eWhat do we need to do for the GSIM v2 documentation??

My initial thoughts:

(tick the documents you use so we can get an idea of what is useful)

Explanations to be added/fixed:

  • Variables (all 3 kinds) 
  • Datum need some explanation
  • Data Channel
  • States of data (see Issue 5)
  • Non structured dataset -  make small text explanation that we may need this in the future (issue 6)
  • the table explaining instrument etc (issue 32)
  • touch point between GSIM and CSPA (issue 29)
  • what is the boundary between a Code List and a Classification? (issue 12)
  • code list/code item/code, category set/ category item/ category , classifications - explain better (issue 2)
  • difference between statistical activity and Process Step Execution Record


  • A diagram showing the relationships and cardinalities between UnitDataPoint, UnitDataSet, UnitDataRecord and Datum would be helpful in clarifying things (ie, a combination of the information that is currently split betwee fig 44 and fig 45 in GSIM v1.0 (pages 240 and 250 respectively).
  • make sure classification / node set pictures show level (issue 8)

User Guide

  • Reference Metadata: Input from Chris attached. Extra work required to make it align to the quality scenario for Helen/Wim etc (issue 17C)
  • Quality: Work by sub group attached. Needs to be added to the document (issue 17A)
  • States of data (issue 5)

  • No labels


  1. Jenny Linnerud

    In Annex A we could refer to the Neuchâtel annex as an illustration of ways in which different parts of the GSIM model could be extended in practise.

  2. user-af201

    I am surprised nobody has voted for updating the GSIM Communication document. We have a lot of evidence that the target group for this document (see table below: statisticians, methodologists, architects, business analysts and metadata specialists) have found GSIM very difficult to apply in practice, yet we only seem to want to update the GSIM Specification, which has a much narrower specialist audience. I don't have specific suggestions, as I think improvements are likely to flow from conclusions on issue #15, Creating views of GSIM, which has been deferred until the Sprint.


    Suggested documents

    Top & Senior managers

    GSIM Brochures

    Middle Managers,

    Subject Matter Statisticians and Methodologists

    GSIM  Brochure

    GSIM Communication document

    GSIM User Guide

    Architects, business analysts and metadata specialists

    GSIM Communication document

    GSIM User Guide

    GSIM Specification

    Solution Architects

    GSIM Specification

    GSIM User Guide

    Enterprise Architect file