92. The further development of LIM and its physical representation will be undertaken incrementally based on business requirements. GSIM includes a wide variety of information objects and not all of them are required by services with the same urgency. In addition, the effort required to produce an all-encompassing logical model in a short time would be prohibitively expensive.

93.Not all GSIM information objects will make it to LIM. The LIM is only concerned with the service and as such will not be taking all GSIM information objects down to LIM level.

94. At any given point in time there will be CSPA services that require specific information objects for data exchange. Providing the logical and physical models for information objects in the design and implementation phases is critical. In the first instance the LIM is developed and provided to builders by the CSPA Implementation Group. This group is available to work with service designers and builders.

95. Any proposed changes to LIM will be confirmed through review by the CSPA community and mandated as standard within CSPA. This will add assurance that the recommended modelling provides a sound way forward. Additional attributes may be identified through consultation which should be added to the model - but only if there is a common, practical, well defined use case for adding them. Following community review, the logical modelling will become "CSPA mandated".

96. Services which did not use the CSPA logical modelling (e.g. which provided an information interface based on DDI variant of the modelling where SDMX provided the basis for the modelling in CSPA) would not be CSPA compliant in regard to their inputs and outputs.

97. In this example, an agency which "preferred" DDI over SDMX might choose in their own environment to:

  • translate from DDI to SDMX when providing inputs to the service, and
  • translate from SDMX to DDI when accepting outputs from the service

98. Such translation would be the responsibility of the agency. While "adaptors" between common standards such as SDMX and DDI could be developed and shared in future to assist with this, CSPA services themselves would only accept input in a physical format which was fully consistent with the logical model.

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