
Explanation of the diagram

In any system that processes data and reference metadata the system itself is a series of processes and in each of these processes the data or reference metadata may undergo a series of transitions. This is particularly true of its path from raw data to published data and reference metadata. The process model presented here is a generic model that can capture key information about these stages in both a textual way and also in a more formalised way by linking to specific identifiable objects, and by identifying software components that are used.

The Process is a set of hierarchical ProcessSteps. Each ProcessStep can take zero or more IdentifiableArtefacts as input and output. Each of the associations to the input and output IdentifiableArtefacts (ProcessArtefact) can be assigned a localID. The computation performed by a ProcessStep is optionally described by a Computation, which can identify the software used by the ProcessStep and can also be described in textual form (+description) in multiple language variants.

The Transition describes the execution of ProcessSteps from +source ProcessStep to +target ProcessStep based on the outcome of a +condition that can be described in multiple language variants.

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