All meetings organized by the Statistical Division will be under:

All categories » Conferences » ECOSOC » UNECE » ECE/CES

NOTE: For private meetings, a link will be provided to you by the meeting organizers.

Indico account registration:

  1. For most of the meetings inside the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG), an Indico account is required before you can register. 
  2. If you do not have an account yet, click HERE to start your account creation.
  3. You can then continue with your registration. 

For Indico account holders:

  1. Click on the meeting registration link provided and log in to Indico:

  2. Click Register now:

  3.  You can now fill in the registration form.
  4. To avoid a complicated security check at the gate, the image below should be clearly filled up.

  5. Please pay attention to the UNOG requirements for the profile picture. Failure to meet the prescribed requirements for the photo may result in a delay in the issuance of your badge on the day of the meeting. 

  6. If your registration is "Pending", you can contact your meeting focal point or navigate back to the event page and edit your missing details.

then click Modify:

UNOG Digital badge

All registered and accredited conference participants will receive a digital badge by email consisting of their photo, a QR code, the name and date of the conference. Once downloaded to a mobile phone or any mobile device, the digital badge will enable faster entry to the Palais des Nations by dispensing with the time needed to create a ‘physical’ badge. 

Conceptually it operates similarly to an airline electronic boarding pass as shown below.

The benefit of this new system includes no more paper, metal and plastic waste; faster entry to the Palais des Nations and the ability to code the digital badge for access to specific rooms and buildings where required; and the ease and convenience of participants having their badges on their mobile device.

Participants who do not have a phone or any other mobile device can print their confirmation and bring it to the badging desk at the Pregny Pavilion in order to have a paper badge issued and printed. 

We invite you to click the below link to view a video which provides more information on how the Digital Badge will work: Pavilion Pregny (English) - YouTube

Extra information:

Please note that registrations can only be accepted if the participant is nominated by the head of the international relations department of the national statistical office or by the highest national statistical authority.

Participants should be endorsed by formal communication through an official channel of your country or organization. Only in that case, we can consider accepting requests for registration and possible letter of support for your visa application.

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