Metadata glossary team reviewed definition and explanatory text of GSIM (v1.2) information objects and made following comments for next GSIM revision team to consider.

Some writing convention applied to definition include:  

  • Spelling : UK English will be used (example: organisation instead of organization)
  • No leading articles in definitions : All starting "A", "An", "The", etc. will be removed. Definition of term should be able to substitute grammatically; starting with article/using sentence will not allow this
  • Definitions will not start with the concept to be defined (e.g. "A Classification Family is...")
  • Definitions will start with lowercase and have no ending dot

Structure Group

  • Data Point (Meeting 9 Jan. 2020): Explanatory text seems limited. Usage of the word “tables” seems to convey a limited sense of how data might be organized. Propose "Field in a Data Structure which corresponds to, e.g., a cell in a table.." 
  • Data Structure (Meeting 9 Jan. 2020): To change the definition as "structure of an organised collection of data (Data Set)" (definition should not start with a verb)
  • Dimensional Data Point (Meeting 28 Jan. 2020): Explanatory text is incomplete, the examples given for why multiple datums could appear in the same data point doesn’t account for using different measures, using values different time, i.e. times series, or values from different statistical program. The text needs to account for these.
  • Dimensional Data Set (Meeting 28 Jan. 2020): Need explanatory text 
  • Dimensional Data Structure (Meeting 28 Jan. 2020): The definition can’t start with a verb, and it should focus on the structural description: identifiers, attribute, and measures. In explanatory text, add gender as an identifier component.
  • Information Resource (Meeting 28 Jan. 2020): Put a hyphen between sub and classes in explanatory text. Concrete examples are needed here. 
  • Logical Record (Meeting 28 Jan. 2020): remove verb in def. and add comma in explanatory text
  • Record Relationship (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): 1) Definition should not start with a verb, remove "Describes"; 2) Second sentence in the definition should be moved to the explanatory text
  • Referential Metadata Content Item (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): Explanatory text is too abstract and model dependent. Suggest adding a concrete example
  • Referential Metadata Resource (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): Explanatory text is too abstract and model dependent. Suggest adding a concrete example
  • Referential Metadata Set (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): Explanatory text is too abstract and model dependent. Suggest adding a concrete example
  • Referential Metadata Structure (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): 1) Definition should not start with a verb, remove "Describes the"; 2) Remove "(Referential Metadata Set)"
  • Referential Metadata Subject (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): Definition begins with a verb. Remove “Identifies the”. Also the definition relies on the term itself, as a result, it’s circular. Consider to write a definition that does not depend on the term.
  • Referential Metadata Subject Item (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): Definition begins with a verb. Remove “Identifies the”. Also the definition relies on the term itself, as a result, it’s circular. Consider to write a definition that does not depend on the term.
  • Unit Data Point (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): Explanatory text seems wrong or incomplete. A GSIM implementation could document the same data point from several perspectives at the same time. The explanation of what differentiates datums in that data point doesn’t handle this case.
  • Unit Data Record (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): 1) Remove “Contains the”. Proposed to change from “Contains” to “Container for ….”
    2) Explanatory text is incomplete. It is not clear if the example given fits the meaning of the term defined.
    3) In the explanatory note, how can we infer that the age is calculated on the 1st of January 2012 ? Words “in years” after 1st of January 2012 should be removed. This seems a simple mistake.
  • Unit Data Set (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): The example is not clear. Pick a more direct example 
  • Unit Data Structure (Meeting 20 Feb. 2020): Definition should not start with a verb
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