The Statistical Program in the Glossary mentions

'This does not include statistical support functions such as metadata management, data management (and other overarching GSBPM processes) and design functions. These activities are conducted as part of Statistical Support Programs'

The Statistical Support Program in the Glossary mentions

'These programs correspond to the horizontal functions shown in the GSBPM, as well as programs to create new or change existing Statistical Programs.'

These texts need to be aligned with GAMSO, when GAMSO & GSBPM are reviewed together.

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1 Comment

  1. InKyung Choi

    Meeting 6 June

    To check GAMSO and GSBPM for the use of words (Statistical Program and Statistical Support Program)

    => Alignment with GSBPM: GSBPM Revision team agreed to move some overarching processes to GAMSO (GSBPM issue #23), with this change, all mention of above words will be in GAMSO. 

    => Alignment with GAMSO: will be checked when GAMSO is reviewed (end of GSBPM revision)