Should any of the Classification Item attributes be at the Node level? (nb red items affected by Issue #96: Remove duplication in Classification objects)

Statistical Classification Attributes


NameDescriptionCardinalityValue Domain
NameStatistical Classification has a name as provided by the owner or maintenance unit.1..1 Textual
IntroductionThe introduction provides a detailed description of the Statistical Classification, the background for its creation, the classification variable and objects/units classified, classification rules etc.0..1Textual 





Release dateDate on which the Statistical Classification was released.0..1 Date 
Termination dateDate on which the Statistical Classification was superseded by a successor version or otherwise ceased to be valid.0..1 Date 
CurrentIndicates whether or not the Statistical Classification is currently valid.0..1 Textual 
Maintenance unitThe unit or group of persons within the organisation who are responsible for the Statistical Classification (i.e, for maintaining, updating and changing it).0..1 Textual
Contact personsPerson(s) who may be contacted for additional information about the Statistical Classification.0..n Textual 
Legal baseIndicates that the Statistical Classification is covered by a legal act or by some other formal agreement.0..n Textual
Publications A list of the publications, including print, PDF, HTML and other electronic formats, in which the Statistical Classification has been published.0..n Textual 
Name types A list of the defined types of alternative item names available for the Statistical Classification. Each name type refers to a list of alternative item names.0..n Textual 
Languages available Statistical Classification can exist in one or several languages. Indicates the languages available, whether the version is completely or partially translated, and which part is available in which language.0..n Textual 
Copyright Statistical Classifications may have restricted copyrights. Such Statistical Classifications might be excluded from downloading. Notes the copyright statement that should be displayed in official publications to indicate the copyright owner.0..n Textual 
Dissemination allowed Indicates whether or not the Statistical Classification may be published or otherwise disseminated (e.g. electronic dissemination).0..1 Textual 
VersionIndicates if the Statistical Classification is a version.0..1 Textual 
Update Indicates if the Statistical Classification is an update.0..1 Textual 
Floating Indicates if the Statistical Classification is a floating classification. In a floating statistical classification, a validity period should be defined for all Classification Items which will allow the display of the item structure and content at different points of time.0..1 Textual 
PredecessorFor those Statistical Classifications that are versions or updates, notes the preceding Statistical Classification of which the actual Statistical Classification is the successor.0..1 Textual 
Successor Notes the Statistical Classification that superceded the actual Statistical Classification.0..1 Textual 
Changes from previous version or update A summary description of the nature and content of changes from the preceding version or update. Specific changes are recorded in the Classification Item object under the “Changes from previous version and updates” attribute.0..n Textual 
Derived from Statistical Classification can be derived from one of the classification versions of another Classification Series. The derived Statistical Classification can either inherit the structure of the classification version from which it is derived, usually adding more detail, or use a large part of its Classification Items, rearranging them in a different structure. Indicates the classification version from which the actual Statistical Classification is derived.0..1 Textual 
Updates possible Indicates whether or not updates are allowed within the classification version i.e. without leading to a new version. Indicate here what structural changes, if any, are permissable within a version. Note whether Classification Itemscan be added to the structure and whether they can be revalidated or invalidated. Such changes are more likely to be permissable in floating classifications. Also indicate whether changes to such things as Classification Item names and explanatory notes that do not involve structural changes are permissible within a version.0..1 Textual 
Updates Summary description of changes which have occurred since the most recent classification version or classification update came into force.0..n Textual 
Variants availableIdentifies any variants associated with this version.0..1Textual 
Variant For those Statistical Classifications that are variants, notes the Statistical Classification on which it is based and any subsequent versions of that Statistical Classification to which it is also applicable.0..1 Textual 
Changes from base Statistical ClassificationDescribes the relationship between the variant and its base Statistical Classification, including regroupings, aggregations added and extensions.0..n Textual 
Purpose of variant If the Statistical Classification is a variant, notes the specific purpose for which it was developed.0..1 Textual 

 Node Set Attributes





Value Type


The description of the information object




A term which designates a concept, in this case an information object. The identifying name will be the preferred designation. There will be many terms to designate the same information object, such as synonyms and terms in other languages.



Valid From**

The date on which the information object is effective or valid.0..1Date

Valid Until**

The date on which the information object is no longer effective or valid.0..1Date
Version*The version designator of the information object assigned by the owner agency.0..1String
Annotation**A comment or instruction which provides additional explanations about the information object and how to use it.0..*String

*Inherited from Identifiable Artefact

**Inherited from Administrative Details

Should any of the Classification Item attributes be at the Node level? (nb red items affected by Issue #96: Remove duplication in Classification objects)

Classification Item Attributes

Value Domain
Name 0..1Text





CodeA Classification Item is identified by an alphabetical, numerical or alphanumerical code, which is in line with the code structure of the classification Level. The code is unique within the Statistical Classification to which the item belongs.1..1Textual
Official nameA Classification Item has a name as provided by the owner or maintenance unit. The name describes the content of the category. The name is unique within the Statistical Classification to which the item belongs, except for categories that are identical at more than one level in a hierarchical classification.1..1Textual
Alternative namesA Classification Item can be expressed in terms of one or several alternative names. Each alternative name is associated with a name type.0..nTextual
Explanatory notes 

A Classification Item may be associated with explanatory notes, which further describe and clarify the contents of the Category. Explanatory notes consist of:

General note: Contains either additional information about the Category, or a general description of the Category, which is not structured according to the "includes", "includes also", "excludes" pattern.

Includes: Specifies the contents of the Category.

Includes also: A list of borderline cases, which belong to the described Category.

Excludes: A list of borderline cases, which do not belong to the described Category. Excluded cases may contain a reference to the Classification Items to which the excluded cases belong.

Level number The number of the Level to which the item belongs.1..1Numeric
Generated Indicates whether or not the item has been generated to make the level to which it belongs complete.0..1Binary
Currently valid If updates are allowed in the Statistical Classification, an item may be restricted in its validity, i.e. it may become valid or invalid after the Statistical Classification has been released. Indicates whether or not the item is currently valid.0..1Binary
Valid from

Date from which the item became valid. The date must be defined if the item belongs to a floating Statistical classification.

Valid to

Date at which the item became invalid. The date must be defined if the item belongs to a floating Statistical classification and is no longer valid.

Future eventsThe future events describe a change (or a number of changes) related to an invalid item. These changes may e.g. have turned the now invalid item into one or several successor items. This allows the possibility to follow successors of the item in the future.0..nTextual
Changes from previous version of the Statistical ClassificationDescribes the changes, which the item has been subject to from the previous version to the actual Statistical Classification.0..1Textual
UpdatesDescribes the changes, which the item has been subject to during the life time of the actual Statistical Classification.0..1Textual
Parent item 

The item at the next higher level of the classification Statistical Classification of which the actual item is a sub item.

Sub items Each item, which is not at the lowest level of the Statistical Classification, might contain one or a number of sub items, i.e. items at the next lower level of the Statistical Classification.0..nIdentifier 
Linked itemsItems of other classification versions or variants with which the item is linked, either as source or target, through Correspondence Tables.0..n Identifier
Case laws Refers to identifiers of one or more case law rulings related to the Classification Item.0..nTextual
Case law descriptionsRefers to descriptions of the above case laws0..nTextual
Case law datesRefers to date of  above case laws0..nDate



 Node Attributes




Value Type

Aggregation Type

To define the parent/child relationship between Nodes, it tells us whether we are applying the part whole relationship, or the super/sub type relationships.




The alias or alia associated with the information object.



The description of the information object




A term which designates a concept, in this case an information object. The identifying name will be the preferred designation. There will be many terms to designate the same information object, such as synonyms and terms in other languages.



*Inherited from Identifiable Artefact

**Inherited from Administrative Details

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. user-8e470

    Meeting 15/5:

    Replace current Statistical Classification attribute:

    VersionIndicates if the Statistical Classification is a version.0..1 Textual


    Version*The version designator of the information object assigned by the owner agency.0..1String

    as people record the version number not whether it is a version or not.