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Explanatory text

ActivityGAMSOActivity is what we do.None.See also Process and CapabilityProcess is how we do an activity.
Capability is what enables us to do an activity.

An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities. (Source PROV-O)

Activities are grouped into 4 activity areas i.e. Strategy and leadership, Capability management activites, Corporate support and Production.
CapabilityGAMSOCapability is what enables us to do an activity.None.See also Activity and ProcessActivity is what we do.
Process is how we do an activity.

An ability that an organisation, person, or system possesses. Capabilities are typically expressed in general and high-level terms and typically require a combination of organisation, people, processes, and technology to achieve. (Source The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF).)

Capabilities provide the agency with the ability to undertake a specific activity. A capability is only achieved through the integration of all relevant capability elements (e.g. methods, processes, standards and frameworks, IT systems and people skills). 
ConfidentialityGAMSOA property of data indicating the extent to which their unauthorised disclosure could be prejudicial or harmful to the interest of the source or other relevant parties.Source SDMX (2009)  
Data integrationGAMSOThe process of combining data from two or more sources.None.Also in GSBPMAdapted from the SDMX (2009) definition "The process of combining data from two or more sources to produce statistical outputs". Data might be integrated for other purposes, or might be integrated at any point in the statistical lifecycle.
Disclosure  GAMSOA disclosure occurs when a person or organisation recognises or learns something that they did not know already about another person or organisation. Source: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SDC_Handbook.pdf  
FrameworkGAMSOA framework is a set of rules, ideas, or beliefs which is used to make sense of facts or events or to decide how to behave.Source http://www.businessdictionary.com/Compare to Model 
GAMSO (Generic Activity Model for Statistical Organisations)GAMSO The GAMSO describes and defines the activities that take place within a typical statistical organizationUnece (GAMSO version 1.0) https://statswiki.unece.org/display/GAMSO/GAMSO+HomeIncludes GSBPM by referenceThe GAMSO aims to provide a common vocabulary and framework to support international collaboration activities, particularly in the field of modernisation. It recognises that statistical production occurs within a broader context of corporate strategies, capabilities and support. It comprises four broad activity areas: Strategy and leadership, Capability management, Corporate support and Production. GSBPM provides the contents of the Production area.
GovernanceGAMSOEstablishment of policies, mechanisms, and continuous monitoring required for proper implementation by an organization. None. Adapted from the definition of Governance in the Business Dictionary.
Source http://www.businessdictionary.com/
MetadataGAMSOData describing other data.None. Data is considered in its broadest sense.
MissionGAMSOOrganisation’s purpose for existingAdapted from ISO 9000:2015(en) see also VisionIf you have a mission, there is something that you believe it is your duty to try to achieve, usually expressed in an official statement of the aims and objectives of an organisation.
ProcessGAMSOProcess is how we do an activity.None.see also GSBPM and GSIMActivity is what we do.
Capability is what enables us to do an activity.
Quality indicatorGAMSOData that gives a measure of quality.None. Quality indicators include measures of product quality and process quality.
RegisterGAMSOA register is a database which is updated continually for administrative purposes.Based on the General Concept for the term "Register" in Eurostat CODEDStatistical registerExamples of registers include registers of birth, death, marriages, residence, buildings, etc.

A database is an organised collection of data in this context.

A register may be used to extract data for statistical purposes.
Statistical registerGAMSOA statistical register is a register that is a regularly updated list of units and their properties that is designed for statistical purposes. Based on UN NQAF Glossary
RegisterA statistical register provides an (ideally) complete inventory of the statistical units within a specific population, and describes these units using different characteristics. One example is a business register held within a statistical office.

All the statistical units in a statistical register have an identifier that makes it possible to update the statistical register with new information on the statistical units.
Survey GAMSOAn investigation about the characteristics of a given population by means of collecting data from a sample of that population and estimating their characteristics through the systematic use of statistical methodology.Source: United Nations Statistical Commission and Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE), "Terminology on Statistical Metadata"  Included are:
- Censuses, which attempt to collect data from all members of a population;
- Sample surveys, in which data are collected from a (usually random) sample of population members.
VisionGAMSOAspiration of what an organisation would like to become.Adapted from ISO 9000:2015(en)see also MissionIf you have a vision of a possible situation, you have a mental picture of it, in which you imagine how things might be different from the way they are now.
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