(this is Q&A from GSIM e-training GSIM Business Group)

Question 1. Is there any GSIM application specific for GSBPM Process phase?

=> Under the HLG-MOS Supporting Standards Group, there is a task team linking GSBPM and GSIM. We are analysing one by one the sub-processes of GSBPM. We are working on GSBPM Phase 5. Process at the moment. We are using the different information objects (IOs) to identify what can be considered as inputs and outputs of a sub-process, but also to describe characteristics of process step as well. A lot of IOs from Business Group were used to structure this task team’s work. The task team is currently working and will continue to work next year. We hope the results obtained can be useful for NSOs to support the implementation of GSIM together with GSBPM.

Question 2. A legal act can be considered as a Statistical Need or as a Provision Agreement?

=> New legislation is mentioned in the explanatory text for Environment Change. An Environment Change is a type of Statistical Need. The Provision Agreement is a legal basis that governs the use of Exchange Channels. A legal act is a type of Statistical Need that would be created before the Provision Agreement is finalised. The latter would then refer to the former.

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