Note: All GSIM information objects except Administrative Details, Agent In Role, Change Event, Datum, Process Input (and its sub-types) and Process Output (and its sub-types) are a sub-type of Identifiable Artefact; these relationships are not shown in the above diagram.





Explanatory Text


Identifiable Artefact


An abstract class that comprises the basic attributes and associations needed for identification, naming and other documentation.

All GSIM information objects except Administrative Details, Agent In Role, Change Event, Datum, Process Input (and its sub-types) and Process Output (and its sub-types) are a sub-type of Identifiable Artefact.


NameDescriptionCardinalityValue Type
DescriptionThe description of the information object.0..1MultilingualText


The unique identifier of the information object; assigned by the owner agency.



Local IDThis is an identifier in a given local context that uniquely references an information object. For example, Local ID could be a variable name in a dataset0..1String
NameA term which designates a concept, in this case an information object. The identifying name will be the preferred designation. There will be many terms to designate the same information object, such as synonyms and terms in other languages.1..1MultilingualText
VersionThe version designator of the information object assigned by the owner agency.0..1String
Version DateThe date on which the version was created. 0..1Date
Version Rationale

The reason for making this version of the information object.

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