



Explanatory Text




Describes the text used to elicit a response for the Concept to be measured.

A Question may be a single question used to obtain a response, or may be a multiple question, a construct which links multiple sub-questions, each with their own response.

A Question also includes a relationship to the Value Domain to document the associated response criteria for the question. A single response question will have one Value Domain associated with it, while a 'multiple question' may have more than one Value Domain.

A Question should be designed with re-use in mind, as it can be used in multiple Questionnaires.

In a national implementation, Question could be further subtyped into

  • QuestionGrid, useful to model questions as grids/tables. It is actually a cube-like structure providing dimension information, labelling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid. For instance, a two-way table requesting to provide turnovers broken down by affiliates.
  • QuestionItem, a simple question that is necessarily one dimensional. Fo example: "How old are you?"

Multiple Question





Value Type

Question PurposeA description of the purpose of the question, whether the question has a specific expected function.0..1MultilingualText

Question Text

The text which describes the information which is to be obtained.1..1MultilingualText

* Attributes inherited from super-type(s) are not included here

  • No labels