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  1. Jean-marc Museux

    Eurostat feedback:

    We recognise that the Production section has been taken from GSBPM and that modification of its content is not in the scope of GAMSO. We would like however to remark that it seems the use of mix-mode data sources does not seem to be taken into account. Statistical institutes should in the future use as much as possible admin data / big data together with surveys in a combined way, in order to reduce costs, provided that fit-for-purpose quality is delivered on time. We realise this is not the right forum for discussing aspects related to GSBPM, but we would like to draw attention to this fact for future discussions.

  2. Alistair Hamilton

    Issues arising from absolute alignment with GSBPM

    Several ABS reviewers raised issues arising from the proposed absolute alignment of Production activities in GAMSO with GSBPM.

    Key points from the feedback are summarized below.


    While GSBPM includes a broader scope than just “direct collection” (surveys and censuses), its categories and descriptions implicitly place most prominence on this mode of collection.  In contrast, however, there is a common tendency for modernization programs (which GAMSO is intended to support) to seek to shift the balance away from direct collection.


    Para 8 of GSBPM says

    GSBPM follows the logical sequence of steps in most statistical business processes.

    Modernisation aims for “statistical business processes” which are more dynamic and (even) less linear than was the case previously.  Addressing the complete "logical sequence of steps" described in GSBPM for a single "statistical business process" may become less pervasive in future.

    • Some “statistical business processes” may focus strongly on Collect, with the expectation a range of other “statistical business processes” (not always known in advance) will then process, analyse and disseminate the content that has been collected.
    • Other “statistical business processes” may focus on “Analyze and Disseminate” in a responsive manner to meet specific needs.  Such processes may do very little in their own right in regard to “Collect” and “Process” in the traditional sense.

    GSBPM does not preclude the above possibilities.  GSBPM appears, however, to place most prominence on

    • cases where there is a “traditional” “line of sight” which runs through Specify Needs, Design, Build, Collect, Process, Analyse and Disseminate for a single statistical business process, rather than
    • more dynamic sourcing and dissemination of content that meets specified needs.
    3.GSBPM tends not to give prominence to modern directions in regard to Analyze (eg story telling) and Disseminate (eg provisioning content for dissemination via dynamic services) activities.
    4.As noted by Istat, wording of GSBPM tends to over emphasize “Build” rather than “Assemble/Reuse” - although it does not preclude the latter.

    While ABS recognises that absolute alignment with GSBPM is currently proposed as a “non-negotiable” characteristic” for Production activities within GAMSO, we also note that Istat and Eurostat have comment that – in various ways - this “non-negotiable” means GAMSO does not address as explicitly, and as clearly, as it might some of the trends in statistical production activity which tend to be of increased prominence when modernising.

    If absolute alignment is non-negotiable then perhaps the feedback received suggests the next review of GSBPM could be (eg) in 2016 rather than waiting until (eg) 2018.

  3. Alistair Hamilton

    Absence of “Production: Manage” category (variation from SN BAM)

    Istat notes that “4.3.1 Evaluate” spans significantly less than “Manage” in SN BAM.

    ABS agrees that considerable effort is often expended in

    • Operational planning for a particular cycle of a particular statistical business processes
      • This planning does not change the Design of the statistical business process, it merely ensures all the logistics (eg human resource, timelines, dependencies) are in place for the upcoming cycle of Collect, Process, Analyse, Disseminate.
    • Monitoring and managing activities within the cycle and responding dynamically (eg “crisis management”) when unexpected issue arise
      • Activities undertaken when managing a crisis can, and should, be differentiated from learning from the experience, and considering ongoing improvements to Design for future cycles, as part of Evaluate.

    The first sentence for Broad Area 4 (Production) for GAMSO says

    These activities cover all steps necessary to manage, design and implement statistical production processes or cycles…

    This is not wording from GSBPM.  Adjusting this wording, therefore, would not create an inconsistency with GSBPM.

    In fact, the current wording may represent an inconsistency with GSBPM.

    The “missing” aspect of what SN BAM is describes under “Production: Manage” could be considered Project Management of the statistical business process.  GSBPM describes Project Management as an overarching process rather than placing it in the Evaluate phase.

    While many over-arching processes from GSBPM are now represented elsewhere in GAMSO, “management” activities that

    • relate to statistical business process overall, but
    • do not relate solely to one of the eight phases in GSBPM 

    should be accommodated within Production.

    If “Manage” is not added into “Production” in GAMSO then the first sentence for Broad Area 4 should be reconsidered lest it lead readers to conclude

    • the eight lowest level categories in Production in GAMSO somehow include project management of a statistical production process, where
    • this would be inconsistent with GSBPM.