(Feedback from Italy)

In the explanatory text, it is not clear the meaning of this sentence "In these examples, which Code List to use, or which auxiliary Data Set to use, may be specified via a Parameter Input. The details of the Code List or the auxiliary Data Set are Process Support Inputs." What kind of details characterize the process support input?

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  1. InKyung Choi

    (GSIM Revision Meeting 5th December 2018)

    It would good if there is better example, currently it is repeating what is in explanatory text of Process Input

    Eva Holm Alistair Hamilton Jenny Linnerud-would have have any implementation example that we could include in the explanatory text to give better idea? 

  2. Jenny Linnerud

    The explanatory text already includes Statistical Classification in the first paragraph. That is a good example of something that supports, but is not changed in most Process Steps during production. It would have been helpful if the definition had said "A form of Process Input that influences the work performed by the Process Step, and therefore influences its outcome, but is not in itself changed by the Process Step" That is the essential and distinguishing feature of a Process Support Input.

    Other examples could be supporting documents such as Guidelines, Instructions, Recommendations, …. An information object that arises early in the production process eg Provision Agreement, might be used as a supporting document (reference) later on, but not changed e.g. during dissemination Process Steps. Likewise an Assessment from a previous Statistical Program Cycle can be used as a Process Support Input for the current Statistical Program Cycle.

  3. InKyung Choi

    Proposal based on Jenny's comment and comment #4 from issue #2-29 

    ObjectGroupDefinitionExplanatory Text
    Process Support InputBusinessA form of Process Input that influences the work performed by the Process Step, and therefore influences its outcome, but is not in itself changed by the Process Step.

    Process Support Input is a sub-type of Process Input. Typical Process Support Inputs include metadata resources such as Statistical Classifications or structural information used in the processing of data. 

    Examples of Process Support Inputs could include: 
    - A Code List which will be used to check whether the Codes recorded in one dimension of a dataset are valid

    - An auxiliary Data Set which will influence imputation for, or editing of, a primary Data Set which has been submitted to the Process Step as the Transformable Input

    In these examples, which Code List to use, or which auxiliary Data Set to use, may be specified via a Parameter Input. The details of the Code List or the auxiliary Data Set are Process Support Inputs.

    A Provision Agreement which can be used as a supporting document

    An Assessment from a previous Statistical Program Cycle which can be used as an input for the current Statistical Program Cycle.