Comment here on the 'purpose' section.

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  1. David Barraclough

    Nothing specific on the proposal (which I think is clear and now I know what paradata is!), though it could be useful to add an simple introductory diagram showing the relationship between GAMSO, GSBPM, and GSIM and the principle actors/use cases.

    Thanks, David

  2. user-9f32a

    A comparason has been made between GMSO an Statistics Sweden's Process Chart. The detailed comments can be found in the attatched document.

    Statistics Swedens Process Chart vs GBAM english.docx

  3. Jean-marc Museux

    Eurostat feedback:

    • There is an overall support to extend GSBPM beyond the traditional production activities.  This is visible in many of the contribution of Eurostat at the off set of HLG initiative (see for instance contribution of W Radermacher to the first HLG workshop in 2011)
    • The model looks like an inventory of activities, and the dynamic between these activities and results / outputs, as well as interaction between the different components, is not visible.
    • Given that the model represents much needed extension of the GSBPM to management processes, maybe the acronym could be changed and the A of activities replaced by M of management, if this is the ambition of the model of course. But this change might imply a total re-thinking of the detailed elements.
    • One of the main weakness of the current model is that it does not properly integrate activities related to quality management, This element hardly figures in GAMSO: it is included in the "Manage Capability" activity. It seems that this positioning is counter-intuitive, borderline wrong and does not give a high enough prominence to quality management, which is an important activity in several statistical organisations.
    • The "evaluate" activity is embedded under the box production / review only, while a PDCA approach should underpin the overall model.
    • The choice of organisational design seems to be missing
  4. Juan Muñoz

    After a review of the model, I would like to suggest the following:

    1.1 Change “Determine organizational goals” for “Determine vision, mission and strategic goals”

    1.2 Add “General coordination and alignment”, “General organization policies” and “Publication of policies, guidelines, and normative documents”.

    1.3 Coordination of the national statistical system: The organization and coordination of other organizations which produces statistics which must be integrated in a national system.

    1.3 Strategic affairs management with non-statistics partners: There is the need to stablish relation with parties from different departments from the government, with the private sector, the academic sector and the civil society. Although in a strict sense they could be seen as users, strategic affairs goes beyond that, collaboration in national strategies, getting support for statistics projects, etc.

    2.4 Clarify or split the topic, I’m not sure if the topic is about strategic planning, project management, methodological assistance, technical support, enterprise architecture design and implementation or a mix of them (or maybe those elements are missing in other sections of the document).

    3.2 Split “Manage finances” into “Management of physical assets” and “General services management”, the reason is that finances is a field about money and accounting, and Management of physical assets and general services is about the procurement (buying), control, maintenance and disposition of the estate properties and instrumental assets (infrastructure, furniture, etc.).

    Production, I recognize that production translates the processes and sub-processes from the GSBPM v5, but I still haven’t found a process for the data and process quality management. I think that this is an important issue that still missing; in the model a found that 2.3 is related with this issue, but I think that it covers more the knowledge to do things than the actions to operate them.

    3.4 Manage IT, I would list: Management of IT assets and services, IT security (see next observation), technological solutions development, research and prospective studies in the statistics applied IT field (maybe this last one would fit in 2.1), technological change management.

    3.4 Information security might be separated from IT, IT is in charge of “informatics security” (or IT security), but Information security has a broader scope because it also deals with physical access control, paper documents management, assets protection, and so on. From my point of view this topic must be in a separate sub-process, like 3.X.

    3.5 Add some additional comments (or maybe bullets) about the management of information versions, historical information (management of the archiving and the control of time series), common vocabularies, code lists, methodological rules, etc.

    3.6 Add “Design of new products and services”, “Design of communication strategies” and “User satisfaction analysis”

  5. Alistair Hamilton

    The statement of purpose could be strengthened.  The following additional and changed text -  - or a variation on it - is proposed.

    Like the GSBPM, the GAMSO aims to provide a common vocabulary and framework to support international collaboration activities, particularly in the field of modernisation.  While individual collaborations typically focus on modernising a particular aspect of production (as described by GSBPM), statistical production occurs within a broader context of corporate strategies, capabilities and support.  GAMSO helps partners place collaborations in context, including understanding each other’s business drivers and objectives.

    In addition, GSBPM is becoming increasingly used for cost and resource management within organizations.  GAMSO is also expected to fill such roles when there is a need to consider a wider context than just the activities directly related to the production of statistics.