Cloud for Official Statistics 


Discussions have taken place with the leader of this project (John Conway) and the project Manager (Claude Julien) about arrangements for launching this project. Some initial outreach to group members to get information about their expertise to understand how each might contribute to the project.

Next Steps

First 2023 meeting of the group on 1st March.

Risk and Issues


Temporary Logo

ModernStats Carpentries (phase 2 Meta Academy)


Work Package 1: The group has been constituted consisting of #20 experts from Statistics Canada, INEGI, ISTAT, ABS, SNZ, CSO, US CB & BLS, and OECD. The objective is put together the initial ModernStats Carpentry Lesson Program or curriculum. Participants have been assigned initial task to explore the existing Carpentry curriculum in the areas of R, Python programming and Git, which Statistics Canada have started to review and analyze how they could be adapted and expanded in the official statistics context.

Work Package 2: Discussions with the Carpentries organization have started to better understand their model, involving OECD, Statistics Canada, ISTAT and INEGI are interested in this work package, aiming to define the governance and 'business model' of the Carpentries and how it could be connected with the HLG-MOS structure. OECD is in the process (contractual / legal discussion) of becoming a 'silver' member and enroll #10 staff in the next 'train the trainers' session.

Next Steps

WP1 & 2: The kick-off meeting will be organized in early March with all the interested participants.

All participating organizations are encouraged to become formal member of the Carpentries in order to experience their process and governance, and more easily enroll trainers in 'train the trainers' sessions and possibly organize Carpentries trainings (eg on R programming) in their organization, to test them.

Risk and Issues


Data Governance for Interoperability Framework


Working on the definition of the Content of the document, refining the structure.

Detailed first use-cases.

Group split in 3 sub-groups for the firs drafting of the content of the chapters: 1. Introduction and definitions (Why we do this), 2. (Statistical) Interoperability (What we want to achieve), 3. DAFI Components (How we achieve)

We go on with meetings of the global group every 3 weeks and intermediate meetings of the subgroups.

Next Steps

Start the drafting of the paragraphs in the 3 sub-groups.

Complete use-cases.

Start defining graphic visualization of the framework.

Organize a Sprint meeting in Budapest between the last week of April and the first two weeks of May (2 days back-to-back with the  Supporting Standards group meeting)

Risk and Issues

Too many members to write together a documentSplit in 3 sub-groups
Different opinions on the content of the documentsSprint meeting to share ideas

News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


We have had a discussion about embedding technologies in our business, and focusing more on analysis.

Non-Probabilistic Surveys


This work is underway, with its own subgroup.

Digital Twins


The work of this subgroup has been paused, but the leader is hoping to resume this activity.

Open Source Adoption


Eurostat has agreed to co-run this activity, which may involve a workshop. Kate is looking for volunteers to join this group.


Applying Data Science and Modern Methods

Implementing ML-based Solutions in Data Editing


A use case template has been finalised and shared with the Organising Committee of Data Editing Expert Meeting and ONS to collect more use cases.

There were some preliminarily discussion on how to summarize the problems and solutions into lessons learned and best practices, and develop guidance on how to facilitate the implementation of ML-based solutions in data editing.

Understanding and Selecting Models


Use case and algorithm templates are almost done and members are reaching out to collect more use cases.

Framework for Responsible AI


Members are preparing inputs to the core principles as well as developing checklists that help ensure compliance with the core principles (two to three members are working in a group to prepare the first draft for other members review)


add your text here


Members discussed potential follow up works on the Machine Learning Group and identified two topics.

The first one is about data engineering (e.g., data processing, cleaning and other preparation for analytics and data science implementation) given the lack of skills (or common knowledge) and coordination within the organization (e.g., between developer, data scientist, business analyst).

The second one is on ML infrastructure / ecosystem, including MLOps, which requires well-coordinated efforts and multi-level engagement apart from the technology itself.

A fourth task team could be set up after the completion of one of the three task teams or more resources are available, 

Capabilities and Communication

Future of work


All 3 sub teams from the last year are working as one team. They had two meetings already and decided to focus on sharing best practices from the NSOs and try to design a growth/maturity model that can be applied to the topics of youth, generation differences, inclusion/diversity and flexible/hybrid work. New team members are very welcome.

Data Analytics


Statistics Canada will make presentation on this proposal during next meeting of the CapComm on 5 April

Ethics Management (Data and Business)


Ethics team is working currently on preparing proposal on including Ethics in GAMSO, and will prepare similar proposal for GSBPM a bit later this year. For the data ethics part of the team, outline of the CES Session on Data Ethics and social accountability was prepared for the CES Bureau in February, and now when we received comments, this proposal will be revised accordingly. Seminar on Data Ethics and social accountability will take place on 28 June in Paris.

Strategic Communication: dis/misinformation, building trust, engagement young and other target audiences


add your text here

Ethics Workshop 2023


Work didn't start yet


Supporting Standards

GSIM Review


Work ongoing as planned, Task Team will soon conclude its work with the issues. For details, please check our Github group @

Task Team will produce its final results in June 2023, as originally planned.

Core Ontology for Official Statistics version 2


According to the agreed timing of the Task Teams, the work on COOS version 2 is scheduled to start after the summer break. In the meantime, a very small team will still work on remaining issues from the consultation round: the feedback from UNSD and the development of the working example and use cases. COOS results are available here:

GSBPM-GAMSO revision


The Task Team started its work. Statistical organisations were asked to provide all kinds of inputs with the GSBPM and GAMSO until 20 February. The Task Team had its kick-off meeting in January.



Work ongoing as planned, working together based on material prepared by Task Team members for different sub-processes of the GSBPM. The Task Team has new co-chairs from 2023.


Integrated view of the ModernStats models: the Supporting Standards Group will prepare the integrated view on the group level. The group discussed its changed working methods from the beginning of 2023.

ModernStats Community of Practice: the group discussed the format and technical elements of the ModernStats CoP and agreed to have 4 events this year. The group also discussed the topics for the first two events, that are: process modelling and sharing services. The first event is planned for March, organisation is ongoing.

Sprint: the group is currently discussing the option to have a Sprint around late April-May (potential location: Budapest) and also potentially an another one back-to-back with the ISI conference in July.

RISK & ISSUES that require the attention of the Executive Board: nothing specific to report. All Task Teams have their chairs, the Supporting Standards Group and the Task Teams have new members as well. Work is ongoing as planned.

Cloud for Official Statistics 


The sub groups for each theme are now regularly meeting with each other to discuss their topic. Sub group leader meetings with Claude our PM, Amilina and myself occur every two weeks. We had our first broad group meeting last week, with the sub group lead on procurement presenting their topic to the wider group for feedback and discussion. We also had a presentation from Microsoft on Cloud Models followed for a Q&A, thanks to Serbia for facilitating. We have had additional members join from the UK and Norway.

Next Steps

The work of the project will continue through meetings with the sub group leaders. This allows us to address any challenges and also ensures continued engagement and buy in across the groups. We plan to hold a full group meetings in May and June where other subgroups will present their topic for discussion, while benefiting from the feedback and insight from all members on the Project.

Risk and Issues

Currently sub group 2 is low on numbers of experts.We are addressing with the support of Mikko Lindholm (project champion) to seek new members to join (such as Norway) and through the cross pollination from other groups input.

ModernStats Carpentries (phase 2 Meta Academy)


Work package 1 (curriculum) is well under way. Sub-groups for R, Python and Git have been made and we are finishing up the personas, learning objectives and curriculum outlines together for the end of the month. 

Work package 2 (governance, business model) has started with OECD joining the Carpentries and experimenting their setting. It would be great if 1-2 other organisations would formally join the Carpentries to have more experience with the Carpentries governance.

Next Steps

Once the curriculum outlines have been approved by group members, we will start putting content together starting in May. 

Risk and Issues

Continued leadership from StatCan. Currently StatCan provides leadership in the co-PM role, as well as sub-group leads for work package 1. Due to organizational changes and job changes, the continued priority of ModernStats Carpentries is up in the air. The leadership is likely to continue, but no longer guaranteed.  The deliverables and management of ModernStats Carpentries will continue as planned. However, if StatCan is no longer able to provide the same level of leadership, scope for deliverables for work package 1 - originally a pilot course in each R, Python and Git - may need to be reduced to only one pilot course and curriculum. 

Data Governance for Interoperability Framework 


Group and sub-groups are working on the document and on images that could help in completing the framework

Many discussions on the definitions, using also existing documents and standards to avoid overlapping and contradictions

There are advances in the three main sections of the document

Next Steps

May 3-4 Sprint meeting in Budapest, online and in person

Risk and Issues


News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


Ongoing. - We have had a discussion about ChatGPT, and will review a pitch talk on 27th April, along with a pitch related to sharing information on activities related to modernization of statistics.

Non-Probabilistic Surveys


This work is underway, with its own subgroup.

Digital Twins


The work of this subgroup has been paused, but the leader is hoping to resume this activity.

Open Source Adoption


Eurostat has agreed to co-run this activity, which may involve a workshop. Kate is looking for volunteers to join this group.


Applying Data Science and Modern Methods

Implementing ML-based Solutions in Data Editing


New members joined, and the team revised a new use case by BFS. They selected interesting topics from the Machine Learning workshop to approach authors and provide use cases.

Understanding and Selecting Models


The team is discussing the taxonomy template and adding labels to use cases for creating taxonomies/ontologies. The team will discuss label logic in a future meeting.

Framework for Responsible AI


The team made progress on guidelines and sub-teams made progress on three of the six pillars. The team suggested sharing short lectures on YouTube to help participants understand the subject better.


The group discussed machine learning operations, including platform development, MLOps maturity, and deploying ML models.   A future meeting will feature a presentation on MLOps by StatCan.

Capabilities and Communication

Work and Job of the Future 


Future of Work change/growth model was proposed and team members are asked to map their organization to the proposed model. Next call is on 26 April.

Job of the Future: Recruitment and onboarding


This sub-team is working on change/growth model, as part of the main Future of Work team

Job of the Future: Reaching Youth


This sub-team is working on change/growth model, as part of the main Future of Work team

Data Analytics


Statistics Canada presented on the "Statistics Canada’s Data driven approach to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion". It was suggested to integrate this approach in the context of the change/growth model.

Ethics Management (Data and Business)


Team is planning to prepare Reference book on Business Ethics, that will also include information collected from the Ethics Surveys last year.



 Team is also collecting case studies from the various countries on how to work through these communication issues through the lens of inflation. 

Ethics Workshop 2023


Task Team will discuss this Thursday, if it will be possible to organize Workshop on Ethics in Geneva on 11-13 September 2023. For the moment there is no decision on the topics of the workshop, or it's format. 


Supporting Standards

GSIM Revision


Work ongoing as planned, Task Team will soon conclude its work.

Clickable and change log for 4 other completed groups (Base, Exchange, Business and Structure) can be found on the Github. Communication paper is currently reviewed by the Task Team. User Guide requires more substantial update due to changes to the model and expected to take a few more weeks to complete.

For more details, please check our Github group @



The Task Team started discussing "bigger" issues based on the feedback received from the community until February. The work started from GSBPM Phase 8 Evaluate.

For more details, please check our Github group @



Work ongoing as planned, working together based on material prepared by Task Team members for different sub-processes of the GSBPM. Given the work of task team includes providing guidelines on the use of SDMX and DDI for non-experts on those implementation standards, it was highlighted that we need to explain concretely how different artefacts are used and where to look for the right information in the respective standard guidelines.

For more details please check our Google Doc here.

Core Ontology for Official Statistics version 2


Work on COOS version 2 is scheduled to start after the summer break. COOS results are available here:


ModernStats Community of Practice: the group launched a new series of online events, inviting speakers, interested members in the community, all linked to the ModernStats models and their actual and pontential uses and users. The first event will take place on 28th April 15:00 CET, focusing on “Modernizing management systems” to discuss about practices to modernize different aspects of management systems (e.g., quality, production process) using ModernStats models. Fore more details on the first event, please check this: ModernStats Community of Practice

Integrated view of the ModernStats models: the Supporting Standards Group is preparing the integrated view of the models, following a common logic and structure for the discussions. For more details please check our Google Doc here. The group expects a complete view of the "big picture" of our models that can also guide future developments. The work is carried out on group level, not in a Task Team. The work started with the GSBPM with discussions, now focusing on the GAMSO.

Sprint: the group is organising an online sprint on 14 June.

Visibility: ISI: the two CPS sessions now a place on the ISI agenda. One session is on Monday (IPS 186 - Challenges Of Modernizing The Production Systems In Official Statistics) and the other one is on Tuesday (IPS 329 - Standards-based modernisation of official statistics: the added value and recent advancements of the ModernStats models), same time. Please visit us if you are in Ottawa in July!

Visiblity: new logo! With the help of expertise from INSEE, the Group now has a new logo that we plan to use from now on. The Group has voted with an overwhelming support of 89% for this version over other alternatives. Preview:

Cloud for Official Statistics 


Subgroups continue to meet and collaborate on their respective cloud theme. Meetings with subgroup leaders (to discuss progress) and all experts (to share and discuss development) were held on a monthly basis. Each subgroup has shared a working document on which all project experts can comment. The project has decided to hold a sprint in Belgrade from September 12 to 14. The sprint will conclude with a webinar during which the project experts will share their initial results.

Next Steps

  • Hold a last development meeting (next week) before the summer period
  • Set up a means to continue collaboration and communication during July and August
  • Organize the sprint
  • Announce the sprint
  • Start combining the subgroup documents into a first draft

Risk and Issues

  • Lack of in-person attendance at sprint; we need at least 12 participants in person
  • Count on support from Executive Board members
  • Setup virtual attendance

ModernStats Carpentries (phase 2 Meta Academy)


Progress is being made on the curriculum for R, Python and Git. The initial review and modification of existing content is on tract to be completed at the end of June

Work package 2 (governance, business model) has started with OECD joining the Carpentries and experimenting their setting (community support, governance, communications, participation in instructors' trainings...). It would be great if 1-2 other organisations would formally join the Carpentries to have more experience with the Carpentries governance. 

Next Steps

Finalize and integrate modified content with existing Carpentries material. We will be created the new chapters over the summer. 

Work Package 2 (governance, business model) is planned to progress in the second Semester. A webinar will be organised with interested organisations in the second week of July in order to take stock of the information gathered and discuss governance / business model options).

Risk and Issues

Only StatCan and OECD have joined the Carpentries as member; we would need more organisations joining to share views on the experience with the Carpentries.1-2 organisations join the Carpentries as members in S2.

Data Governance for Interoperability Framework 


In May we had a fantastic Sprint in Budapest in hybrid mode; for those present the delicious hospitality of Zoltan (sigh!) and Andrea

In the Sprint the global design of the document has been thoroughly clarified and shared.

In the Sprint we decided also to ask Dan to write a Note on Interoperability: after a couple of weeks, the note was shared with the group and discussed.

Later we had good progresses in Chapter 1 (Introduction) and Chapter 3 (Tools).

Next Steps

Integrate the Dan's note with Chapter 2 (Interoperability)

Complete Chapter 1 and 3

Collect contents for Chapter 4 (Recommendations)

Risk and Issues

Lack of ZoltanUnsolvable

News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


Pitches have been made on keeping track of modernisation activities, as well as on ChatGPT, which is turning into a joint endeavour with the ADSaMM group. (There will be a session on ChatGPT for SAS→R code translation on 19th June.)

Further pitches have been proposed related to data collection, but otherwise the response to the call for pitches has been slightly modest.

Non-Probabilistic Surveys


This work is underway, with its own subgroup.

Digital Twins


The work of this subgroup has been paused, but the leader is hoping to resume this activity.

Open Source Adoption


Kate is making good progress with the themed min-workshops. Additionally, there will be a seminar on open-source at the plenary meeting of the Conference of European Statisticians.


Applying Data Science and Modern Methods

Implementing ML-based Solutions in Data Editing


The Data Editing Task Team has now collected a number of use cases on the application and implementation of machine learning methods for data editing and imputation. They have drawn out a list of common issues from these use case and will now work on fleshing out these issues and collating advice for addressing them from the use cases. This advice will provide a set of guidelines for those looking to implement similar projects in the future.

Understanding and Selecting Models


The Models Task Team are building a taxonomy that provides a high level framework on how to group or understand statistical and data science methods. Given some recent developments the team believe this can be quite a high level set of guidance.

In a surprising twist of events the team are testing the usefulness of LLM models as a ‘recommendation engine’ for statisticians and data scientists. They are testing whether different models can provide useful recommendations given a set of defined methodological problems. Early days but seems positive – and might mean that they do not need to create a low level or granular taxonomy. It is likely that they’ll build a set of guidance and examples.

Framework for Responsible AI


Progress is ongoing as the Responsible AI team works on the three deliverables: a document that outlines core guiding principles for responsible AI/ML and provides practical guidelines, an assessment tool in the form of a checklist, and a description of a review process (audit) to ensure quality assurance for ML algorithms and AI-based systems. To enhance efficiency and focus, the team members have formed smaller groups, with each group dedicated to a specific pillar or core guiding principle.

Additionally, it is worth noting that while attendance has been satisfactory, contributions have been limited over the past few months.


At the last two ADSaMM meetings, Christian Ritter (StatCan) presented an MLOps Model – this generated a stimulating conversation and some enthusiasm to continue the discussion subsequently.

Several new members have expressed an interest in joining the ADSaMM Group, and so are joining the monthly meetings initially as an ‘observer’.

Jointly, ADSaMM & BSTN held two discussions relating to ChatGPT / LLM – both events were highly successful, and will be discussed with the EB.

Capabilities and Communication

Work and Job of the Future 


We continue to work on the growth development model. Team did research on the internet and prepared a growth model that was tested by a few countries. General conclusion is that model is generic, intuitive and easy to use.

Next steps:

  • make model more concise and with better graphics (CSO Ireland, Netherlands were asked to help with graphics)
  • to add tips and best practices
  • descriptions on what to do to move to the next level in the model

Data Analytics


Ethics Management (Data and Business)


Work is focused on the following main points:

1) Analysis of the surveys for the reference book

2) Wiki page was created to collect ideas/information about areas of interest for the reference book and ethical dilemmas . Definitions for the wiki concepts will be sent in the next couple of days.



Working on the document describing communication through the lens of inflation, at the moment putting pieces together from the different countries, like values, objectives, channels and segmentation. Many countries are experiencing issue of communicating inflation regarding disinformation, but also economic education.

Ethics Workshop 2023


It was decided to move Workshop to 26-28 March 2024.

Organization of workshop on Ethics is at the early stages. Workshop will deal with application of ethics in different areas, like communication, wellbeing, fraud prevention, etc. 


Supporting Standards

GSIM Revision


Work ongoing as planned, Task Team will soon conclude its work.

Clickable and change log for 4 other completed groups (Base, Exchange, Business and Structure) can be found on the Github. Communication paper is currently reviewed by the Task Team. User Guide requires more substantial update due to changes to the model and expected to take a few more weeks to complete.

For more details, please check our Github group @



The Task Team has most recently examined feedback regarding the "Disseminate" phase. Once Disseminate is complete, the group will next consider the "Analyse" phase, and a possible Process phase.

For more details, please check our Github group @



Work ongoing as planned. For more details please check our Google Doc here.

Core Ontology for Official Statistics version 2


Work on COOS version 2 is scheduled to start after the summer break. COOS results are available here:

Sprint: This was unfortunately cancelled due to unforeseen developments. 

Call for contributions for: Conference On Smart Metadata for Official Statistics (COSMOS), to be held on 11-12 April 2024 in Paris. The COSMOS conference is a place where the official statistics community can work together to define, share, use, and manage smart metadata.  Through sharing of experiences, techniques, and tools, and through forward-looking consideration of the challenges we face as a community, we can better meet the demands of the modern data landscape. The call for contributions can be found here:

Cloud for Official Statistics 


Some project subgroups have met and further developed their working documents. The most recent version of the five work documents is posted on the project's home wiki page. A meeting took place with SORS to prepare the sprint that will be taking place in Belgrade from September 12 to 14. The sprint will be attended by 18 project experts (12 in-person and 6 virtually; 3 non-response still). Accommodation options and other key information were distributed to all project experts. The sprint will include a webinar to introduce the project to a wider audience and seek their input. The webinar was announced on LinkedIn.

The bad news is that the project has lost two subgroup leaders (StatCan and ONS). A replacement was quickly identified (Ian Bale) who also volunteered to take the lead of a subgroup. The expert from the ONS is looking into finding a replacement. Both experts left for career opportunities in other government departments highlighting quite concretely the challenges of retaining people with a high level of Cloud expertise and experience.

Next Steps

Meetings to prepare for the sprint will be organized this week and next week.

The sprint will be held from September 12 to 14. Everything possible will be done to optimize the participation and collaboration of all.

The sprint will conclude with a discussion on possible extension. The outcome of this discussion will be communicated to the BSTN, hopefully on September 15.

Risk and Issues


Loss of expertise. Given that we are late in the year, there is not much we can do except hoping for replacements and integrating them as quickly as possible.

Lower attendance at the sprint. We appreciate all the support that the HLG-MOS committee and its Exec Board can provide to encourage and allow experts to attend.

ModernStats Carpentries (phase 2 Meta Academy)


WorkPackage 1: Work on WP1 of the Carpentries project is progressing but has been impacted by recent events. The departure of Kate Burnett-Isaacs from Statistics Canada means that others will need fill the gap. Currently there are three GitHub repositories and corresponding GitHub Page sites (on R, Python, and Git) under development, however all are at the pre-alpha stage and at various levels of completeness. One complication is that these lessons will need to be transitioned from their current format to a new Carpentries lesson format (tools to automate the transition process can be found here). Of the three lessons, while each has an overall structure in place, the Python lesson is by far the most advanced. Consequently, discussions have revolved around finalizing the Python lesson.

Work Package 2: after several months of experimenting the Carpentries governance, WP2 was kicked off in July - see presentation and meeting notes here: WP2 - Kick-off.  OECD reported on its experience with silver membership and certification of trainers. A discussion ensued on the governance, intellectual property and business model. Key questions were scoped that will be discussed with the Carpentries in a workshop planned end Sept. The proposed scenario for implementation could be (to be confirmed at the workshop):

"continue to experiment for 1-2 years under Governance Scenario 1(under Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry), which requires all participating organisations to become direct Carpentries members to have a pool of a few certified trainers per organisations (Cost 1), who develop lessons under existing Carpentries (Cost 2). For that to happen, we need to have satisfactory answers to all previous questions. Under the HLG-MOS, the HRMT (Human Resources Management and Training) group could naturally act as the coordination level, reporting to the HLG-MOS Executive Board. With this approach, the heavy burden of initiating a separate curriculum “ModernStats Carpentry” is pushed back until sufficient experience is gained by the community." (see meeting notes)

Next Steps

Work Package 1: set up a meeting with the Python lesson lead, consolidate comments to the lesson, and transition to new format.

Work Package 2: organisation of a workshop with Carpentries representative towards the end of Sept, to review all key questions raised in the area of IP, governance and business model. Based on their answers, the preferred scenario will be fleshed out, and presented as part of the report to HLG-MOS meeting in Nov.

Risk and Issues

WP1 manager Kate Burnett-Isaac has left Statistics CanadaUNECE Andrew J. Tait to take over the coordination role. WP1 delivery to focus on the most advanced part of the curriculum (Python) and put on hold work on Git and R.

Data Governance for Interoperability Framework 


In July hybrid in Ottawa (ISI)

Meetings even during the holiday period

Advancements for the document's Chapters 1, 2 and 3

Next Steps

Complete revision for chapters 1 and 2

Complete first draft for chapter 3

Detail structure of chapter 4 and start drafting

Risk and Issues


News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


There has been several pitches around data collection; it needs to be decided how to proceed with them. 

The topic on co-development of open-source solutions (e.g., a solution for rapid survey) was discussed. The approach will be about starting from bottom-up to see what kind of practical issues arising when we try to work together and exploring what it means to maintain open source together as a community. 

Non-Probabilistic Surveys


No update

Digital Twins


Statistics New Zealand made a pitch on the use of digital twins for survey data collection operations. This will lead to a follow-up discussion with a broader audience interested in the topic to understand whether there are opportunities for collaboration. This open online session is scheduled for 19th September (13:00 CET). 

Open Source Adoption


The team needs to identify a new lead (Kate used to be the lead) and decide how to proceed. The topic is gaining a great interest in the official statistics community. There might be a formal expert group to be created under ESSNet; coordination would be needed. 

Other - "The use of LLMs for Official Statistics" white paper

Good progress is being made with the "The use of LLMs for Official Statistics" whitepaper. Starting with a general kick-off meeting, authors for the various sections have been identified, sections have been shaped, and have already concluded three section meetings (with two more to come). All the updates will be published on the wiki (access limited).

Applying Data Science and Modern Methods

Implementing ML-based Solutions in Data Editing


The data editing Task Team has not met since the last report due to the chair being at ISI, and other absences. Some work has begun on drafting sections of our guidelines. The Task Team expect to resume meetings in September.

Understanding and Selecting Models


No update as the Task Team Leader is on vacation.

Framework for Responsible AI


The August meeting was canceled, but the team made good progress this summer on the guiding document (deliverable 1):
-    The team began working on the core guiding principles "Validity and Robustness" and "Privacy and Security."
-    The team also made strides in drafting guidelines for the remaining core guiding principles.
-    The first draft of the review process (deliverable 3) has been shared with the team for their input.

Other - "The use of LLMs for Official Statistics" white paper

Good progress is being made with the "The use of LLMs for Official Statistics" whitepaper, starting with a general kick-off meeting, authors for the various sections have been identified, sections have been shaped, and have already concluded three section meetings (with two more to come). All the updates will be published on the wiki (access limited).

Capabilities and Communication

Work and Job of the Future 


Work is progressing well. In September, colleague from the Communication department of Statistics Netherlands will work on the growth models prepared by the team, to make them more presentable.

Data Analytics


No update

Ethics Management (Data and Business)


Work on the reference book on ethics is progressing. Team is collecting areas of interest, examples of ethical dilemmas and replicable practices on ethics.



Work on the document describing communication through the lens of inflation is progressing well, 

Ethics Workshop 2024 (26-28 March 2024)


Draft information was prepared and will be discussed with the team at 5 September meeting. Invitation letter will be sent to the countries by the end of September.


Supporting Standards

GSIM Revision


The feedback period has concluded. Feedback will be reviewed and reflected to the final update for GSIM 2.0 and the user guide. 



The task team has most recently examined feedback regarding the "Analyse" phase. The need for additional privacy protection for geospatial data and referential metadata for new analysis techniques such as ML/AI were added. Team started working on "Integrate: phase. 

For more details, please check our Github group @



After going through many GSBPM sub-processes, it became clear that the extent that SDMX and DDI could contribute depends on the nature of sub-processes. The task team will go through sub-processes to identify most relevant sub-processes and focus on them. 

Core Ontology for Official Statistics version 2


No update

The discussion on the ModernStats World Workshop (MWW) 2024 has started. As Conference On Smart Metadata for Official Statistics (COSMOS) takes place in Paris in April, it would be ideal to have MWW2024 back to back with it.

Cloud for Official Statistics 


The project held a sprint meeting in Belgrade from September 12-14. Leaders or experts of each subgroup theme were present. Other project experts participated online throughout the sprint, some at very early or late hours. Much collaboration, exchanges and progress were made. The sprint concluded with a webinar. Its objectives was to introduce the project, provide an overview on each of its five theme and leave much time for questions, opinions, experiences and other relevant information from the audience. The webinar was attended by 40 persons.

A main draft document was created. Each subgroup has inserted their respective documents in it and are now working from the main draft. Formatting and editing the document has started. The draft document is due to be completed by November 1st.

Next Steps

  • Complete the draft document on November 1st
  • Deliver a webinar to present the content of the document. It will be delivered on November 16 at 12:00 (CET). An announcement will soon be sent. We hope to have many members of the HLG-MOS community present!
  • Finalize the document in December.

Risk and Issues


Future of collaboration and sharing on the adoption of cloud,

At this point, we do not see the need to extend the project with a commitment to deliver other documents. However, we plan to conclude the project by determining if there is a need and commitment in continuing to share adoption experiences among statistical organisations. If so, the current project could setup the main parameters of this cloud adoption community (how, who, main topics, frequency, etc.)

  • The idea of setting up a cloud adoption community will be presented and discussed at the webinar and the HLG-MOS workshop
  • This community will need more organisations than currently collaborating on the project

ModernStats Carpentries (phase 2 Meta Academy)


Work Package 1: Following Kate's departure from Statistics Canada, UNECE Andrew Tait has taken over the coordination  As part of WP1, the Python curriculum is nearly final (see  Python for Official Statistics) and the contributors believe completion is achievable by year end pending final review. The other envisaged curricula (R for Official Statistics, Git for Official Statistics) are less advanced and would require a project extension for being delivered. As part of the closure workshop (see WP2), WP1 outcomes were presented to Carpentries representatives.

Work Package 2: A closure workshop was organised with the Carpentries in October, with the participation of WP2 and WP1 contributors. The workshop was organised around 5 questions formulated in July by the WP2 contributors:

  • Question 1: How can we incentivise trainers to fully embrace the framework?
  • Question 2: Is the Carpentries IP model acceptable for public sector statistical organisations?
  • Question 3: How does the governance of the Data and Software Carpentries work?
  • Question 4: Are we comfortable becoming direct members of the Carpentries?
  • Question 5: Do we all agree on the preferred, most realistic approach? Open discussion on next steps in 2024-25.

The summary record from the workshop is being finalised.

Next Steps

The information harvested will be formatted into the final report for the HLG-MOS meeting in November. It appears that the one realistic scenario could be to create an "Official Statistics" curriculum under the Data Carpentry, as an intermediate step before creating a full fledge "ModernStats Carpentry". This could be materialised with a the 3 envisaged curricula (Python, R and Git) going through the Data Carpentry curation procedure (starting with the Lesson Incubation stage).

Going through that process and delivering an "Official Statistics" curriculum under the Data Carpentry, could be the scope for a 2024 project. But that would require an organisation stepping up to take over the lead / coordination by Statistics Canada on WP1 in 2023.

Risk and Issues


The WP1 Lessons are all still incomplete, with only the Python lesson scheduled for progression to Alpha stage by year’s end. The lessons

Additionally, WP2 topics could use further investigation.

An extension of the project thus makes sense, however with the departure of previous WP1 lead Kate Burnett-Issacs of StatCan, any extension would need to have someone replace her, otherwise the project should be put on hold.

Jonathan Wylie of StatCan has been taking up Kate’s work and is currently bringing himself up to speed with the Carpentries project.

Stéphane Dufour will contact him regarding further collaboration on the project.

Discussion of an extension to the project will occur at the workshop.

Data Governance for Interoperability Framework 


The final document is almost completed: chapters 1 and 2 need only a final editing, chapter 3 will be soon be aligned to 1-2. We have still 2 meetings to finalize chapter 4 on Recommendations and to prepare a version presentable at the workshop

Next Steps

Final editing for chapters 1-3, completion of chapter 4 in time for the workshop

Find a way to discuss the document inside the Community (webinar?)

Verify connections with any future activity on CSDA

Risk and Issues


News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


Potentially we may receive a proposal from Ian O’Sullivan on the Survey Playbook pitch, i.e. a living document that provides advice and guidance on best practice on surveys for NSOs. However, if the proposal is not ready in time, then discussions may continue in other fora such as the next Data Collection Expert Meeting.

The Survey Integration pitch received earlier this year will not progress as a proposal/activity at this stage, as Ian is awaiting confirmation of internal support on the subject, and there are no guarantees such will be received before the workshop.

Non-Probabilistic Surveys


Also known as “Smart Surveys”. No project/activity proposal received at this stage. Further discussion make take place at the HLG-MOS workshop.

Digital Twins


A presentation was given in September outlining the status of Digital Twins. Current work allows for testing design decisions, with future progress aimed towards a tool for planning and monitoring. No project/activity proposal received at this stage, but discussions will continue within the modernisation group.   

Open Source Adoption


The BSTN group has received a proposal from Barteld for consideration at the upcoming HLG-MOS workshop.

The proposal is regarded by the group as a good launching point for discussion, which could lead to some other project proposals, given the large scope of the topic.

Other - "The use of LLMs for Official Statistics" white paper

Work continues on the draft paper. Sections 2-4 are almost complete, with mainly polishing to be done. However, Sections 1 and 5 still require further development. The deadline for completion of Sections 2-4 is November 3rd.

Applying Data Science and Modern Methods

Implementing ML-based Solutions in Data Editing


The team has been actively presenting and discussing individual contributions related to selected chapters, as well as finalizing the introduction section. The primary objective for our upcoming meeting is to address the remaining chapters and ensure the document maintains a coherent structure. We are currently in the process of confirming with the use case authors to ensure that the use cases are up-to-date and to secure permission to include them in the final document. Consideration is being given to 'where to next'.

Understanding and Selecting Models


The team is currently working on two separate documents. The first document provides research and guidance for using "LLM's for methodological advice," while the second document addresses the outcomes of discussions on algorithms and their relationship with existing standards. The team acknowledges a slight delay and aims to have draft documents ready for conclusion in December.

Framework for Responsible AI


The team made some progress on the three deliverables:

  • Deliverable 1: Guiding Document - All chapters are nearly complete. Our next step is to have these chapters reviewed by both internal and external reviewers.
  • Deliverable 2: Assessment Tool (Checklist) - This will be finalized once the guidelines have been completed.
  • Deliverable 3: Review Process - We have had productive discussions with the team about a draft proposal for the review process. However, it requires some finalization.

Consideration is being given to 'where to next'.

Other - "The use of LLMs for Official Statistics" white paper

Good progress is being made with the "The use of LLMs for Official Statistics" whitepaper, with the authors for the various sections delivering their respective sections. The whitepaper is expected to be ready for the November HLG-MOS Geneva meeting. All the updates will be published on the wiki (access limited).

Capabilities and Communication

Work and Job of the Future 


The Growth Generic Growth model is ready, it deals with topics such as inclusion, reaching youth, flexible workspace recruitment. etc.

Data Analytics


Ethics Management (Data and Business)


Progress on the reference book on ethics - colection of specific examples of the methods that organisations use to foster integrity and ethical behaviors



Document describing communication through the lens of inflation crisis and comunnicating CPI is at the final stage. 

Ethics Workshop 2024 (26-28 March 2024)


Invitation to the Workshop on Ethics was successfully sent to the countries. Deadline for the submission of abstracts is end of November.

Workshop is planned to be in person in Geneva on 26-28 March 2024. You can see more information here:

Next steps: To form Organizing Committee of the Workshop.


Supporting Standards

GSIM Revision


A small group completed the review of the feedback provided and it's currently implementing the few changes to the model.



The task team has most recently examined feedback regarding the "Process" and "Collect" phase. An important decision has been made to change the name of phase from "Collect" to "Acquire". It was suggested to make "Integrate" sub-process as a separate phase, but there wasn't a strong support for such big change. 

For more details, please check our Github group @



Two sub-groups, one specialized on DDI and the other on SDMX, met to complete and clarified the use of both standards in individual GSBPM sub-processes and phases. VTL will also be included wherever appropriate.

The plan is to meet again by early November and complete the DDI and SDMX descriptions of the GSBPM core focusing on each sub-process on the standard that provides the best fit. 

Core Ontology for Official Statistics version 2


No update.

Discussion on ModernStats World Workshop (MWW) 2024 continues. At this point we are trying to satisfy the many constraints there are around the Conference On Smart Metadata for Official Statistics (COSMOS) which takes place in Paris in April, and whether having the event is feasible. No decision yet. 

Discussion of task team proposals for next year started. The team is considering a proposal for a revision of the Common Statistical Data Architecture (CSDA). 

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