There are several attributes whose description is missing or unclear. 

GSIM objectAttributesIssueProposals (under discussion)
Base GroupAdministrative DetailsRelease Datedescription missingdelete and put back to where this attribute originally came from during the last GSIM revision (Statistical Classification, etc.)?
Termination Datedescription missingdelete and put back to where this attribute originally came from during the last GSIM revision (Statistical Classification, etc.)
Business GroupAssessment

Date Assesseddescription missingDate when the Assessment took place
Issuesdescription missingIssues identified through the Assessment
Recommendationsdescription missingRecommendations from the Assessment
Resultsdescription missingResults from the Assessment
Business Case

Date Approveddescription missingDate when Business Case was approved
Date Initiateddescription missingDate when Business Case was initiated
Outcomes (Objectives)description missingOutcomes (Objectives) that the proposed work in the Business Case would achieve
Outputs (Deliverables)description missingOutputs (Deliverables) that the proposed work in the Business Case would achieve
Business ProcessDate Initiated

current description "First date of validity" is confusing, why "validity"?, it is covered by "Valid From" of Administrative Details (note that for Statistical Program and Statistical Support Program, there is the same attribute but with description missing)

Date Endedcurrent description "Last date of validity." is confusing, why "validity"?, it is covered by "Valid To" of Administrative Details (note that for Statistical Program and Statistical Support Program, there is the same attribute but with description missing)delete
Environmental Change

Change Origindescription missingOrigin of the Environmental Change (e.g. external, internal)
Legal Changesdescription missingTo be deleted (new attribute "Type" (Type of the Environmental Change (e.g. legal, method, software)")
Method Changesdescription missingTo be deleted
Other Changesdescription missingTo be deleted
Software Changesdescription missingTo be deleted
Information RequestCoverage of Information Requireddescription missingCoverage of the information required
Date Information Requireddescription missingDate when the information is required
Statistical Program

Budgetdescription missingEstimate of expenditure
Date Endeddescription missingDate when Statistical Program was ended
Date Initiateddescription missingDate when Statistical Program was initiated
Legal Frameworkdescription missingAny legal framework, e.g., legal basis for the statistics to be produced by Statistical Program
Source of Fundingdescription missingSource of funding
Statistical Program DesignDate Initiatedcurrent description "First date of validity" is confusing, why "validity"?delete
Date Endedcurrent description "Last date of validity" is confusing, why "validity"?delete
Statistical Program CycleReference Period Enddescription missingEnd date of the reference period
Reference Period Startdescription missingStart date of the reference period
Statistical Support ProgramDate Endeddescription missingDate when Statistical Support Program was ended
Date Initiateddescription missingDate when Statistical Support Program was initiated
Concept GroupDescribed Value DomainData Typedescription missing

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  1. InKyung Choi

    Regarding attribute the “Release date” of Administrative Details

    • The attribute was originally in Concept Group object Statistical Classification (v1.1) and Classification Index (v1.1) with description “Date on which the Statistical Classification was released.” and "Date when the current version of the Classification Index was released."
    • This attribute was moved under Administrative Details during GSIM revision 

    => Is attribute "Release Date" applicable for many objects? Otherwise, shouldn't we put it back to these two objects? 

    Regarding attribute the “Termination date” of Administrative Details through GSIM v1.2 Change Log :

    • The attribute was originally in Concept Group object Statistical Classification (v1.1) with description “Date on which the Statistical Classification was superseded by a successor version or otherwise ceased to be valid”
    • It was proposed to delete as it is covered by attribute “Valid Until” of Administrative Details (see Issue #2-23)
    • In the end it was decided not to delete with reason “Termination Date is not the same type of data as Valid Until, so we should keep it. However, it should be moved to Administrative Details as part of the pending time frame types analysis” (also see Issue #2-23)

    => Is attribute "Termination Date" applicable for many objects? Otherwise, shouldn't we put it back to this one object? 

  2. InKyung Choi

    Regarding attribute the “Date Initiated” 

    • The attribute is being used by 5 objects (v1.2 as well as v1.1): Business Case, Business Process, Statistical Program, Statistical Program Design, Statistical Support Program
    • Description is either wrong ("First date of validity") or missing

    => How about "Date name-of-object was initiated" as description for all five objects? 

    Regarding attribute the “Date Ended” 

    • The attribute is being used by 5 objects (v1.2 as well as v1.1): Business Case, Statistical Program, Statistical Program Design, Statistical Support Program
    • Description is either wrong ("Last date of validity") or missing

    => How about "Date name-of-object was ended" as description for all five objects? 

  3. InKyung Choi

    Regarding attributes of Assessment, how about 

    • Date Assessed: Date when Assessment took place
    • Issues: Issues identified through Assessment
    • Recommendations: Recommendations from Assessment
    • Results: Results from Assessment
  4. Krishnan Ambady

    Regarding - Business Process object model, —

    There are instances (e.g. Longitudinal Studies ) where Statistical processes and associated Models where multiple versions of the same (evolving) business processes may have to co-exist concurrently or the same statistical program. This will impact the cardinality of the business process object (1:n self relation) in the Statistical program cycle.

    In order to capture this, how about introducing the following attributes under the following GSIM object : Business Process :

    • Attribute : "Process Version" : Denoting the version of the Statistical process that includes an version number with a major/minor format.
    • Attribute  : Active Flag: Denoting if the process is actively used by a Statistical process.

    The Business Process Valid range can be represented by - Start and End date will be at the Process Version level.

    InKyung Choi : Please suggest if there is another forum to discuss these points before suggesting here.

  5. InKyung Choi

    Hi Krishnan Ambady

    Yes, we can discuss on attributes here (smile)

    Regarding "Process Version", I wonder if it is not covered by attribute "Version" of Identifiable Artefact? "Active Flag" - not sure if there is any existing one.. maybe not.. 

    As these are proposals for new addition, let us also discuss within GSIM task team today.

  6. InKyung Choi

    Proposal for attributes for Business Case:

    • "Outcomes (objectives)": Outcomes (objectives) that the proposed work in the Business Case would achieve 
    • "Outputs (deliverables)": Outputs (deliverables) that the proposed work in the Business Case would deliver
  7. InKyung Choi

    Proposals for attributes for Environmental Change

    • "Change Origin": Origin of the Environment Change (e.g. external, internal)
    • New attribute "Change Type": Type of the Environment Change (e.g. legal, method, software)

    Note that four attributes are deleted (GSIM task team meeting 14 April 2020) "Attributes of Environment Change (“Legal Changes”, “Method Changes”, “Software Changes” and “Other Changes”): to remove and create a single attribute for the type and text describing the change"

  8. InKyung Choi

    Proposals for attributes for Information Request

    • "Coverage of Information Required":
    • "Date Information Required": 
  9. Krishnan Ambady

    • Can I please know why the description of the variables "name" and "description" in  Classification Index (v1.1)  are left missing at various levels of the Concept model ?
  10. InKyung Choi

    Krishnan Ambady  I am not sure about what happened, but in fact, many objects didn't have description for "name" and "description" (e.g. Assessment, Business Case). During revision (from v1.1 to v1.2), these attributes were moved from individual objects to Identifiable Artefact which is super-class of most GSIM objects in v1.2. And I believe the descriptions came from this LIM work