Sub-Regional Workshop on Statistical Production Architecture and Software Sharing, Belgrade, Serbia 5-6 December 2018

The Workshop took place at the offices of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 5 Milana Rakica Street, Belgrade

Click on the title to download the presentation (pdf version)

Day 1 - Wednesday 5 December

Opening and Introductions Mira Nikic (Serbia) and Steven Vale (UNECE)

The Common Statistical Production Architecture Restating Sharing Made Easy Taeke Gjaltema (UNECE)

The IST system - presentation of the system, lessons learned from the collaboration, and plans for the future, (Serbia)

IST: past and future Carlo Vaccari (ISTAT-UNECE)


Free and open source statistical software – demonstrations, experiences and discussions

Free and Open Source Statistical Software Steven Vale (UNECE)

Use of free and open source software in Moldova Maria Onea (National Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Moldova)

Use of free and open source software in Albania Ilda Shabani (INSTAT, Albania)

Iraj Namdarian (Italy)

Common Statistical Data Architecture Carlo Vaccari (UNECE)

Day 2 - Thursday 6 December

Future plans, needs and priorities regarding statistical software

INSTAT Ilda Shabani (Albania)

GeoStat Ana Sikharulidze (Georgia)

Statistical Committee Ruzanna Petrosyan (Armenia)

National Bureau of Statistics Maria Onea (Republic of Moldova)

State Statistical Committee Zaur Aliyev (Azerbaijan)

Institute of Statistics (Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

State Statistical Office Valentina Skandeva Chipishkova (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) Seda Gunes Yilmaz (Turkey)

Agency for statistics Alen Mrgud (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

National Statistical Institute Youriy Stamenov (Bulgaria)

Statistical Office Mira Nikic & Tanja Radinovic(Serbia & Montenegro)

Opportunities for collaboration, Parallel Group discussion:

Round 1

1) Web collection

2) Using R

3) IST joint future development

Round 2

A) Using GIS/Mapping

B) Processes and Tools to manage software development

A) Implementing CAPI/CATI

C) IST joint future development

Other topics:

-Data warehouse/pool/storage


-Open versus Proprietary Software

Summary, future work and next steps

Regional cooperation on metadata - Good practice of Western Balkan countries,

Iraj Namdarian (Italy)

Key Documents:

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