(Feedback from Italy)

It is not clear its relationship with "unit". Can it be possible to have practical examples of a dimensional data structure with dimensional data points connected to a unit? Can it be instead interpreted as a unit data point? Otherwise, is it possible that the term "unit" hides the two meanings of "aggregated unit" and "elementary unit" as available in the Neuchatel model? If the last one is the correct interpetation, probably the term "aggregated unit" and "elementary unit" should be added in GSIM too. Anyway prefer to deal only with the concepts "unit" and "population" without adding any additional concepts, and remove the relationship between dimensional data point and population, if possible

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  1. Jenny Linnerud

    GSIM Specification v1.1 has:

    "Unit data and dimensional data are perspectives on data.  Although not typically the case, the same set of data could be described both ways.  Sometimes what is considered dimensional data by one organization (for example, a national statistical office) might be considered unit data by another (for example, Eurostat where the unit is the member state).  A particular collection of data need not be considered to be intrinsically one or the other. This matter of perspective is conceptual. In GSIM, the distinction is that a Unit Data Set contains data about Units and a Dimensional Data Set contains data about either Units or Populations."

    I often have to reread that paragraph and explain it to my colleagues ie unit data and dimensional data are different perspectives on data. This matter of perspective is conceptual. For me the biggest consideration is whether you need to be careful about the confidentiality of the units.

    Note also that GSIM v1.5 has an aggregation relationship between Unit Types

  2. Mauro Scanu

    See 2.17 and how it has been resolved

  3. Jenny Linnerud

    Explanatory text for Dimensional Data Point is currently 

    A Dimensional Data Point is uniquely identified by the combination of exactly one value for each of the dimensions (Identifier Component) and one measure (Measure Component). There may be multiple values for the same Dimensional Data Point that is for the same combination of dimension values and the same measure. The different values represent different versions of the data in the Data Point. Values are only distinguished on the basis of quality, date/time of measurement or calculation, status, etc. This is handled through the mechanisms provided by the Datum information object." Add the following

    The Unit could be an individual  person. The Population could be all the citizens of a country.