(From Guillaume) - "An actor that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's activity."


Note - derived from PROV-O

  • No labels


  1. Chris Jones

    (From Jenny) Could substitute word actor with "organisation or individual"

  2. Jenny Linnerud

    The GSIM v1.1 definition for Agent is

    "An actor that performs a role in relation to the statistical Business Process."

    I suggest replacing this definition for Agent with

    "An organisation or individual that performs a role in relation to the statistical Business Process."

  3. Jenny Linnerud

    Regarding Guillaumes suggestion:


    PROV-O Definition og Agent is

    "An agent is something that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's activity.#

    so GSIM could have exactly the same and give PROV-O as the Source.

    This might result in discussions of the diffference between PROV-O Activity and GSIM statistical Business Process

  4. user-8e470

    ModernStats World discussion 12/4: Yes change the definition to align with PROV-O but adapt the language to be more GSIM-y Francine Kalonji Guillaume Duffes

  5. Guillaume Duffes

    I'm okay with Jenny's proposal. If we want to make it "GSIM-ier", something like "An agent is something that bears some form of responsibility for a Business Process taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's Business Process".

    The word "Entity" seems to me generic enough to encompass any other GSIM class.

    Nonetheless, I second Jenny's comment on the need to reach an agreement on the difference between PROV-O Activity and GSIM Business Process, since it has a direct impact on the definition of an Agent. This could a distinct issue, if there is not one yet.

  6. user-8e470

    re: the difference between PROV-O Activity and GSIM Business Process

    Is this something that would come out of Franck Cotton's ontology work?

  7. Guillaume Duffes

    Yes definitely !

  8. Jenny Linnerud

    Looking forward to the ontology work

    • GAMSO has activity areas
    • GSBPM has phases, processes and sub-processes.
    • GSIM has Processes and Process Steps.

    We are trying to modell GSIM and GSBPM in Sparx EA.

    We will be using BPMN for GSBPM where they have two types of Activities ie Tasks and Sub-Processes.

    Help, Franck?!


  9. user-c9ea8

    ACTION: Make something like "An agent is something that bears some form of responsibility for a Business Process taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's Business Process"