(Feedback from Statistics Spain; 28 September, 2017)

When we started to work with GSBPM we found that GSBPM, and also GSIM, were described at a high level. So, the descriptions are very general and they don't facilitate their implementation. Therefore, in practice, we are finding that different units document the same tasks in different subprocesses of the GSBPM and we do not have enough information within the standard itself to discriminate the most correct location. We would suggest to elaborate additional documentation specifying which tasks are included in which subprocess of GSBPM, we could use "This subprocess includes XXX" and "This subprocess excludes XXX". 

As an example, please see the two htlm working documents attached (at the moment, only available in Spanish). The first one "ListaTareas.html" includes our standard, if you click on one task (third level into our standard) you can find the explanation of the task and other related tasks.  The second one "InfoAuxConTareas.html" includes the production elements, if you click on one production element you can find their definition and the implicated tasks. For instance, "To code".

First, we define "To code": "Process to convert verbal or textual information into codes that represent the classes within the classification, in order to facilitate the processing, storage and dissemination of the information".

And second, we identify the subprocess or subprocesses associated. In this case:

- 2.5. Design processing and analysis (in our national standard third level 2.5.1. Design process to code).

- 3.2. Build or enhance process components (in our national standard third level 3.2.4. Develop SI components for coding).

- 5.2. Classify and code (in our national standard third level 5.2.1. Execute coding and 5.2.2. Quality control coding).

If the group supports this proposal and finds it helpful, we offer ourselves to translate the document into English to share it.