(Feedback from Norway) 

Change log on attributes: google doc

  1. Assessment, Statistical Program, Statistical Support Program: all have an attribute Subject Matter Domain, but we have an information object Subject Field that Statistical Program is related to. Have we forgotten to remove this attribute from Statistical Program? Should we also relate Assessment and Statistical Support Program to Subject Field and remove their Subject Matter Domain attribute?
  2. Assessment has an attribute Date Assessed. Why does this not inherit Created Date from IA AD or Version Date from IA, if we anticipate the need for versions of Assessments? We even have Last Updated Date if the previous two were not suitable. Honestly, I don’t see the need for yet another Date attribute in our model. Combined with other similar issues
  3. Business Case, Business Process and BusinessStatistical Program have an attribute Date Initiated. Couldn’t we use Valid From from AD? Business Process has Description First date of validity for this attribute, which strengthens my suggestion. The Description for Business Case for this attribute is empty, which doesn’t weaken my suggestion. Combined with other similar issues
  4. Business Case also has an attribute Date Implementation Commenced. Is this needed? What is the difference between this and Date Initiated/Valid From? There is no explanatory text on this attribute – remove the attribute or at least give an explanatory text that makes the need/distinction clear.
  5. Business Process and BusinessStatistical Program have Date Ended. Couldn’t we use Valid Until from AD? Business Process has Description Last date of validity for this attribute, which strengthens my suggestion.Combined with other similar issues
  6. Business Service has attribute Location 0..1 Text: Specifies where the service can be accessed. AD has Url 0..* String: Allows location of the object. Distinct from the identification of the object as handled by the Identifier attribute in Identifiable Artefact. IA has local ID 0..1 String: This is an identifier in a given local context that uniquely references an information object. For example, localId could be a variable name in a dataset. I suggest that Location is replaced by Url from AD.
  7. Information Request has attributes Contact Details of Requestor and Information Requestor simply as text. Couldn’t these be better handled by Agent In Role?
  8. Parameter Input has attribute Parameter Data Type and Process Support Input has attribute Data Type. Both are Controlled Vocabularies. Couldn’t we make both attributes simply Data Type? Do we expect different Controlled Vocabularies?
  9. Process Control has attribute Start Event as Text. Process Execution Log has attribute Process ID as String. Couldn’t Start Event be a Process Step ID? Should the one for Process Execution Log be Process ID or Process Step ID. The Definition and other attributes eg End Time refer to Process Step, not Process.
  10. Process Control, Statistical Need and Statistical Program all have an attribute Status, but they are all very different. I suggest that Status for Statistical Need is renamed to Is Met in line with is Composite, Is Unique, Is Container, Is Comprehensive and Is System Executable attributes elsewhere. I suggest that Status for Statistical Program and Statistical Support Program could be renamed Program Status. Their descriptions are identical.
  11. Statistical Program Cycle has attributes Reference Period Ended and Reference Period Start. These should be renamed Valid From and Valid Until as in Administrative DetailsCombined with other similar issues, see 14.
  12. Statistical Program Design and Statistical Support Program have attributes Date Ended and Date Initiated. These should be renamed Valid From and Valid Until as in Administrative DetailsCombined with other similar issues, see 14.
  13. Statistical Program and Statistical Support Program both have an attribute History: A description of the precursors of the program within the organization. Statistical Program has an association ‘relates to’ to itself. Shouldn’t this together with Descriptions for the related Statistical Programs and/or Change Event be sufficient? A History attribute for Statistical Support Programs does seem overly ambitious. If it is relevant to mention then it could be mentioned in the Description and/or Change Event. I suggest removing the History attribute from both Statistical Program and Statistical Support Program.

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1 Comment

  1. InKyung Choi

    GSIM Sprint (23 Jan)

    1-To accept as proposed

    4-To remove Date Implementation Commenced (but keep Date Initiated)

    6-To remove Location (see issue #2-31)

    7-To remove those attributes and add examples in the Role (Role should not be restricted to Information Consumer and Information Provider only, Role should be more extensive. There are other roles (e.g. owner), then how do we want to add this in the model? In the description of Role, we can add examples) (see also issue #2-31)

    8-To change Parameter Data Type of Parameter Input to Data Type

    9-To remove Process ID from Process Execution Log

    Plenary: Process Control - Process Step (invokes, executes?); 2) Start Event attribute- what to do? => To remove Start Event

    10-To change attribute of Statistical Program from Status to Program Status 

    To change attribute of Statistical Need from Status to Is Met  

    for plenary: Process Control - Status; to read LIM for more information; if there is no reasonable answer there, we can't explain, we remove Status => To remove Status

    14-To remove History from Statistical Program and Statistical Support Program