Identifiable Artefact: At the bottom of this page there is a footnote: "* Attributes inherited from super-type(s) are not included here.", but there is no supertype for this information object so I suggest that the footnote is deleted here.

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1 Comment

  1. InKyung Choi

    Thanks Jenny for the comment. Clickable has been updated now.

    (22 June 2020)

    This is minor update regarding Clickable that does not affect GSIM model itself, hence following actions have been taken immediately:

    • Footnote has been deleted from Clickable Identifiable Artefact. The footnotes of other information objects that do not have super-type (Administrative Details, Agent In Role, Change Event, Datum, Process Input and Process Output) have been also deleted from Clickable
    • UML Diagram has been updated accordingly