Metadata glossary team reviewed definition and explanatory text of GSIM (v1.2) information objects and made following comments for next GSIM revision team to consider.

Some writing convention applied to definition include:  

  • Spelling : UK English will be used (example: organisation instead of organization)
  • No leading articles in definitions : All starting "A", "An", "The", etc. will be removed. Definition of term should be able to substitute grammatically; starting with article/using sentence will not allow this
  • Definitions will not start with the concept to be defined (e.g. "A Classification Family is...")
  • Definitions will start with lowercase and have no ending dot

Concept Group

  • Classification Family: (Meeting 15 October 2019) we propose to change definition to "group of Classification Series based on a common Concept (e.g. economic activity)"
  • Classification Index: (Meeting 15 October 2019) we propose to move the second sentence to the explanatory text
  • Classification Index Entry: (Meeting 15 October 2019) we propose 1) to update the definition as "word or short text (e.g. locality, product, economic activity, or occupational title) describing a type of object/unit or object property to which a Classification Item applies, together with the code of the corresponding Classification Item"; 2) to move the second and the third sentences to the explanatory text
  • Classification Item: (Meeting 15 October 2019) we propose 1) to update the definition as "Category, at a certain Level within a Statistical Classification, whose content and borders are clearly defined" by combining the first and second sentence; 2) to move the third sentence to the explanatory text; 3) add following text to the explanatory text: "Categories are used to create sub-populations and must be mutually exclusive when contained into a Statistical Classification."
  • Classification Series (Meeting 15 October 2019): Second sentence in the definition should be moved to the "Explanatory text" 
  • Code List: (Meeting 15 October 2019) we propose to add in the Explanatory Text a short text explaining what Code Lists are used for, e.g. "A Code List provides a predefined set of permissible values for an Enumerated Value Domain"
  • Correspondence Table: (Meeting 15 October 2019) we propose 1) to update the definition as "set of Maps between the Classification Items of two Statistical Classifications"; 2) to move the second and the third sentences to the explanatory text
  • Datum: (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) "value" is not a definition, it's a synonym. Please consider revising (the team did not reach an agreement on the proposal).
  • Described Conceptual Domain: (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) To add in the explanatory text "Described Conceptual Domain is a synonym for non-enumerated conceptual domain (source: GSIM)" 
  • Described Value Domain : (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) To add in the explanatory text "Described Value Domain is a synonym for non-enumerated value domain (source: GSIM)"
  • Designation: (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) To switch definition and explanatory text. Need example
  • Instance Variable : (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) To move second sentence to explanatory text. The examples are US-centric, maybe make them more neutral?
  • Level: (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) 
    1. Move current definition to explanatory text;
    2. Change text in explanatory text "A linear classification has only one Level " to "A linear (of flat) classification has only one Level
    3. Consider revising the definition. Here are candidates the glossary team considered but didn’t reach agreement (i. position of a Category or a group of Categories within the hierarchy of a Statistical Classification (Source: United Nations, online Glossary of Classification Terms, last consulted on 8 June 2017);ii. identifiable position to which codes in a scheme of codes are related (SDMX Glossary 2018); iii. set of nodes in a statistical classification in which 1) each node in the set is the same number of arcs away from the root node in the hierarchy, and 2) the set is defined by a concept).
    4. Explanatory text should include more illustrative examples. 
  • Map (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019): 1) To move second and third sentences to explanatory text; 2) To fix typos under explanatory text: Node and Node Set should read Nodes and Node Sets 
  • Measurement Type (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019): 1) To consider revising the definition. It seems circular; 2) To move the second and third sentences to explanatory text
  • Measurement Unit (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) : To add in the explanatory text "“Is a definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity”.
  • Population (Meeting 7 Nov. 2019) : To make the examples less US-centric. E.g. 1. Adult persons in West Europe Region on 13 November 1956; 2. Computer companies in the World at the end of 2012; 3. Universities in Asia on 1 January 2011
  • Represented Variable (Meeting 26 Nov. 2019): To add in the beginning of the explanatory text "The measure applies to quantitative, categorical, and descriptive Variable"
  • Sentinel Value Domain (Meeting 26 Nov. 2019): 1) To change the definition as "Value Domain containing sentinel values, i.e. processing-related special values"; 2) To add in the beginning of the explanatory text "A sentinel value is one used for processing and with no subject matter content, such as missing or refused."
  • Statistical Classification (Meeting 17 Dec. 2019): Proposed a new definition: "hierarchically organised set of mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive categories that share the same or similar characteristics, used for meaningfully grouping the objects or units in the population of interest"
  • Subject Field (Meeting 17 Dec. 2019): Proposed a new definition: "field of knowledge under which a set of Concepts and their Designations is used." (the definition does not need to depend on existence of Concept Systems. First sentence in the explanatory text better conveys the meaning of Subject Field)
  • Substantive Value Domain (Meeting 17 Dec. 2019): proposed 1) a new definition: "Value Domain containing substantive values, where a substantive value is subject matter related."; 2) add at the beginning of the explanatory text: "A substantive value is one representing subject matter content, such as <f, female> in a gender classification"
  • Unit (Meeting 17 Dec. 2019): Proposed 1) a new definition from SDMX: “entity for which information is sought and for which statistics are ultimately compiled” (this is clearer and more specific to the business what we do); 2) to make the example less US-centric: "Individual person, i.e. John DOE, Erika MUSTERMANN, Albert DURAND”
  • Unit Type (Meeting 17 Dec. 2019): Proposed a new definition "class or group of Units based on a single characteristic” (note that we proposed new definition for Unit)
  • Universe (Meeting 17 Dec. 2019): Proposed 1) a new definition: "specialized Unit Type, but not by time or geography"; 2) to add to the explanatory text "In both cases, adding the condition of the university degree specializes persons, which is a Unit Type."
  • Variable (Meeting 17 Dec. 2019): Proposed a new definition "use of a Concept as a characteristic of Unit Type intended to be observed"

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