The resulting presentations are here! Presentations from Hackathon

A CSPA Hackathon will be held in Geneva on 22 June, as part of the Workshop on CSPA Implementation. This page is for developing ideas amongst the hackathon group, and communicating with the wider CSPA community and was built from the notes of the web conference on 8 June:

The goal is that each hackathon group presents a deliverable to the CSPA workshop plenary on the 2nd day.  It would ideally be something working or complete, or be at a solid milestone with a proposal for future work. Services should include at least a draft definition and specification.  In each presentation, it would be good for the groups to summarise (very briefly indeed) what went well; any obstacles the group found; and how CSPA could be improved to remove the obstacles.  

To start the hackathon, Franck Cotton will make a short demo on how to wrap some R functionality (e.g. Linear Regression) as a CSPA service.  The software will be Eclipse and Java, though the principles will be the same for any software.  

Here is the online tutorial:

Please use the following board to prepare for the hackathon.  We can use it like this:

  • The subpages can be used to brainstorm before the hack and as a whiteboard during the day;
  • Don't be restricted by these initial ideas, feel free to add another idea to the board if it is not covered by editing the page, edit the "Canvas Board" and add a control;
  • You can express an early interest in participating in a deliverable by clicking on the + sign, choose "Add Card" and type your name.  I've added an example with the name "Joe Bloggs"

Requirements for the hackathon

Bring with you

  • Your own device: e.g. laptop or tablet.
  • Software required to work on the proposal, such as Git if required, R, etc.  Let's avoid wasting time with set-ups on the day
  • Permissions required to collaborative software, such as this wiki, Github (details further down on this page)
  • Knowledge: Try to be prepared with CSPA know-how and anything else needed: GSBPM; CSPA LIM; GSIM, etc.

Equipment provided

  • A few laptops with LAN connection will be available
  • Some software may be provided.  Please indicated what is required on this page.  Preference for free and open source, but are any licenses needed?
  • Collaboration site (this Confluence space)
  • Github code and file repository:  Please ask if you need Github guidance
  • Some reference material.  Indicate here what is required
  • Materials - Swiss power adapters!, HDMI cables, paper, pens, flip charts, ... anything else?
  • Human beings – what do you expect from the hackathon organisers on the day?


  • Hackathon is for those with prior knowledge of CSPA, it would be good to refresh knowledge of:

  • No labels