(Feedback from Norway)

  1. Concept – why is Definition listed as an attribute? It is not listed for any other Information Object. Every Information object has one and only one Definition. It is mandatory. Why is it listed and why is it 1…*?
  2. Classification Index 
    1. has attribute Maintenance Unit. Remove this attribute. It overlaps with Agent In Role from Base Group. Combined with other similar issues
    2. has attribute Release Date. Shouldn’t this be Version Date from IA or Valid From in AD? See same comment on Statistical Classification. Combined with other similar issues, see 14 from Issue #2-22.
  3. Classification Index Entry has an attribute Text: Text describing the type of object/unit or object property. Doesn’t this overlap with the Description attribute?
  4. Classification Item attributes:

    Changes from Previous Version of the the Statistical Classification

    Redundant? - Shouldn't this be handled by Change Event and Change Event Tuple?

    Currently Valid

    Redundant? - Shouldn't this be handled by Valid From and Valid Until(To)?

    Future Events

    Redundant? - Shouldn't this be handled by Change Event and Change Event Tuple?

    Level Number

    Redundant? - Isn't this covered by the relationship to Node and thereafter Level?

    Linked Items

    Redundant? - Isn't this covered by Node parent-child, part-whole relationships?

    Official Name

    Redundant? – Isn’t this covered by Name from IA?

    Parent Item

    Redundant? - Isn't this covered by Node parent-child relationship?

    Sub Items

    Redundant? - Isn't this covered by Node parent-child relationship?


    Redundant? - Shouldn't this be handled by Change Event and Change Event Tuple?

  5. Classification Series 

    1. has an attribute Keywords. It seems highly unlikely that this is the only information object that needs this. Could it be a candidate for an attribute in Administrative Details? If it is not desirable there, then I suggest we remove it here. The same reasoning should apply in both cases.

    2. has an attribute Objects/Units Classified. Now that we have GSIM terminology is it possible to be more precise? Do we mean Unit Types Classified? Or perhaps Units/Unit Types Classified? The explanatory text is “A Classification Series is designed to classify a specific type of object/unit according to a specific attribute.” This would also need to be updated to be more precise.

    3. has an attribute Owners. Remove this attribute. It overlaps with Agent In Role from Base Group

  6. Conceptual Domain has attributes Sentinel and Substantive. Do we need both attributes? Aren't they mutually exclusive? If Sentinel is False then Substantive is True and vice versa?

  7. Correspondence Table 

    1. has attributes Contact Persons, Maintenance Unit and Owners. Remove these attributes. They overlap with Agent In Role from Base Group

    2. has an attribute ‘Id from IA’. Remove. It is totally superfluous and will only create confusion about why it is included here, but not included for any other information objects. Treat all attributes from IA  consistently for all information objects. Resolved by Issue #2-7

    3. has attributes Source and Target. Shouldn't these be handled by Node Set, Statistical Classification relationships?

    4. has attributes Source Level and Target Level. Shouldn't these be handled by Map, Node, Level relationships?

  8. Node Set has attributes Version, Name & Description attributes from IA, Why mention these explicitly? The cardinality & value type have not changed from IA. Treat all attributes from IA consistently for all information objects. Resolved by Issue #2-7

  9. Population has an attribute Reference Period: The time period to which the population is associated. Why not use Valid From and Valid Until from AD, but give Valid From cardinality 1..1 and maybe also Valid Until 1..1?

  10. Statistical Classification 

    1. has attributes Changes from Base Statistical Classification and Changes from Previous Version or Update with cardinality 0…*. 0..1 should be sufficient as these are only text fields. Changes from Previous Version or Update should be removed. It overlaps with Version Rationale from IA.

    2. has attributes Contact Persons and Maintenance Unit. Remove these attributes. They overlap with Agent In Role from Base Group

    3. has an attribute Dissemination Allowed. Consider removing as this could be handled by Administrative Status from AD

    4. has an attribute Introduction and an attribute Purpose of Variants, but if the Statistical Classification is a variant then its introduction can be used to give the purpose. Superfluous.

    5. has an attribute Updates. Overlap with Changes from Previous Version or Update in the same information object and/or Version Rationale from IA? Remove?

    6. has an attribute Release Date. Shouldn’t this be Version Date from IA or Valid From in AD? See same comment on Classification Index.

    7. has an attribute Termination Date. Shouldn’t this be Valid Until from AD?

Resolved issues (UNECE)

11. Classification Index has attribute Languages and Statistical Classification has attribute Languages Available. They should both have the same name. The descriptions are adapted to the information objects themselves, but they have the same purpose so they should have the same name.
=> To change Langues of Classification Index to Languages Available

  • No labels


  1. InKyung Choi

    (Feedback from Sweden)

    1. Cardinality of  Classification Series to "Subject areas" attribute changed to 0..1 – why?
    2. Cardinality of Classification index, "Corrections" attribute changed from 0..* to 0..1  - why?

  2. InKyung Choi

    (GSIM Revision Meeting 5th December 2018)

    1. For object like Concept, Definition would be needed (Description can be vague). But there should be only one definition
    => To keep attribute Definition but change cardinality from 1..* to 1..1

    6. Attributes Sentinel and Substantive were introduced to separate sentinel values (for processing, e.g. response/non-response) from meaningful values (e.g. male/female). They are mutually exclusive, hence if one is sentinel, it cannot be substantive.

    => To add a note saying if one is true, the other is false.

  3. Dan Gillman

    Every information object has a description, not a definition. Only concept has a definition, and it is the way we understand what a concept is. The cardinality must remain 1..*, because every concept must have at least one definition, and some may have many. For example, an intensional and an extensional definition might be supplied.

  4. Dan Gillman

    The text attribute is needed. It is used to contain the words in an index entry. Name and description are different from the text attribute.

  5. Dan Gillman

    Except for the linked item attribute, all the noted redundancies should be removed as proposed. Linked item should be a relationship to Map using this Item.

  6. Dan Gillman

    Keywords are required for classification series. Generalizing it will require a fair amount of review. We propose keeping it as is.

  7. Dan Gillman

    Change objects/units classified to a relationship to unit type, called classifies.

  8. Dan Gillman

    Replace owner attribute with agent in role.

  9. Dan Gillman

    Consolidate the sentinel and substantive attribute sin conceptual domain to one. Call it sentinel. If it is not sentinel, it is substantive.

  10. Dan Gillman

    Role attributes (contact person, maintenance unit, and owners) should be handled by agent in role.

  11. Dan Gillman

    Source and target attributes in correspondence table refer to the versions of the classifications that are being mapped. They don't refer to specific entries in some classification. These attributes should be changed to relationships. But the attributes specifying the level (source level and target level) are OK as they are.

  12. Dan Gillman

    Reference period in Population is one of many ways time periods are used. It cannot be replaced by valid from and valid until in this case. We recommend generalizing time stamps to account for all kinds of time periods. Time periods should be associated with administrative details to allow for multiple periods as needed.

  13. InKyung Choi

    GSIM Sprint (23 Jan.)


    1) Keep the definition attribute as is.

    2) moved to another comment.

    3) Keep the text attribute.

    4) Remove redundant attributes, and make linked item a relationship.

    5a) keep Keywords as is.

    5b) change objects/units classified to a relationship to unit type.

    5c) Replace owner attribute with agent in role.

    6) Consolidate the attributes into one.

    7a) Consolidate attributes to agent in role.

    7c) Change the attributes to relationships.

    7d) Keep the attributes as they are.

    9) Keep reference period or generalize the way all time periods are managed.

  14. Flavio Rizzolo

    10 a) Change cardinality of Changes from Base Statistical Classification and Changes from Previous Version or Update to 0..1. Also change the Value Type to Multilingual Text. Note that both attributes are used for publication as well, since users might be interested in the changes. For that reason, we shouldn’t use Version Rational from IA, which is for internal use only, and of String type.

    10 b) Remove Contact Persons and Maintenance Unit, they are indeed redundant. We need to add the respective subtypes to Role in Base Group.

    10 c) Remove Dissemination Allowed. We need to add the controlled vocabulary entry to Administrative Status. A few questions: how do we manage controlled vocabularies in GSIM? Do we leave it open so that individual organizations can implement it their own way? Do we want to use controlled vocabularies from other existing standards? Do we want to suggest a list of required entries that can be extended? To be discussed in the plenary.

    10 d) Based on the definition of Introduction, i.e. “the background for its creation”, it seems that it also covers the Purpose of Variant. We could remove the latter and explicitly mention “variant” in the definition of the former. Unsure how to proceed. To be discussed in the plenary.

    10 e) Remove Updates, it’s covered by Changes from Previous Version or Update

    10 f) Release Date is not the same type of date as Valid From or Version Date, so we should keep it. However, it should be moved to Administrative Details as part of the pending time frame types analysis.

    10 g) Termination Date is not the same type of data as Valid Until, so we should keep it. However, it should be moved to Administrative Details as part of the pending time frame types analysis.


  15. InKyung Choi

    GSIM Sprint (24 Jan.)

    We need to make annex (or any way) explaining why the attributes removed, how to derive from relations, etc.

    GSIM design principle list should also be as part of GSIM

    We need to prioritize (to ask others?):

    1. Release/Report on revision
    2. Glossary
    3. Design principle
    4. Clickable
    5. Annex for attributes for Classification (as this is most implemented part) 
    6. Specification
  16. InKyung Choi

    Hi Dan,

    I am not sure what was the decision made. Was the decision that

    1) to remove attribute Objects/Unit Classifies from Classification Series and

    2) to add a new relation with label "classifies" between Classification Series and Unit Type (something like below?)

  17. Dan Gillman

    Yes. It is too restrictive to say a CS is used to classify one and only one UT. An example is a standard occupational classification (SOC). An SOC could be used to classify people based on the jobs they hold, employers based on each of the jobs they fill, or job categories managed by an HR department based on necessary skills and duties. The cardinalities between CS and UT are 0..N (for CS) and 1..N (for UT). So, each CS classifies one or more UT, and each UT is classified by zero or more CS.

  18. InKyung Choi

    Thanks Dan, I will change like that