The detailed diagrams are organized in eleven groups and for every group there is:

  • a page containing the interactive diagram with all the artefacts of the group (“group visualization”) and the artefacts of other groups that are directly linked to them;
  • one page for every artefact (“single visualization”) containing the interactive diagram of the artefact with all the artefacts related to it, together with added information about the artefact.

The artefact groups are associated to a color so that the main artefacts can be easily identified.

 Base Package

The constructs in the SDMX Base package comprise the fundamental building blocks that support many of the other structures in the model. For this reason, many of the classes in this package are abstract (i.e. only derived sub-classes can exist in an implementation). This package has been divided in two groups to simplify the visualization.

 Specific Item Schemes

The Specific Iteme Schemes package includes objects structured into hierarchies or lists based on characteristics that are maintained as a group inheriting from ItemScheme. The concrete classes of this package are: Codelist, ConceptScheme, CategoryScheme, AgencyScheme, OrganisationScheme (DataProviderScheme, DataConsumerScheme, OrganisationUnitScheme) and Reporting Taxonomy.

 Data Structure Definition and Dataset

The Data Structure Definiton and Dataset package includes classes and relationships related to the structure definition for data. Many of the constructs in this layer of the model inherit from the SDMX Base Layer. Therefore, it is necessary to study both the inheritance and the relationship diagrams to understand the functionality of individual packages.

 Metadata Structure Definition and Metadata SetThe Metadata Structure Definiton and Metadata Set package includes classes and relationships related to the definition of reference metadata. Many of the constructs in this layer of the model inherit from the SDMX Base Layer. Therefore, it is necessary to study both the inheritance and the relationship diagrams to understand the functionality of individual packages.
 Hierarchical Code ListThe Hierarchical codelist package includes artefacts and relationships related to the Hierarchical codelists. The Hierarchical codelists are more complex herarchies of codes from existing codelists.
 Structure Set and Mappings

The Structure Set and Mappings package includes classes and relationships representing the mapping between components in one structure with components in another structure of the same type. In this context the term “structure” includes: Codelist, Category Scheme, Concept Scheme, Organisation Scheme, Hierarchical Codelist, Data Structure Definition, Metadata Structure, Dataflow Definition, Metadataflow Definition.

 Cube and ConstraintsThe Cube and Constraints package includes artefacts and relationships representing how and where is possible to constraint some artefacts and how to define Cube region.
 Data ProvisioningThe Data Provisioning package includes classes and relationships to support the provisioning of data by a data provider.
 Process and TransitionThe Process and Transition package includes classes and relationships related to the statistical processes for data and metadata starting from the collection to the dissemination. In each of these processes the data or reference metadata may undergo a series of transitions.
 Transformations and Expressions

The Transformations and Expressions package includes classes and relationships to track the derivation of data.

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