P 179 & p181 Exchange - Administrative Register & Web Scraping Channel in Specification v 1.1 Word document Annex C UML Diagrams.

In these figures the Exchange Channel consumes and/or produces 0 or more Information Sets.

In Annex A_ Exchange Channels for Data Collection

B: Web Scraping for Data Collection the Exchange Channel produces, but does not consume  0 or more Information Sets.

A: Administrative Registers the Exchange Channel produces, but does not consume  0 or more Information Sets

This seems to be inconsistent.

It seems that for Data Collection we are using produces, but for Dissemination we are using consumes (figures 8 and 9 in the Specification)

Proposed resolution:

Remove consumes from the diagrams on p 179 & p 181 Exchange - Administrative Register & Web Scraping Channel in Specification v 1.1 Word document Annex C UML Diagrams.

These Exchange Channels are used by statistical organisations for Data Collection, not for Dissemination.


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  1. Jenny Linnerud

    PS For a Questionnaire it is however important to keep both consumes and produces on p180. In many cases a questionnaire will be pre-filled with information (Information Set) that we already know about the respondent in order to reduce their respondent burden.

  2. user-8e470

    Alice Born and Francine Kalonji - can you please provide some advice?

  3. user-8e470

    I asked Franck and he thinks maybe we should not remove the relationship from the UML diagrams.