(Feedback from Norway)

  1. See the question under Base Group about Datum Same as 3 of Issue: #2-26 Clickable issues (Base Group) 
  2. See recommendation about moving Statistical Register out of Exchange Group and into Structures Group.  Same as 3 of Issue #2-27: Clickable issues (Exchange Group)
  3. Attribute Component has an attribute Attachment Level with a description that refers to Observation, Series, Group. Can we replace Observation by Data Point? Not sure what Series and Group would be. If we need them, then what are they? In SSB we have a parent-child relationship on Data Structure that gives us a kind of Group. Valid From & Valid Until on Data Set can give us a Time Series. Data Resource groups Data Sets. A Data Set could be a Time Series.
  4. Dimensional Data Set 
    1. has an attribute Action with description Defines the action to be taken by the recipient system (replace, append, delete, information). Wouldn't this be part of you Process Design? Why is this here? Remove?
    2. has attributes Reporting Begin with description A specific time period in a known system of time periods that identifies the start period of a report and Reporting End. What report? Aren’t these attributes with those descriptions misplaced? Shouldn’t they be for example Valid From and Valid To on Product or Information Set or … ?
  5. Dimensional Data Structure has an attribute Group with description A composite association to one or more component lists. Is this related to Attachment Level Group in Attribute Component? Does this have anything to do with Component Relationship in LIM v1.0? What are component lists?
  • No labels


  1. Jenny Linnerud

    3) Catrin, Mauro, Jenny propose that the description of Assignment Status

    "The description of what level a certain attachment is at (DataSet, Observation, Series, Group)."

    is changed to:

    The description of what level a certain attachment is at. For example in SDMX this could be Data Set, Observation,  Series, Group.

  2. Catrin Karling

    Postpone the discussion on data set attribute Action and Reporting Begin, until plenary discussion.

    Also data set structure Group must be discussed in a larger Group.

  3. InKyung Choi

    GSIM Sprint (23 Jan.)

    Action: Catrin Karling Eva Holm Alistair Hamilton Philip Witowski to check if attribute Action, Group, Reporting End is being used. 

    If there is none, Action can be deleted.

  4. InKyung Choi

    GSIM Sprint (24 Jan.)

    4. To remove attribute Action - can be covered by Process or Process Steps

    To keep Reporting Begin/Reporting End - could be from SDMX

    5. To keep Group - could be from SDMX 

    Many attributes/relation under Structure group came from SIMS, we need more info. from SDMX ppl.