UNECE orgnizes, jointly with Eurostat (ESSNet project), workshops to promote the use of the Common Statistical Production Architecture (CSPA), to facilitate the sharing of ideas and plans for modernising statistical production, and to identify opportunities for international collaboration activities. Since 2018, the ModernStats World Workshop was created, combining CSPA and the ModernStats models (GSBPM, GAMSO and GSIM). The aim is to share latest developments, obtain actively input from participants and to create a user conference and platform for sharing and collaboration.


2020 ModernStats World Workshop

27 - 30 October 2020UNECEVirtual

2019 ModernStats World Workshop

26 - 28 June 2019UNECEGeneva, Switzerland

2018 ModernStats World Workshop

11-13 April 2018UNECEGeneva, Switzerland

2017 CSPA Workshop: CSPA for Digital Transformation

3 - 5 July 2017DestatisWiesbaden, Germany

2016 CSPA Workshop: Implementing CSPA

3 - 5 October 2016UNECEGeneva, Switzerland

Related Workshops

Sub-Regional Workshop on Statistical Production Architecture and Software Sharing

5-6 December 2018Statistics SerbiaBelgrade, Serbia

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