



Explanatory Text


Statistical Classification


A Statistical Classification is a set of Categories which may be assigned to one or more variables registered in statistical surveys or administrative files, and used in the production and dissemination of statistics. In a standard Statistical Classification, the Categories at each Level of the classification structure must be mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive of all objects/units in the population of interest.

The Categories are defined with reference to one or more characteristics of a particular population of units of observation. A Statistical Classification may have a flat, linear structure or may be hierarchically structured, such that all Categories at lower Levels are sub-Categories of Categories at the next Level up. Categories in Statistical Classifications are represented in the information model as Classification Items.


NameDescriptionCardinalityValue Type
Changes from Base Statistical ClassificationDescribes the relationship between the variant and its base Statistical Classification, including regroupings, aggregations added and extensions.0..1MultilingualText
Changes from Previous Version or Update A summary description of the nature and content of changes from the preceding version or update. Specific changes are recorded in the Classification Item object under the “Changes from previous version and updates” attribute.0..1MultilingualText
Copyright Statistical Classifications may have restricted copyrights. Such Statistical Classifications might be excluded from downloading. Notes the copyright statement that should be displayed in official publications to indicate the copyright owner.0..*String
CurrentIndicates whether or not the Statistical Classification is currently valid.0..1 Boolean
Derived From A Statistical Classification can be derived from one of the classification versions of another Classification Series. The derived Statistical Classification can either inherit the structure of the classification version from which it is derived, usually adding more detail, or use a large part of its Classification Items, rearranging them in a different structure. Indicates the classification version from which the actual Statistical Classification is derived.0..1 String
Floating Indicates if the Statistical Classification is a floating classification. In a floating statistical classification, a validity period should be defined for all Classification Items which will allow the display of the item structure and content at different points of time.0..1 Boolean 
IntroductionThe introduction provides a detailed description of the Statistical Classification, the background for its creation or variant, the classification variable and objects/units classified, classification rules etc.0..1MultilingualText
Languages Available A Statistical Classification can exist in one or several languages. Indicates the languages available, whether the version is completely or partially translated, and which part is available in which language.0..*String
Legal BaseIndicates that the Statistical Classification is covered by a legal act or by some other formal agreement.0..* MultilingualText
Name Types A list of the defined types of alternative item names available for the Statistical Classification. Each name type refers to a list of alternative item names.0..*ControlledVocabulary
PredecessorFor those Statistical Classifications that are versions or updates, notes the preceding Statistical Classification of which the actual Statistical Classification is the successor.0..1 String
Successor Notes the Statistical Classification that superceded the actual Statistical Classification.0..1 String
Update Indicates if the Statistical Classification is an update.0..1 Boolean 
Updates Possible Indicates whether or not updates are allowed within the classification version i.e. without leading to a new version. Indicate here what structural changes, if any, are permissable within a version. Note whether Classification Items can be added to the structure and whether they can be revalidated or invalidated. Such changes are more likely to be permissable in floating classifications. Also indicate whether changes to such things as Classification Item names and explanatory notes that do not involve structural changes are permissible within a version.0..1 Boolean

* Attributes inherited from super-type(s) are not included here

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