(Feedback from Canada)

The arrows in red are redundant. Process Input/Process Output inherits attributes from IdentifiableArtifact through Generalization (shown by the bold green arrows). Those attributes are also inherited by the objects pointing to Process Input/Process Output through Generalization (shown by the green arrows).

  • No labels


  1. Guillaume Duffes

    UML inheritance is transitive, so the red relationships are indeed redundant.

  2. InKyung Choi

    Redundant inheritance relation will be removed in EA

  3. InKyung Choi

    Similar redundancy will be removed in EA: 

    • Agent and its sub-types (Individual and Organization)
    • Role and its sub-types (Information Consumer and Information Provider)
    • Statistical Need and its sub-types (Environment Change and Information Request)
    • Concept and its sub-types (Universe, Population, Category, Unit Type and Variable)
    • Variable and its sub-type Represented Variable
    • Value Domain and its sub-types (Sentinel Value Domain, Substantive Value Domain, Described Value Domain and Enumerated Value Domain)
    • Conceptual Domain and its sub-types (Described Conceptual Domain and Enumerated Conceptual Domain)
    • Node Set and its sub-types (Category Set, Code List and Statistical Classification)
    • Node and its sub-types (Category Item, Code Item and Classification Item)
    • Designation and its sub-type Code
    • Qeustionnaire Component and its sub-type Question Block
    • Exchange Channel and its sub-types (Product, Administrative Register, Questionnaire, Statistical Register and Data Harvest)
    • Information Set and its sub-types (Referential Metadata Set and Data Set)
    • Information Resource and its sub-types (Referential Metadata Resource and Data Resource)
    • Data Set and its sub-types (Dimensional Data Set and Unit Data Set)
    • Data Point and its sub-types (Dimensional Data Point and Unit Data Point)
    • Data Structure and its sub-types (Dimensional Data Structure and Unit Data Structure)
    • Data Structure Component and its sub-types (Measure Component, Identifier Component and Attribute Component)