This is because in many statistical offices, the term "statistical programme" is used to refer to an annual or multi-annual planning document setting out all of the statistical work the office will do i.e. a list of all surveys and/or products.


As currently defined in GSIM, "Statistical Program" is not so much a programme ("program" is usually used in the context of a computer program), but a specific activity within a wider programme. Therefore the name of this object can cause confusion for users. Perhaps better alternatives could be "Statistical Activity" or "Statistical Workflow". A more radical step would be to simplify this part of GSIM, and merge "Statistical Program" with "Business Process", to give "Statistical Business Process" - which would demonstrate better allignment with GSBPM


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1 Comment

  1. user-8e470

    ModernStats World discussion: It is not necessary to rename Statistical Program and the group agrees that objects related to this should be expanded not contracted.