisions about the maintenance of an information object and/or its metadata. Some information objects may have several Owners

Proposal made
Parameter InputGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)input used to specify which configuration should be used for a specific Process Step which has been designed to be configurable
Parameter Inputs may be provided where Rules and/or Business Service interfaces associated with a particular Process Step have been designed to be configurable based on inputs passed in to the Process Step. 
Passive Metadata
metadata designed to be human readable, commonly written in natural languageActive metadata; MetadataPassive metadata must be contrasted with active metadata. Active metadata are machine readable. So, for example, metadata that drive computer processes are active, because they serve as parameters to computer programs. Naively, then, we might want to say passive metadata are the metadata that are not active.
PhaseGSBPM 5.1distinct stage of the statistical business life cycle based on  interrelated activities addressing a given purpose

PopulationGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)total membership of a defined class of people, objects or eventsStatistical Register; VariableA Population is used to describe the total membership of a group of people, objects or events based on characteristics, e.g. time and geographic boundaries.

 1. Adult persons in the US on 13 November 1956
 2. Computer companies in the US at the end of 2012
 3. Universities in the US 1 January 2011
Proposal made
Prepare And Submit Business CaseGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of documenting the outcomes of the other sub-processes in the Specify Needs phase in order to get approvalSpecify NeedsIn this Sub-process, the business case is prepared to conform to the requirements of the approval body, either formal or informal. The business case typically includes the current business process, if it exists; options for new solutions; and a cost-benefit analysis.
Prepare Draft OutputsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of generating statistical outputs in preparation for disseminationAnalyseThis Sub-process includes the production of tables, charts, microdata files, and additional measurements (e.g. trends, indices, or seasonally adjusted data). It can also incorporate the recording of quality characteristics. 
PresentationGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)way data and referential metadata are presented in a ProductOutput Specification; ProductA Product has one or more Presentations, which present data and referential metadata from Information Sets. A Presentation is defined by an Output Specification. 

Presentation can be in different forms, e.g. tables, graphs, structured data files.


 - A table of data. Based on a Data Set, the related Data Structure is used to label the column and row headings for the table. The Data Set is used to populate the cells in the table. Reference metadata is used to populate footnotes and cell notes on the table. Confidentiality rules are applied to the Data Set to suppress any disclosive cells.
 - A data file based on a standard (e.g. SDMX).
 - A PDF document describing a Statistical Classification.
 - Any structural metadata object expressed in a standard format (e.g. DDI 3.1 XML).
 - A list of Products or services (e.g. a product catalogue or a web services description language (WSDL) file).
 - A web page containing Classifications, descriptions of Variables, etc.
Proposal made
PrinciplesCSPA 1.5general rules and guidelines, intended to be enduring and seldom amended, that inform and support the way in which an organisation sets about fulfilling its mission and business objectives

ProcessGAMSO 1.2how we do an activityActivity; CapabilityActivity is what we do.
Capability is what enables us to do an activity.

ProcessGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process in which input data are transformed to produce the target outputsPhase; Integrate Data; Classify And Code; Review And Validate; Edit And Impute; Derive New Variables And Units; Calculate Weights; Calculate Aggregates; Finalise Data FilesIn this Phase, the data are checked and cleaned from errors (such as inconsistencies and missing values), classified according to classification schemes. To obtain output data, input data can be integrated with data obtained from other sources and new variables can be derived. This Phase includes weights calculation and data aggregation.
Process ControlGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)set of decision points which determine the flow between the Process Stepsused to perform a Business ProcessProcess Control Design; Process StepThe typical use of Process Control is to determine what happens next after a Process Step is executed. The possible paths, and the decision criteria, associated with a Process Control are specified as part of designing a production process, captured in a Process Control Design. There is typically a very close relationship between the design of a process and the design of a Process Control.
Process Control DesignGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)specification of the decision points required during the execution of a Business ProcessProcess Control; Process PatternThe design of a Process Control typically takes place as part of the design of the process itself. This involves determining the conditional routing between the various sub-processes and services used by the executing process associated with the Process Control and specified by the Process Control Design. 

It is possible to define a Process Control where the next step in the Process Step that will be executed is a fixed value rather than a "choice" between two or more possibilities. Where such a design would be appropriate, this feature allows, for example, initiation of a step in the Process Step representing the GSBPM Process Phase (5) to always lead to initiation of GSBPM Sub-process Integrate Data (5.1) as the next step.

This allows a process designer to divide a Business Process into logical steps (e.g. where each step performs a specific Business Function through re-use of a Business Service) even if these process steps will always follow each other in the same order. In all cases, the Process Control Design defines and the Process Control manages the flow between Process Steps, even where the flow is "trivial". Process Design is left to focus entirely on the design of the process itself, not sequencing between steps.

Process DesignGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)specifies delivery of Business FunctionsBusiness Function; Process Input; Process Input Specification; Process Method; Process Output; Process Output Specification; Process Pattern; Process StepA Process Design is the design time specification of a Process Step that is performed as part of a run-time Business Service. A Process Step can be as big or small as the designer of a particular Business Service chooses. From a design perspective, one Process Step can contain "sub-steps", each of which is conceptualised as a (smaller) Process Step in its own right. Each of those "sub-steps" may contain "sub-steps" within them and so on indefinitely. It is a decision for the process designer to what extent to subdivide steps. At some level it will be appropriate to consider a Process Step to be a discrete task (unit of work) without warranting further subdivision. At that level the Process Step is designed to process particular Process Inputs, according to a particular Process Method, to produce particular Process Outputs. The flow between a Process Step and any sub-steps is managed via Process Control.Proposal made
Process Execution LogGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)captures the output of a Process Step which is not directly related to the Transformed Output it produced. It may include data that was recorded during the real time execution of the Process Step.Process Step
Proposal made
Process InputGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)any instance of an information object which is supplied to a Process Step Instance at the time its execution is initiatedProcess Design; Process Input Specification; Process Step Instance; Process Support Input; Transformable InputProcess Input might include information that is used as an input that will be transformed (e.g. a Data Set), information that is used to control specific parameters of the process (e.g. a Rule), and information that is used as reference to guide the process (e.g. a Code List).Proposal made
Process Input SpecificationGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)record of the types of inputs required for a Process DesignProcess Design; Process InputThe Process Input Specification enumerates the Process Inputs required at the time a Process Design is executed. For example, if five different Process Inputs are required, the Process Input Specification will describe each of the five inputs. For each required Process Input the Process Input Specification will record the type of information object (based on GSIM) which will be used as the Process Input (example types might be a Dimensional Data Set or a Classification).

The Process Input to be provided at the time of Process Step execution will then be a specific instance of the type of information object specified by the Process Input Specification. For example, if a Process Input Specification requires a Dimensional Data Set then the corresponding Process Input provided at the time of Process Step execution will be a particular Dimensional Data Set.

Process MethodGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)specification of the technique which will be used to perform the workProcess DesignThe technique specified by a Process Method is independent from any choice of technologies and/or other tools which will be used to apply that technique in a particular instance. The definition of the technique may, however, intrinsically require the application of specific Rules (e.g. mathematical or logical formulas).

A Process Method describes a particular method for performing a Process Step.

Process MetricGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)Process Output whose purpose is to measure and report some aspect of how the Process Step performed during executionProcess Output; Process StepA Process Metric is a sub-type of Process Output which records information about the execution of a Process Step. For example, how long it took to complete execution of the Process Step and what percentage of records in the Transformable Input was updated by the Process Step to produce the Transformed Output.

One purpose for a Process Metric may be to provide a quality measure related to the Transformed Output. For example, a Process Step with the Business Function of imputing missing values is likely to result, as its Transformed Output, in a Data Set where values that were missing previously have been imputed. Statistical quality measures, captured as Process Metrics for that Process Step may include a measure of how many records were imputed, and a measure of how much difference, statistically, the imputed values make to the dataset overall. Another purpose for a Process Metric may be to measure an aspect of the Process Step which is not directly related to the Transformed Output it produced. For example, a Process Metric may record the time taken to complete the Process Step or other forms of resource utilisation (e.g. human and/or IT).

Often these two kinds of Process Metrics will be used in combination when seeking to, for example, monitor and tune a statistical Business Process so its statistical outputs achieve the highest level of quality possible based on the time, staff and/or IT resources that are available.

Process OutputGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)any instance of an information object which is produced by a Process Step as a result of its executionProcess Design; Process Metric; Process Output Specification; Process Step

Process Output SpecificationGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)record of the types of outputs required for a Process DesignProcess Design; Process OutputThe Process Output Specification enumerates the Process Outputs that are expected to be produced at the time a Process Design is executed. For example, if five different Process Outputs are expected, the Process Output Specification will describe each of the five outputs. For each expected Process Output the Process Output Specification will record the type of information object (based on GSIM) which will be used as the Process Output (Example types might be a Dimensional Data Set or a Statistical Classification).

The Process Output to be provided at the time of Process Step execution will then be a specific instance of the type of information object specified by the Process Output Specification. For example, if a Process Output Specification expects a Dimensional Data Set then the corresponding Process Output provided at the time of Process Step execution will be a particular Dimensional Data Set.

Process PatternGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)nominated set of Process Designs, and associated Process Control Designs(flow), which have been highlighted for possible reuseProcess Control Design; Process DesignIn a particular Business Process, some Process Steps may be unique to that Business Process while others may be applicable to other Business Processes. A Process Pattern can be seen as a reusable template. It is a means to accelerate design processes and to achieve sharing and reuse of design patterns which have proved effective. Reuse of Process Patternscan indicate the possibility to reuse related Business Services.

By deciding to reuse a Process Pattern, a designer is actually reusing the pattern of Process Designs and Process Control Designs associated with that Process Pattern. They will receive a new instance of the Process Designs and Process Control Designs. If they then tailor their "instance" of the Process Designs and Process Control Designs to better meet their needs they will not change the definition of the reusable Process Pattern.
Proposal made
Process StepGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)work package that performs a Business ProcessBusiness Process; Process Control; Process Design; Process Execution Log; Process Metric; Process Output; Process Step InstanceA Process Step implements the Process Design specified in order to produce the outputs for which the Process Step was designed. Each Process Step is the use of a Process Design in a particular context (e.g. within a specific Business Process). At the time of execution a Process Step Instance specifies the actual instances of input objects (e.g. specific Data Sets, specific Variables) to be supplied.
Process Step InstanceGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)executed step in a Business Process. A Process Step Instance specifies the actual inputs to and outputs from for an occurrence of a Process StepProcess Input; Process StepEach Process Step is the use of a Process Step Design in a particular context (e.g. within a specific Business Process). At the time of execution a Process Step Instance specifies the actual instances of input objects (e.g. specific Data Sets, specific Variables) to be supplied.

Each Process Step Instance may produce unique results even though the Process Step remains constant.

Even when the inputs remain the same, metrics such as the elapsed time to complete execution of Process Step may vary from execution to execution. For this reason, each Process Step Instance details of inputs and outputs for that instance of implementing the Process Step.

In this way it is possible to trace the flow of execution of a Business Process through all the Process Steps which were involved.
Proposal made
Process Support InputGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)form of Process Input that influences the work performed by the Process Step, and therefore influences its outcome, but is not in itself changed by the Process StepProcess InputProcess Support Input is a sub-type of Process Input. Typical Process Support Inputsinclude metadata resources such as Statistical Classifications or structural information used in the processing of data.

Examples of Process Support Inputs could include:
- A Code List which will be used to check whether the Codes recorded in one dimension of a dataset are valid
- An auxiliary Data Set which will influence imputation for, or editing of, a primary Data Set which has been submitted to the Process Step as the Transformable Input
- A Provision Agreement which can be used as a supporting document
- An Assessment from a previous Statistical Programme Cycle which can be used as an input for the current Statistical Programme Cycle.

Produce Dissemination ProductsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of generating outputs for release that satisfy user needsDesign Outputs; DisseminateThis Sub-process creates products to meet user needs according to the design specified in Sub-process 2.1 Design Outputs. These products could include interactive graphics, tables, public-use micro-data sets, data services and downloadable files. Some of the activities undertaken are preparing the product components (explanatory texts, tables, charts, quality statements etc.); assembling the components into products; editing the products; and checking that they meet publication standards.
ProductGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)package of content that can be disseminated as a wholeExchange Channel; Information Consumer; Information Set; Output Specification; Presentation; Protocol; Provision AgreementA Product is a type of Exchange Channel for outgoing information. A Product packages Presentations of Information Sets for an Information Consumer. The Product and its Presentations are generated according to Output Specifications, which define how the information from the Information Sets it consumes are presented to the Information Consumer. The Protocol for a Product determines the mechanism by which the Product is disseminated (e.g. website, SDMX web service, paper publication).

A Provision Agreement between the statistical organisation and the Information Consumer governs the use of a Product by the Information Consumer. The Provision Agreement, which may be explicitly or implicitly agreed, provides the legal or other basis by which the two parties agree to exchange data. In many cases, dissemination Provision Agreements are implicit in the terms of use published by the statistical organisation.

For static Products (e.g. paper publications), specifications are predetermined.  For dynamic Products, aspects of specification could be determined by the Information Consumer at run time. Both cases result in Output Specifications specifying Information Set data or referential metadata that will be included in each Presentation within the Product.

ProgrammeGAMSO 1.2series of actions or events that are planned to be done

Promote Dissemination ProductsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of informing and communicating about the availability of products to potential usersDisseminateThis Sub-process concerns the active promotion of the statistical products. It includes the use of customer relationship management tools, to better target potential users of the products, as well as the use of tools including web sites, wikis, and blogs to facilitate the process of communicating statistical information to users.
ProtocolGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)mechanism for exchanging information through an Exchange ChannelExchange Channel; ProductA Protocol specifies the mechanism (e.g. SDMX web service, data file exchange, web robot, face to face interview, mailed paper form) of exchanging information through an Exchange Channel.Proposal made
ProtocolCSPA 1.5set of formats and rules for exchanging messages in or between computing systems

Provision AgreementGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)legal or other basis by which two parties agree to exchange dataData Structure; Exchange Channel; Information Consumer; Information Provider; Product; Referential Metadata StructureA Provision Agreement between the statistical organisation and the Information Provider (collection) or the Information Consumer (dissemination) governs the use of Exchange Channels. The Provision Agreement, which may be explicitly or implicitly agreed, provides the legal or other basis by which the two parties agree to exchange data. The parties also use the Provision Agreement to agree the Data Structure and Referential Metadata Structure of the information to be exchanged.
Quality IndicatorGAMSO 1.2data that gives a measure of quality
Quality indicators include measures of product quality and process quality.
QuestionGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)describes the text used to elicit a response for the Concept to be measuredConcept; Instance Question; Questionnaire; Questionnaire Component; Value Domain;
Synonym: Multiple question
A Question may be a single question used to obtain a response, or may be a multiple question, a construct which links multiple sub-questions, each with their own response.

A Question also includes a relationship to the Value Domain to document the associated response criteria for the question. A single response question will have one Value Domain associated with it, while a "multiple question" may have more than one Value Domain.

A Question should be designed with re-use in mind, as it can be used in multiple Questionnaires.

In a national implementation, Question could be further sub-typed into:

 - QuestionGrid, useful to model questions as grids/tables. It is actually a cube-like structure providing dimension information, labelling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid. For instance, a two-way table requesting to provide turnovers broken down by affiliates.
 - QuestionItem, a simple question that is necessarily one dimensional. For example: "How old are you?"
Proposal made
Question BlockGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)set of Questions, Statements or instructions which are used togetherInstance Question; Instance Question Block; Instance Statement; Questionnaire; Questionnaire Component
Synonym: Question module
A Question Block should be designed for reuse, as it can be used in multiple Questionnaires. The Question Block is a type of Questionnaire Component. A statistical organisation will often have a number of Question Blocks which they reuse in a number of Questionnaires. Examples of Question Blocks include:

 - Household Question Block
 - Income Question Block
 - Employment Question Block
Proposal made
QuestionnaireGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)concrete and usable tool to elicit information from observation UnitsExchange Channel; Instance Question; Instance Statement; Question; Question Block; Questionnaire Specification; StatementThis is an example of a way statistical organisations collect information (an Exchange Channel). Each collection mode  (e.g. in-person, CAPI, online Questionnaire) should be interpreted as a new Questionnaire derived from the Questionnaire Specification. The Questionnaire is a tool in which data is obtained.Proposal made
Questionnaire ComponentGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)record of the flow of a Questionnaire Specification and its use of Questions, Question Blocks and StatementsInstance Question Block; Instance Statement; Instance Variable; Question Block; Questionnaire; Questionnaire Logic; Questionnaire Specification; StatementA Questionnaire Component defines the structure of the Questionnaire Specification, as a combination of Questions, Question Blocks and Statements. It is the object which groups together all the components of a Questionnaire.

A Questionnaire Component is recursive, in that it can refer to other Questionnaire Components and accompanying Questionnaire Logic objects at a lower level. It is only at the top level where the Questionnaire Component links to the Questionnaire Specification.
Proposal made
Questionnaire LogicGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)governs the sequence of Questions, Question Blocks and Statements based on factors such as the current location, the response to the previous questions etc., invoking navigation and validation rules to applyQuestionnaire Component
Synonym:  Routing

Proposal made
Questionnaire SpecificationGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)tool designed to elicit information from observation UnitsQuestionnaire; Questionnaire ComponentThis represents the complete questionnaire design, with a relationship to the top level Questionnaire Component.

There may be many different Questionnaire Specifications, for the same surveys, or tailored to individual observation Units (respondents) so that there would be a different Questionnaire Specification for each respondent. The design would also differ depending upon the specific mode of collection the Questionnaire is designed for.
Proposal made
Record RelationshipGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)describes relationship between Logical Records within a Unit Data Structure. It must have both a source Logical Record and a target Logical Record in order to define the relationship.Logical Record; Unit Data Set; Unit Data StructureExample: Relationship between person and household Logical Records within a Unit Data Set.Proposal made
Referential Metadata AttributeGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)role given to a Represented Variable to supply information in the context of a Referential Metadata StructureReferential Metadata Structure; Referential Metadata Subject; Represented VariableA Referential Metadata Structure defines a structured list of Referential Metadata Attributes for a given Referential Metadata Subject. Examples of Referential Metadata Attributes are those that describe quality information and methodologies. 
Referential Metadata Content ItemGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)content describing a particular characteristic of a Referential Metadata SubjectReferential Metadata SubjectA Referential Metadata Content Item contains the actual content describing a particular characteristic of a Referential Metadata Subject.Proposal made
Referential Metadata ResourceGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)organised collection of stored information consisting of one or more Referential Metadata SetsInformation Resource; Referential Metadata SetReferential Metadata Resources are collections of structured information that may be used by a statistical activity to produce information. This information object is a specialisation of an Information Resource.Proposal made
Referential Metadata SetGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)organised collection of referential metadata for a given Referential Metadata SubjectInformation Set; Referential Metadata Resource; Referential Metadata SubjectReferential Metadata Sets organise referential metadata. Each Referential Metadata Set uses a Referential Metadata Structure to define a structured list of Referential Metadata Attributes for a given Referential Metadata Subject.Proposal made
Referential Metadata StructureGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)defines the structure of an organised collection of referential metadata (Referential Metadata Set)Provision Agreement; Referential Metadata Attribute; Referential Metadata Subject
Synonym:  Metadata Structure Definition
A Referential Metadata Structure defines a structured list of Referential Metadata Attributes for a given Referential Metadata Subject.

Examples of Referential Metadata Attributes are those that describe quality information and methodologies. Examples of subject are: objects like a Questionnaire or a Statistical Classification, or collections of data like a Data Set, or any Data Point or set of Data Points created from a specific Data Structure.
Proposal made
Referential Metadata SubjectGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)identifies the subject of an organised collection of referential metadataReferential Metadata Attribute; Referential Metadata Content Item; Referential Metadata Set; Referential Metadata StructureThe Referential Metadata Subject identifies the subject of the metadata that can be reported using this Referential Metadata Structure. These subjects may be any GSIM object type, or any Data Point or set of Data Points created from a specific Data Structure.

Examples: The GSIM object type may be Product for which there is a list specified in a Value Domain. The Value Domain specifies the list of actual Products for which reference metadata can be reported or authored using this Referential Metadata Structure.
Proposal made
Referential Metadata Subject ItemGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)identifies the actual subject for which referential metadata is reported
Examples are an actual Product such as Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia, June 2013, or a collection of Data Points such as the Data Points for a single region within a Data Set covering all regions for a country.Proposal made
RegisterGAMSO 1.2database which is updated continually for administrative purposesAdministrative register; Statistical registerExamples of registers include registers of birth, death, marriages, residence, buildings, etc.

A database is an organised collection of data in this context.

A register may be used to extract data for statistical purposes.

Represented VariableGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)combination of a characteristic of a population to be measured and how that measure will be representedMeasure Component; Referential Metadata AttributeExamples:

The pair (Number of Employees, Integer), where "Number of Employees" is the characteristic of the population (Variable) and "Integer" is how that measure will be represented (Substantive Value Domain). If the Variable is "Industry" and the Substantive Value Domain is "Level 1 of NACE 2007", the pair is (Industry, NACE 2007 - Level 1).

The Represented Variable "Sex of Person [1,2,3]", has the Variable (Sex of Person) and the representation (1=Male, 2=Female, 3=Other).
Proposal made
ReuseCSPA 1.5Reuse is the concept of using a common asset (implemented component, a component definition, a pattern...) repetitively in different (or similar) contexts (for example in different business processes), and/or by different participants, and/or overtime.

Reuse Or Build Collection InstrumentsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of producing the system through which data are obtainedBuildThis Sub-process describes the activities to build the collection instruments or extraction routines to be used during the Collect phase to obtain data. The collection instrument or the extraction routines are generated or built based on the design specifications created during the Design phase. 
Reuse Or Build Dissemination ComponentsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of producing or updating the systems and services needed for the dissemination of statistical productsBuildThis Sub-process describes the activities for building all types of dissemination components and services, from those that are used to produce traditional paper publications to those that provide web services, open data outputs, or access to micro-data.
Reuse Or Build Processing And Analysis ComponentsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of producing or updating systems for handling and transforming dataBuildThis Sub-process describes the activities to build new and enhance existing components and services needed for the Process and Analyse phases, as designed in the Design phase. Services may include dashboard functions and features, information services, transformation functions, workflow frameworks, provider and metadata management services.
Review And ValidateGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of analysing and evaluating data in order to identify potential or actual errors, missing values, or outliersProcessThe Sub-process only focuses on data verification disregarding the actual correction of data. When computer assisted modes are used, part of this validation process can happen in the collection phase.
RoleGSIM 1.2 (Base Group)responsible function involved in the statistical Business Process
Examples: Owner, Maintainer, Contact.Proposal made
RuleGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)specific mathematical or logical expression which can be evaluated to determine specific behaviour
Rules are of several types: they may be derived from methods to determine the control flow of a process when it is being designed and executed; they may be used as the input parameters of processes (e.g. imputation rules, edit rules); and they may be used to drive the logical flow of a questionnaire. There are many forms of Rules and their purpose, character and expression can vary greatly.
Run CollectionGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of actually acquiring data through collection exchange channelsCollectThis Sub-process may use different exchange channels to collect or gather the information, which may include raw micro-data or aggregates produced at the source, as well as any associated metadata. It includes all contacts with data providers and suppliers, capturing paradata, and ensuring a continued good relationship with each data source. Simple validation steps are taken during this Sub-process as well.
Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX)GSBPM Related Termstechnical standard and content-oriented guidelines for the exchange and sharing of statistical information between organisationsGSIM, DDISDMX is an ISO standard designed to describe statistical data and metadata, normalise their exchange, and improve their efficient sharing across organisations. This standard provides an integrated approach to facilitating statistical data and metadata exchange, enabling interoperable implementations within and between systems concerned with the exchange, reporting and dissemination of statistical data and their related metadata. It is not just a format for data exchange: it includes a set of technical standards and content-oriented guidelines, and is supported by an IT architecture and tools to be used for the efficient exchange and sharing of statistical data and metadata. Taken together, those elements may be used to support improved business processes for any statistical organisation.
Sentinel Value DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Sentinel Value Domains can be enumerated (listed) or described. A Value Domain expressed as a list of Categories for sentinel values or a description thereof. The scope and the meaning of the possible values are defined within the frame of the Conceptual Domain that the Sentinel Value Domain is associated with.Value Domain; Conceptual DomainSeparating the sentinel values from the substantive ones allows a large reduction in the number of Value Domains, and thus Represented Variables and Instance Variables, that need to be maintained.

Use of generic codes is recommended for Concepts which appear in many, if not, all Code Lists, e.g. <S_X, Unspecified>, <S_Z, Not applicable>, < S_R, Refusal>, <S_U, Unknown>
Proposal made
ServiceCSPA 1.5logical representation of a repeatable business activity that has a specified outcome and is self-contained, fulfils a business need for a customer (internal or external to the organisation) and may be composed of other services

Service ContractCSPA 1.5A service contract is comprised of one or more published documents (called service description documents) that express meta information about a service. The fundamental part of a service contract consists of the service description documents that express its technical interface. These form the technical service contract which essentially establishes an API into the functionality offered by the service. A service contract can be further comprised of human-readable documents, such as a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that describes additional quality-of-service features, behaviours, and limitations.

Service InterfaceCSPA 1.5abstract boundary that a service exposes
It defines the types of messages and the message exchange patterns that are involved in interacting with the service, together with any conditions implied by those messages.
Service Oriented ArchitectureCSPA 1.5Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that supports a way of thinking (Service Orientation) in terms of services and service-based development and the outcomes of services. The SOA architectural style has the following distinctive features:
It is based on the design of the services – which mirror real-world business activities – comprising the enterprise (or inter-enterprise) business processes.
Service representation utilises business descriptions to provide context (i.e., business process, goal, rule, policy, service interface, and service component) and implements services using service orchestration.
It places unique requirements on the infrastructure – it is recommended that implementations use open standards to realize interoperability and location transparency.
Implementations are environment-specific – they are constrained or enabled by context and must be described within that context.
It requires strong governance of service representation and implementation.
It requires a "Litmus Test", which determines a "good service".

Set up CollectionGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of identifying and establishing the people, processes, and technology to conduct data collectionCollectThis Sub-process ensures that the people, processes and technology are ready to collect data and metadata, in all modes as designed. It takes place over a period of time, as it includes the strategy, planning and training activities in preparation for the specific instance of the statistical business process. For non-survey sources, this Sub-process will include ensuring that the necessary processes, systems and confidentiality procedures are in place, to receive or extract the necessary information from the source.
ShareCSPA 1.5Share is an ownership concept where an asset is made available to other participants for use. There are levels of sharing. A limited form of sharing would be to provide another participant with the means to replicate (make a copy) the asset (for example give the source code) (i.e. they share an aspect of the asset only). A more involved form of sharing would entail that asset is actually been made entirely common (in this case the asset is also reused).

Specify NeedsGSBPM 5.1Phase of the statistical process identifying what the statistical activity is going to produce and the data required to produce the expected output to satisfy the users' requirementsPhase; Identify Needs; Consult And Confirm Needs; Establish Output Objectives; Identify Concepts; Check Data Availability; Prepare And Submit Business CaseThis phase is triggered when a need for new information is detected or feedback initiates a review of current statistics. The sub-processes include the identification or the review of the statistics needed, the concepts to be measured and the available data sources. 
StatementGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)report of facts in a QuestionnaireInstance Statement; Questionnaire; Questionnaire Component
Synonyms: Instruction; Interviewer instruction
Statements are often included to provide further explanation to respondents.

Example: "The following questions are about your health".

The object is also used to represent completion instructions for the interviewer or respondent. Statement should be designed with re-use in mind as it can be used in numerous Questionnaires.
Proposal made
Statistical ClassificationGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)set of Categories which may be assigned to one or more variables registered in statistical surveys or administrative files, and used in the production and dissemination of statistics. In a standard Statistical Classification the Categories at each Level of the classification structure must be mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive of all objects/units in the population of interestCategory; Classification Family; Classification Index; Classification Index Entry; Classification Item; Classification Series; Correspondence Table; Level; MapThe Categories are defined with reference to one or more characteristics of a particular population of units of observation. A Statistical Classification may have a flat, linear structure or may be hierarchically structured, such that all Categories at lower Levels are sub-Categories of Categories at the next Level up. Categories in Statistical Classifications are represented in the information model as Classification Items.Proposal made
Statistical NeedGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)requirement, request or other notification that will be considered by an organisation. A Statistical Need does not necessarily have structure or format - it is a "raw" need as received by the organisation. A Statistical Need may be of a variety of types including Environmental Change or Information Request.Change Definition; Information RequestThe Statistical Need is a proposed or imposed requirement, request or other notification as it has been received by an organisation. A Statistical Need is a raw expression of a requirement, and is not necessarily well-defined. A related object - Change Definition - is created when a Statistical Need is analysed by an organisation. Change Definition expresses the raw need in well-defined, structured terms.

Once a Statistical Need has been received, the first step is to do the conceptual work to establish what it is we are trying to measure. The final output of this conceptual work is the Change Definition.

In some cases, the Statistical Need can result from the Assessment of the quality, efficiency, etc. of an existing process.
Proposal made
Statistical ProgrammeGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)set of activities, which may be repeated, that describes the purpose and context of a set of Business Process within the context of the relevant Statistical Programme CyclesBusiness Case; Business Process; Statistical Programme Cycle; Statistical Programme Design; Statistical Support ProgrammeThe Statistical Programme is one of a family of objects that provide the environmental context in which activities to produce statistics within a statistical organisation are conducted. Statistical Programme is the top level object that describes the purpose and objectives of a set of activities. Statistical Programme will usually correspond to an ongoing activity such as a survey or output series. Some examples of Statistical Programme are:

 - Labour Force Survey
 - Multipurpose Household Survey
 - National Accounts
 - Demography
 - Overseas Arrivals and Departures

Related to the Statistical Programme object there are Statistical Programme Design and Statistical Programme Cycle objects that hold the detailed information about the design and conduct of the Business Process.

In the case of the traditional approach, an organisation has received a Statistical Need and produced a Change Definition and an approved Business Case. The Business Case will specify either a change to the design or methodology of an existing Statistical Programme, which will result in a new Statistical Programme Design; or a change to one or more existing Statistical Programmes (e.g. to add an additional objective to the Statistical Programme); or result in a new Statistical Programme being created.

This does not include statistical support functions such as metadata management, data management (and other overarching GSBPM processes) and design functions. These activities are conducted as part of Statistical Support Programmes.
Proposal made
Statistical Programme CycleGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)set of activities to investigate characteristics of a given Population for a particular reference periodStatistical Programme; Statistical Programme DesignA Statistical Programme Cycle documents the execution of an iteration of a Statistical Programme according to the associated Statistical Programme Design for a certain reference period. It identifies the activities that are undertaken as a part of the cycle and the specific resources required and processes used and description of relevant methodological information used in this cycle defined by the Statistical Programme Design.
Statistical Programme DesignGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)specification of the resources required, processes used and description of relevant methodological information about the set of activities undertaken to investigate characteristics of a given PopulationStatistical Programme; Statistical Programme CycleThe Statistical Programme Design is a series of objects that provide the operational context in which a set of Business Processesis conducted.

A simple example is where a Statistical Programme relates to a single survey, e.g. the Labour Force Survey. The Statistical Programme will have a series of Statistical Programme Design objects that describe the methodology and design used throughout the life of the survey. When a methodological change is made to the survey, a new Statistical Programme Design is created to record the details of the new design.

Statistical RegisterGSIM 1.2 (Exchange Group)register that is a regularly updated list of Units and their properties that is designed for statistical purposesAdministrative Register; Population; Register; UnitA Statistical Register provides an (ideally) complete inventory of the Units within a specific Population, and describes these Units using different characteristics. One example is the statistical business register held within a statistical organisation.

All the Units in a Statistical Register have an identifier that makes it possible to update the Statistical Register with new information on the Units.
Proposal made
Statistical ServiceCSPA 1.5A Statistical Service is a specialisation of Service for the statistical industry. A Statistical Service represents a defined interface for accessing business capabilities (an ability that an organisation possesses, typically expressed in general and high level terms and requiring a combination of organisation, people, processes and technology to achieve). It is logical representation of a repeatable business activity that has a specified outcome and is self-contained, fulfils a business need for a customer (internal or external to the organisation) and may be composed of other services.

Statistical Support ProgrammeGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)programme which is not related to the post-design production of statistical products, but is necessary to support productionStatistical ProgrammeThis type of programme will include such functions as metadata management, data management, methodological research, and design functions. These programmes correspond to the overarching processes in the GSBPM, as well as programmes to create new or change existing Statistical Programmes.Proposal made
Subject FieldGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)one or more Concept Systems used for the grouping of Concepts and Categories for the production of statisticsConcept; Designation
Synonyms: Subject area; Theme
A Subject Field is a field of special knowledge under which a set of Concepts and their Designations is used (e.g. labour market, environmental expenditure, tourism, etc.).Proposal made
Sub-processGSBPM 5.1distinct stage of the statistical business process that consists of interrelated activitiesProcess

Substantive Value DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)Substantive Value Domains can be enumerated (listed) or described. They define the specific valid values (Value Domain) for Instance Variables. The scope and the meaning of the possible values are defined within the frame of the Conceptual Domain that the Substantive Value Domain is associated with.Conceptual Domain; Instance Variable; Value DomainExample: <0, Pre-primary>, <1, Primary>, <2, Lower secondary>, < 3, Upper secondary>, <4, Post-secondary non-tertiary>, <5, First stage of tertiary education>, <6, Second stage of tertiary education> where the scope and meaning of the values are defined within Categories for levels of education.Proposal made
Survey GAMSO 1.2investigation about the characteristics of a given population by means of collecting data from a sample of that population and estimating their characteristics through the systematic use of statistical methodology
Included are:
- Censuses, which attempt to collect data from all members of a population;
- Sample surveys, in which data are collected from a (usually random) sample of population members.

Technology ArchitectureCSPA 1.5Technology Architecture (TA) describes the IT infrastructure required to support the deployment of applications and IT services, including hardware, middleware, networks, platforms, etc.Enterprise ArchitectureThis is the fourth of four layers within the enterprise architecture.
Test Production SystemsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process concerned with the testing of assembled and configured services and related workflowsBuild; Reuse Or Build Processing And Analysis ComponentsIt includes technical testing and sign-off of new programmes and routines, as well as confirmation that existing routines from other statistical business processes are suitable for use in this case. Whilst part of this activity concerning the testing of individual components and services could logically be linked with sub-process 3.2 (Reuse or build processing and analysis components), this Sub-process also includes testing of interactions between assembled and configured services, and ensuring that the production solution works as a coherent set of processes, information and services.
Test Statistical Business ProcessGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of managing a field test or pilot of the statistical business processBuildIn this Sub-process, the entire system from data aquisition to dissemination is tested and its effectiveness is evaluated. Adjustments are made based on the evaluation to ensure the system implements the process correctly. 
Transformable InputGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)type of Process Input whose content goes into a Process Step and is changed in some way by the execution of that Process Step. Some or all of the content will be represented in the Transformed Output.Process Input; Transformed OutputTransformable Input is a sub-type of Process Input. Producers of official statistics often conceptualise data (and sometimes metadata) flowing through the statistical Business Process, having statistical value added by each Process Step and being transformed along the way.

The concept of Transformable Input allows this notional flow of information through the production process to be traced, without confusing these inputs with other inputs - such as Parameter Inputs and Process Support Inputs that are controlling or influencing a particular Process Step but do not "flow through the Business Process" in the same sense. Typical Transformable Inputs are Data Sets and structural metadata (if changed by a process and needed to describe another output or as an object in their own right). 
Proposal made
Transformed OutputGSIM 1.2 (Business Group)Process Output (result) which provides the "reason for existence" for the Process StepTransformable InputA Transformed Output is a sub-type of Process Output. Typically a Transformed Output is either a Process Input to a subsequent Process Step or it represents the final product from a statistical Business Process.

In many cases a Transformed Output may be readily identified as an updated ("value added") version of one or more Transformable Inputs supplied to the Process Step execution.

UnitGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)object of interest in a Business ProcessStatistical Register; Unit Data RecordExamples:

1. Individual US person (e.g., Arofan Gregory, Dan Gillman, Barack Obama, etc.)
2. Individual US computer companies (e.g., Microsoft, Apple, IBM, etc.)
3. Individual US universities (e.g., Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland, Yale, etc.)
Proposal made
Unit Data PointGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)placeholder (or cell) for the value of an Instance Variable with respect to a UnitUnit Data Record
Synonym: Cell
This placeholder may point to multiple values representing different versions of the data. Values are only distinguished on the basis of quality, date/time of measurement or calculation, status, etc. This is handled through the mechanisms provided by the Datum information object.Proposal made
Unit Data RecordGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)contains the specific values (as a collection of Unit Data Points) related to a given Unit as defined in a Logical RecordLogical Record; Unit; Unit Data Point; Unit Data SetFor example (1212123, 48, American, United Kingdom) specifies the age (48) in years on the 1st of January 2012, the current citizenship (American), and the country of birth (United Kingdom) for a person with social security number 1212123.Proposal made
Unit Data SetGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)collection of data that conforms to a known structure and describes aspects of one or more UnitsRecord Relationship; Unit Data Record
Synonyms: Micro data; Synthetic unit record file; Unit data
Example: A synthetic unit record file is a collection of artificially constructed Unit Data Records, combined in a file to create a Unit Data Set.Proposal made
Unit Data StructureGSIM 1.2 (Structure Group)describes of the structure of a Unit Data SetRecord Relationship
Synonym: Dataset description; File description
For example (social security number, country of residence, age, citizenship, country of birth) where the social security number and the country of residence are the identifying components (Identifier Component) and the others are measured variables obtained directly or indirectly from the person (Unit) and are Measure Components of the Logical Record.Proposal made
Unit TypeGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)class of objects of interestVariable
Synonym: Object class (ISO 11179)
A Unit Type is used to describe a class or group of Units based on a single characteristic, but with no specification of time and geography.  For example, the Unit Type of "Person" groups together a set of Units based on the characteristic that they are "Persons".

It concerns not only Unit Types used in dissemination, but anywhere in the statistical process (e.g. using administrative data might involve the use of a fiscal unit).
Proposal made
UniverseGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)defined class of people, entities, events, or objects, with no specification of time and geography, contextualising a Unit Type
The description statement of a Universe is generally stated in inclusive terms such as "All persons with a university degree". Occasionally a Universe is defined by what it excludes, e.g. "All persons except those with a university degree".Proposal made
Update Output SystemsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of assuring that the systems where data and metadata are stored are ready for dissemination purposesDisseminateThis Sub-process comprises activities to make a final check and assure that data and metadata are ready to be disseminated, including: formatting data and metadata ready to be put into output databases; loading data and metadata into output databases; ensuring data are linked to the relevant metadata.
Validate OutputsGSBPM 5.1Sub-process of assessing the quality of outputs  in accordance with a general quality framework and expectationsAnalyseThis Sub-process includes building a body of knowledge about a specific statistical subject domain. This knowledge is applied to the current situation to identify divergence from quality targets and to allow informed analyses. This process is usually undertaken by a subject matter expert.
Value DomainGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)set of permissible values for a VariableDescribed Value Domain; Enumerated Value Domain; Question; Sentinel Value Domain; Substantive Value DomainThe values can be described by enumeration or by an expression.
VariableGSIM 1.2 (Concept Group)use of a Concept as a characteristic of a Population intended to be measuredConcept; Population; Unit TypeThe Variable combines the meaning of a Concept with a Unit Type, to define the characteristic that is to be measured. 


 - Sex of person
 - Number of employees
 - Value of production
Proposal made
VisionGAMSO 1.2aspiration of what an organisation would like to becomeMissionIf you have a vision of a possible situation, you have a mental picture of it, in which you imagine how things might be different from the way they are now.

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