Placeholder issue to ensure that we revisit these issues before the GSIM revision

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  1. Jenny Linnerud

    Structural Quality - in Business, Process Quality - from Production, Product Quality - in Structures?

  2. Jenny Linnerud

    Quality metadata stored in an Information Resource? See

  3. user-8e470

    Discussion 5/9:

    GSIM is an information model. Is the best place to start with the metadata that describes data? There are lots of other places for quality (e.g. process quality). This is an area where we could add a lot of detail but do we need to? What could we focus on that is useful?

    Quality is everywhere. Is having one object that says quality misrepresenting it?

    Quality is important to everything. Is it bigger than GSIM? Can we get this raised in a broader group than us? Lets get the quality experts involved. Modernisation Committee related to evaluation is one avenue. This is a future action.

    Action for now: Review the current use case and assess the goodness of it Wilhelmus Kloek (to talk to Klas and Helen), Alistair Hamilton.   



  4. user-8e470

    Discussion 18/9: 

    From review from Wim and Jenny, we should make minor updates to the text in the current user guide. No major changes needed. Possibly updates from 0.8 to 1.0 needed. To be discussed at the next meeting.

  5. user-8e470

    Discussion 2/10: Need to discuss at next meeting. Wim to provide recommendation for the new text.

  6. user-8e470

    Helen has a new picture drawn which is being tweaked.


    Updated Quality Diagram.pptx

    Scenario 5 Quality WK_HT.docx