48. As the GAMSO is designed to be generic and applicable across international, regional, national and local statistical organisations, it can never be a perfect fit for all cases. Some statistical organisations have additional activities, such as responsibility for administrative registers, or national geo-spatial standards and infrastructures. Some operate within strongly centralised contexts, whilst others are part of geographically or subject-matter, de-centralised systems, with different degrees of responsibility for coordination. Some organisations outsource certain activities, particularly supporting services, either to related statistical organisations, or to other government agencies.

49. The GAMSO cannot cover all possibilities, so extensions might be needed for use within individual organisations. As for the GSBPM, activities which are in the model, but which are not present within an organisation can simply be ignored, whilst additional activities can be added at the appropriate activity level. It is also likely that, in organisation-specific contexts, extra hierarchical levels will be needed. In order to maintain high-level coherence between local extensions and the GAMSO, necessary extensions should be made at the lowest possible level. These local extensions should be kept identified as local so that comparisons across different organisations will still be possible.

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