(Feedback from INSEE; 21 September, 2017)

INSEE extended GSIM is attached (produced under GSIM 1.1): GSIM-INSEE-EN.pdf 
Page 95-120 contain the classes related to the "Exchange" package.
Additional classes of INSEE are the ones with the orange background and the green labels.
  • No labels


  1. InKyung Choi

    Meeting 27 June, 2018

    • GSIM Exchange Group already has quite a lot of details in parts related to questionnaire (compared to, for example, register). Adding sub-type of Statement and Question seems giving too much details. Regarding Control, can Questionnaire Logic be used?
    • Agreed to add text in explanatory note, but not as new GSIM objects. Description already provides some idea, maybe we need more concrete examples of how organisations use/handle as a guidance. Guillaume Duffes - can you suggest some text?
  2. Guillaume Duffes

    I guess we can skip the subtypes of statement, that's something we did a couple of years ago, we realised in the meantime that wasn't that much useful.

    Here is a piece of text, feel free to rephrase it in a better English:

     "Some information objects related to questionnaire can be subtyped in implementating standards such as DDI 3.2. However, GSIM deals with high level information, and these are too detailed, that's why they are simply included in explanatory notes. Hence:

    • Question can be subtyped into:
      • QuestionGrid, useful to model questions as grids/tables. It is actually a cube-like structure providing dimension information, labelling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid. For instance, a two-way table requesting to provide turnovers broken down by affiliates.
      • QuestionItem, a simple question that is necessarily unidimensional. Fo example: "How old are you?"
    • The controls, also known as checks can be considered as a subclass of QuestionnaireComponent. A control is programmatic and operated by the system on one or more Value Domains (e.g a command that checks that the response for a duration in hours in a non-negative number). A Control can compare upstream responses with the current one (e.g "you declared in a previous question a total turnover of 400000€, the turnover of a branch can't exceed that amount). It can also trigger a new interaction with the interviewee  (e.g. you mentioned to be under 18, please confirm that you earned last year more than one million euros)."