Process Management covers administrative, production/operational  and support processes. Production process in GAMSO corresponds to GSBPM. In addition to the production/operational processes, NSOs also have administrative and support processes. Parallel to the organizations’ mission, certain capability should exists in the organization not only to keep up with the current work but also to achieve its  vision in the future.. Capability is a measurement tool for the organizations’ ability to produce. In literature, capability management concept includes  capability planning, business capability and resource capability. 

Our Comments on GAMSO are as follows;

  1. There are overlaps in terms of the activities  taking place in  “Capability Management”, “Strategy & Leadership” and “Corporate Support” processes.

  2. Activities within the Capability Management are usually not as detailed as they are specified in GAMSO.

  3. When NSOs set their strategy and vision, they take into acount their statistical production processes capabilities. Therefore the activities under the planning, monitoring  and evaluating the ”Capability management”  could be specified  under “Strategy & Leadership”.

  4. Support activities included under the second level of “2.4.Support Capability Implementation” could be  under the first level “3.Corporate Support” .
    If the subtitles or activities under the  “2.Capability Management” is clearly defined, it would be easier  to understand what kind of  activities is forseen in this process.  This could  make it easy  to use the GAMSO model and also to facilitate its implementation.

  5. Support services such as  health care (doctors and dentist services located within the organization), catering services, security and cleaning could be classified in “3.9 Manage buildings and physical space”. But this level does not includes services like health care, food, etc. In this context, we propose to add 2 sub levels to the “3.9 Manage buildings and physical space” as follows.


Manage buildings, physical space and personal services


Manage environmental, mechanical, and electrical needs


Manage arrangement of office space


Manage distribution of offices within space


Manage environmental health and safety


Manage employee needs

       6. “3.10 Manage Quality”  includes all of the top levels and  it refers to the Total Quality Management.  Quality Management in GSBPM is covered in “VI. Over-arching processes”.

       7. It was observed that GAMSO  does not have any level about  legal affairs likeinternal penalties, Lawsuits against the institution, etc. Therefore, second level “3.11 Manage legal transactions” could be added in the following hierarchy.


Manage legal transactions


Manage cases


Manage penalties

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