Israel asked if triggers for “Specify Needs” phase, “Design” phase and “Build” phase are different (see below text in italic). Do current introductory sentences of these phases indicate so? If so, do we need to change?

It is written in §34 of the Specify needs phase: "This phase is triggered when a need for new statistics is identified, or feedback about current statistics initiates a review."

It written in §44 of the Design phase: "For statistical outputs produced on a regular basis, this phase usually occurs for the first iteration, and whenever improvement actions are identified in the “Evaluate” phase of a previous iteration."

It is written in §56 of the Build phase: " For statistical outputs produced on a regular basis, this phase usually occurs for the first iteration, following a review or a change in methodology or technology, rather than for every iteration."

Notice that for each phase the text is different, and describes slightly different situations, while, in our opinion, it should either be phrased consistently or, if triggers are indeed different for each phase, the differences should be clearly outlined. In other words, if indeed, the GSBPM model does not distinguish between the process of planning and executing "small changes" as the result of the evaluation of an iteration, and the process of developing new methodologies and technologies when a full production process is created or fundamentally redesigned, it should be clearly stated so: In the second case, most sub-processes in phases I-III will need to be executed, and in the first case only few specific sub-processes will be performed in those three phases, and will only address specific improvements. 

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1 Comment

  1. InKyung Choi

    (Meeting 16th October, 2018)

    Team agreed not to change the description of the triggers. The wordings are okay, they are re-phrases. Figure 1 shows this too.