(Feedback from Italy)

The explanatory text has got only one example that, on its own, can be confusing. There is written "For example (city, average income, total population) where the city is the Identifier Component and the others are measured variables." We understand that there is a list of cities, and for each city there are two variables attached, i.e. average income and total population. This kind of description does not seem to have any difference with the one in the unit data structure, and does not help in differentiating it from the unit data structures. Hence, in the given example, if the "population" is given by the "residents", city becomes the dimension that cross cuts the population for giving the meaning to each cell in the two measured variables (e.g. "average income for the residents in New York", "total population resident in New York", and so on for other cities) and can be considered as a dimensional data structure. If instead the reference is to the unit "city", the same table seems to be a unit data structure that reports for each city the corrisponding measured variables. This problem in understanding the explanatory note is connected to the comment on "dimensional data point"

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  1. Jenny Linnerud

    See comment on Issue #2-18. Would it help to use an example with country rather than city?

    For example (country, number of residents, number of secondary schools) where the country is the Identifier Component and the others are measured variables."

  2. Mauro Scanu

    The proposal is to change the explanatory text so that there is only one measure (e.g. number of residents), while the dimensions can be one or more than one (so either just "country" or "country" and "gender").

  3. Jenny Linnerud

    The Explanatory Text for Dimensional Data Structure is currently

    "For example (city, average income, total population) where the city is the Identifier Component and the others are measured variables."

    Change to:

    "For example (country, gender, number of citizens) where the country is the Identifier Component and the number of citizens is a Measure Component."