Context Documents

GSIM Stakeholder Map
GSIM Metasystem
Background Documents

Sprint Documents

Program for Sprint
Participants in Sprint 1
Sprint Participant Expectations
Indicative Plan for GSIM Sprint 1
Participant Profile

Information Update 1
Information Update 2

Content Documents

  • A briefing pack was sent to interviewees prior to interviews. The questions on the final slide in the pack were used as starting points for each interview. (Interviews were not constrained, however, to only cover these topics.)
  • Slide 6 in the summary of feeback identifies a number of inputs that were suggested for GSIM Sprint 1. A table was then prepared which identifies the proposed approach to each of the suggested inputs. The proposed approach reflects the reality of finite time and human resources being available to the organising team prior to the Sprint. Documenting the proposed approach provides the opportunity for others to suggest different priorities and/or to volunteer to prepare some of the inputs.
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