Cloud for Official Statistics 


Discussions have taken place with the leader of this project (John Conway) and the project Manager (Claude Julien) about arrangements for launching this project. Some initial outreach to group members to get information about their expertise to understand how each might contribute to the project.

Next Steps

First 2023 meeting of the group on 1st March.

Risk and Issues


Temporary Logo

ModernStats Carpentries (phase 2 Meta Academy)


Work Package 1: The group has been constituted consisting of #20 experts from Statistics Canada, INEGI, ISTAT, ABS, SNZ, CSO, US CB & BLS, and OECD. The objective is put together the initial ModernStats Carpentry Lesson Program or curriculum. Participants have been assigned initial task to explore the existing Carpentry curriculum in the areas of R, Python programming and Git, which Statistics Canada have started to review and analyze how they could be adapted and expanded in the official statistics context.

Work Package 2: Discussions with the Carpentries organization have started to better understand their model, involving OECD, Statistics Canada, ISTAT and INEGI are interested in this work package, aiming to define the governance and 'business model' of the Carpentries and how it could be connected with the HLG-MOS structure. OECD is in the process (contractual / legal discussion) of becoming a 'silver' member and enroll #10 staff in the next 'train the trainers' session.

Next Steps

WP1 & 2: The kick-off meeting will be organized in early March with all the interested participants.

All participating organizations are encouraged to become formal member of the Carpentries in order to experience their process and governance, and more easily enroll trainers in 'train the trainers' sessions and possibly organize Carpentries trainings (eg on R programming) in their organization, to test them.

Risk and Issues


Data Governance for Interoperability Framework


Working on the definition of the Content of the document, refining the structure.

Detailed first use-cases.

Group split in 3 sub-groups for the firs drafting of the content of the chapters: 1. Introduction and definitions (Why we do this), 2. (Statistical) Interoperability (What we want to achieve), 3. DAFI Components (How we achieve)

We go on with meetings of the global group every 3 weeks and intermediate meetings of the subgroups.

Next Steps

Start the drafting of the paragraphs in the 3 sub-groups.

Complete use-cases.

Start defining graphic visualization of the framework.

Organize a Sprint meeting in Budapest between the last week of April and the first two weeks of May (2 days back-to-back with the  Supporting Standards group meeting)

Risk and Issues

Too many members to write together a documentSplit in 3 sub-groups
Different opinions on the content of the documentsSprint meeting to share ideas

News from the Groups

Blue-skies Thinking

Identifying Topics/Opportunities


We have had a discussion about embedding technologies in our business, and focusing more on analysis.

Non-Probabilistic Surveys


This work is underway, with its own subgroup.

Digital Twins


The work of this subgroup has been paused, but the leader is hoping to resume this activity.

Open Source Adoption


Eurostat has agreed to co-run this activity, which may involve a workshop. Kate is looking for volunteers to join this group.


Applying Data Science and Modern Methods

Implementing ML-based Solutions in Data Editing


A use case template has been finalised and shared with the Organising Committee of Data Editing Expert Meeting and ONS to collect more use cases.

There were some preliminarily discussion on how to summarize the problems and solutions into lessons learned and best practices, and develop guidance on how to facilitate the implementation of ML-based solutions in data editing.

Understanding and Selecting Models


Use case and algorithm templates are almost done and members are reaching out to collect more use cases.

Framework for Responsible AI


Members are preparing inputs to the core principles as well as developing checklists that help ensure compliance with the core principles (two to three members are working in a group to prepare the first draft for other members review)


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Members discussed potential follow up works on the Machine Learning Group and identified two topics.

The first one is about data engineering (e.g., data processing, cleaning and other preparation for analytics and data science implementation) given the lack of skills (or common knowledge) and coordination within the organization (e.g., between developer, data scientist, business analyst).

The second one is on ML infrastructure / ecosystem, including MLOps, which requires well-coordinated efforts and multi-level engagement apart from the technology itself.

A fourth task team could be set up after the completion of one of the three task teams or more resources are available, 

Capabilities and Communication

Future of work


All 3 sub teams from the last year are working as one team. They had two meetings already and decided to focus on sharing best practices from the NSOs and try to design a growth/maturity model that can be applied to the topics of youth, generation differences, inclusion/diversity and flexible/hybrid work. New team members are very welcome.

Data Analytics


Statistics Canada will make presentation on this proposal during next meeting of the CapComm on 5 April

Ethics Management (Data and Business)


Ethics team is working currently on preparing proposal on including Ethics in GAMSO, and will prepare similar proposal for GSBPM a bit later this year. For the data ethics part of the team, outline of the CES Session on Data Ethics and social accountability was prepared for the CES Bureau in February, and now when we received comments, this proposal will be revised accordingly. Seminar on Data Ethics and social accountability will take place on 28 June in Paris.

Strategic Communication: dis/misinformation, building trust, engagement young and other target audiences


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Ethics Workshop 2023


Work didn't start yet


Supporting Standards

GSIM Review


Work ongoing as planned, Task Team will soon conclude its work with the issues. For details, please check our Github group @

Task Team will produce its final results in June 2023, as originally planned.

Core Ontology for Official Statistics version 2


According to the agreed timing of the Task Teams, the work on COOS version 2 is scheduled to start after the summer break. In the meantime, a very small team will still work on remaining issues from the consultation round: the feedback from UNSD and the development of the working example and use cases. COOS results are available here:

GSBPM-GAMSO revision


The Task Team started its work. Statistical organisations were asked to provide all kinds of inputs with the GSBPM and GAMSO until 20 February. The Task Team had its kick-off meeting in January.



Work ongoing as planned, working together based on material prepared by Task Team members for different sub-processes of the GSBPM. The Task Team has new co-chairs from 2023.


Integrated view of the ModernStats models: the Supporting Standards Group will prepare the integrated view on the group level. The group discussed its changed working methods from the beginning of 2023.

ModernStats Community of Practice: the group discussed the format and technical elements of the ModernStats CoP and agreed to have 4 events this year. The group also discussed the topics for the first two events, that are: process modelling and sharing services. The first event is planned for March, organisation is ongoing.

Sprint: the group is currently discussing the option to have a Sprint around late April-May (potential location: Budapest) and also potentially an another one back-to-back with the ISI conference in July.

RISK & ISSUES that require the attention of the Executive Board: nothing specific to report. All Task Teams have their chairs, the Supporting Standards Group and the Task Teams have new members as well. Work is ongoing as planned.

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