Developing a new brand

Case Study: Statistics Canada[1]

Developing and embedding a new brand should be an exercise in inclusivity, where the resulting brand is one that immediately resonates with those who encounter it. It should feel familiar, but also fresh and exciting with. Statistics Canada describes some of the steps that are being taken to develop their new position, all of which are transferable for national statistical organizations and should be considered best practice:

  1. Public opinion research: In 2018, Statistics Canada conducted research to collect feedback from Canadians on the Agency and its programs. These findings were then complemented with secondary research in Canadians’ perceptions of government, their media consumption habits and engagement patterns.
  2. Setting the vision for Statistics Canada: Through consultations with employees (Town Hall sessions) across the country, the Communications and Dissemination Branch (CDB) was able to create vision and value statements for Statistics Canada. These were then submitted for senior management approval. The vision took into account public perceptions (from public opinion research), and employees’ views (Town Halls), thus ensuring it resonated with the public and aligned with internal values. Employee consultations also provided information to assist in modernization efforts including perceptions of the Statistics Canada organizational culture.
  3. Branding and recognition: Using the insights gathered with the above research, along with the vision and confirmed values, a visual identity is being developed and messaging guidelines to be distributed and aggressively promoted internally and externally. This will optimize message cohesiveness and impact every time Statistics Canada reaches out to and engage with Canadians.
  4. Engagement: Creating new engagement platforms and tools, and developing a framework to coordinate all engagement and communication activities and – more importantly – identifying and fostering synergies to increase reach and impact.

5. Market intelligence: Continued guidance and facilitation of targeted communications activities and stakeholder relations, through the establishment of a business intelligence body that will leverage internal and external datasets. This will support the identification of behavioral, social, demographic, geographical, attitudinal, and other characteristics that are relevant to the target audiences with which the Agency engages. The Centre will guide Statistics Canada’s communications with partners, stakeholders and the public through better understanding of information needs, growth opportunities, and information consumption habits

[1] Case study provided by Statistics Canada.   For questions or further enquiries, please contact Statistics Canada.

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