(Feedback from Norway)

  1. Administrative Register has an attribute Information Provider Identifier. Shouldn’t this be handled by relationships through other information objects at the conceptual level? This looks rather like an implementation choice in an Entity Relationship model. I suggest removal of this attribute.
  2. Questionnaire
    1. has an attribute ReplacementDate Replacement. I suggest we replace this with Valid Until from AD. Combined with similar issues #2-31
    2. has an attribute Detailed Documentation. I suggest we replace this by Documentation from AD. Note Documentation in AD is for documentation that is available externally. If Detailed Documentation is only for internal use, then state that in the explanatory text and keep the Detailed Documentation attribute.
    3. has an attribute Survey. Shouldn’t this be covered by the relationship to Statistical Program (Cycle)? I suggest we remove this attribute.

Resolved Issues

  1. Instance Question has # on attributes to mark inheritance from Question. Inheritance of attributes should be done consistently throughout the model. Marking inheritance of attributes from IA and AD can be useful as they occur everywhere, but inheritance from Question is quite specific. I suggest we remove these attributes. The model itself shows that there is inheritance. If we do this here, then we should do it for all other information objects that have an inheritance relationship ca. 11 in Structures, 19 in Concepts, 5 in Business, 4 in Exchange and 3 in Base. That is a lot of work for consistency in inheritance of attributes for all information objects…
    => Attributes inherited from Question will be removed
  2. Instance Statement. The previous comment on Instance Question # attributes applies also here.
    => Attributes inherited from Statement will be removed
  • No labels


  1. InKyung Choi

    GSIM Sprint (24 Jan.)

    1. Agree to remove in principle, but how to handle this can be discussed in the plenary
    2. Attributes of Questionnaire
      Change cardinality of Detail Document from 1..1 to 0..1. Francine Kalonji Flavio Rizzolo - do you use this attribute? → To delete the attribute 
      Keep the attribute Survey: there are cases where questionnaire is made for external (so not Statistical Program (Cycle)), also some questionnaires can be outside part modeled by GSIM (so cannot be covered by Statistical Program (Cycle))

  2. InKyung Choi

    I found in Enterprise Architect file, Instance Question has a note saying "Attributes: Instance Question inherits all attributes from the Question it is associated with.". So it seems like Question does not have inheritance relation with Instance Question but just inherits attributes (aggregation does not imply attributes inheritance, no?) Can we then just add attributes of Question to Question Instance and remove the note and (# mark in Clickable table) - would this work Jenny Linnerud?

  3. Jenny Linnerud

    Yes it would work.

    1) Change the note to "Attributes: Instance Question has the same attributes as the Question it is associated with'.

    Remove #on both attributes and remove the footnote  #Inherited from Question

    2) Why are the cardinality and value type striked through for the attribute Question Purpose in Instance Question?

    3) Similiarly "Attributes: Instance Statement has the same attributes as the Statement it is associated with'.

    Remove  ^on the attribute and remove the footnote ^Inherited from Statement