(Feedback from Norway) 

  1. Attribute Component has an attribute Assignment Status with description: When there is an attribute in a Dimensional Data Structure, this sets a status to indicate whether it is mandatory or optional to include If this is only relevant for Dimensional Data Structure why is it here? If it is also relevant for Unit Data then could you rename it to Is Mandatory with 0..1 Boolean rather than 0..1 Controlled Vocabulary? That would be more coherent with Is Composite, Is Unique, Is Container, Is Comprehensive, Is System Executable, … attributes in other information objects.
  2. Dimensional Data Set has an attribute Data Extraction Date. Replace with Created Date from IA AD. Combined with other similar issues #2-31
  3. Information Resource 
    1. has attribute Location 1…* String. Use Url from AD 0 …* instead. Combined with other similar issues #2-31
    2. has attribute Owner. Remove this attribute. It overlaps with Agent In Role from Base Group. Combined with other similar issues #2-31

  • No labels


  1. Catrin Karling

    Catrin, Mauro, Jenny and Francine propose changing Assingement Status to IsManditory 0..1 Boolean.

  2. InKyung Choi

    2. → to remove attribute Date Extraction Date from Dimensional Data Set

    3.a → to remove attribute Location from Information Resource

    3.b → to remove attribute Owner from Information Resource