Summary: Suggest changing name of "Interviewer Instruction" to "Instruction"

Issue: The name of 'Interviewer Instruction' object implies that the object should only be used when there is an interviewer. That is that the text in the Interviewer Instructions provided guidance for the interviewer. This does not take into consideration self-enumeration.

Suggested Solution and Recommendation: Change 'Interviewer Instruction' object name to 'Instructions'.

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  1. Jenny Linnerud

    Not sure about this. There is a quality difference betweeen instructions provided to an Interviewer that can be verbally provided to a respondent, as needed, and instructions that are provided in written form to a respondent, which might or might not be read. Interviewer Instructions and Respondent Instructions are different. In addition, I suspect that some Interviewers do coding on-the-fly based on their instructions and I'm not sure that is comparable to a resopndent choosing from a fixed list of responses. One object Instructions with two subtypes Interviewer Instructions and Respondent Instructions?

  2. user-8e470

    Discussion 18/9:

    How does instructions relate to statements? Are they separate things? Or are they all statements which just have different roles (e.g. interviewer, respondents, generic)? Helen is going to think...

    How does process design fit into this? There are instructions all over the shop, in many processes. They are inputs to the process (in an IGOE sense, they are guides)

    There is a case for something specific regarding instrument.

  3. user-8e470

    Discussion 2/10: 

    What does it mean if statement and instruction are the same thing? Is it one object with different roles? Do we have an abstract object with sub types?

    ...Or should we keep it separate?

    user-b7160 could provide a DDI view point and rationale for why they are separate in DDI.

  4. Dick Woensdregt

    I think we need to agree whether this is the level of detail we need in GSIM. We are going to argue that instrument and all its details is too much detail for GSIM alltogether.

  5. user-b7160

    I think it is fair to say that Instructions are a specialized form of statement. The reason for the separation in DDI is that the interviewee never sees the instructions - only the interviewer does, whereas statements are seen by the interviewee in some scenarios.