These activities cover the cross-cutting, functions required by the organisation to deliver its work programme efficiently and effectively.

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 This activity area is broken down into 10 sub-activities. The sub-activities are:

  • Manage business and performance
  • Manage finances
  • Manage human resources
  • Manage IT
  • Manage statistical methodology
  • Manage information and knowledge
  • Manage consumers
  • Manage data suppliers
  • Manage buildings and physical space
  • Manage quality

3.1 Manage business and performance

These activities manage how the organisation conducts its business, including agreed changes to the business, in order to achieve planned outputs and outcomes. These include:

  • Manage business performance
  • Manage change and risk
  • Manage legislation and compliance

3.2 Manage finances

These activities cover the organisation's ongoing use of financial and accounting information to measure, operate and predict the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities, including procurement and contracts, in relation to the organisation's goals and objectives. Suppliers as referring to commercial provides of goods and services for the statistical organisation. These include:

  • Maintain accounts (including assets and liabilities)
  • Manage procurement and contracts
  • Manage suppliers of equipment, office supplies and services

3.3 Manage human resources

These activities cover employee performance, recruitment, skills development, talent management and succession planning work. These include:

  • Manage employee performance
  • Manage and develop skills
  • Manage talent
  • Manage recruitment
  • Ensure succession planning

3.4 Manage IT

These activities cover coordination and management of information and technology resources and solutions. They include the management of the physical security of data. These include:

  • Manage IT assets and services
  • Manage IT security
  • Manage technological change

3.5 Manage statistical methodology

These activities cover the need to maintain the confidentiality and disclosure of information collected, maintained, or disseminated about individual persons, businesses or other entities. These include:

  • Manage cross-cutting statistical methodologies
  • Manage confidentiality
  • Manage disclosure control

3.6 Manage information and knowledge

These activities cover the ownership or custody of records, documents, information and other intellectual assets held by the organisation and the governance of information collection, arrangement, storage, maintenance, retrieval, dissemination and destruction. They also include maintaining the policies, guidelines and standards regarding information management and governance. These include:

  • Manage documents and records, including destruction and archiving
  • Manage knowledge
  • Manage information standards and rights
  • Manage metadata and data

3.7 Manage consumers

These activities cover the management of communication and exchanges between governmental or international institutions, the public, and other stakeholders in direct or indirect support of organisational services. They therefore deal with the relationships between statistical organisations and the public, including those via the media. This includes general marketing activities and dealing with non-specific consumer feedback. This also includes measures to educate and inform users so that they fully understand statistical outputs, and to promote and improve levels of statistical literacy in society in general. These include:

  • Manage communications and media relations
  • Manage stakeholder consultations
  • Manage cross-product user support

3.8 Manage data suppliers

These activities cover the relationships with sub-national governments and private entities that supply data for statistical activities. This includes cross-process burden management, as well as topics such as profiling and management of contact information (and thus has particularly close links with statistical business processes that maintain registers. These include:

  • Manage data sharing agreements
  • Manage data transfer

3.9 Manage buildings and physical space

These activities cover maintenance of the building and allocation of physical space the organisation occupies. These include:

  • Manage environmental, mechanical, and electrical needs
  • Manage arrangement of office space
  • Manage distribution of offices within space

3.10 Manage quality

These activities cover developing and administering a quality framework and cross-cutting work with tools to assure quality, i.e. compliance with the quality framework that should cover quality linked to the organisational framework, processes and products. Such tools comprise quality indicators (including balancing quality components), user surveys, self-assessments, quality reviews or audits, certification and labelling of statistics. Quality documentation here refers to the organisational level and covers quality declarations, policies and relevant guidelines such as guidelines on handling of errors and revisions. These include:

  • Manage quality framework
  • Manage quality assurance tools
  • Manage quality documentation

  • No labels