Comment here on the capability section.

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  1. Jean-marc Museux

    Eurostat feedback:

    Positioning key capabilities like "data, metadata and process data management" and "quality management" under "manage capabilities" is counter intuitive and not in line with the proposed approach as they refer to actual statistical capabilities involved in the production of statistics.  It can create confusion of the scope of activities targeted under this heading. They should be given a much higher profile.

  2. Alistair Hamilton


    There is nothing in the description of Capability that explicitly refers to sharing and reuse internationally.  Readers familiar with broader modernisation strategies under HLG may “take this as read”.  An ABS reviewer noted, however, others could

    • read the description of “2 Capability” as encouraging sharing and reuse of infrastructure within/across a statistical organization
    • read 2.1 and 2.2 as somewhat linear – eg we identify the need for new/improved a capability (2.1) and then we develop capability improvement projects from the requirements stage through to their completion (2.2).  It could be assumed all capability developments in 2.2 are projects entirely within the statistical organisation.

    CSPA suggests that sharing and reuse may entail projects at multiple levels.  In terms of roles identified in CSPA, the main project to design and build a shared capability solution may be collaboration, or it may have taken place already within a different statistical organisation.

    Even in such cases, the statistical organization adopting the shared infrastructure will almost certainly still require a local project that addresses the “Assembler” role from CSPA.  This capability project will integrate the infrastructure within the local organization’s environment, including any required extensions/modifications.

    It is envisaged these “Assembler” activities (in addition to any CPSA capability "Design" and "Build" activities performed locally) would be within scope for 2.2 within GAMSO.  (CSPA “Configurer” activities for an individual statistical program would be in 4.3.)

    It is proposed to add the following sentence to the end of the existing description for 2.2.

    This activity includes cases where capability improvements are developed through partnering with other statistical organizations or by selecting and implementing reusable infrastructure originally developed by others.

  3. Alistair Hamilton


    ABS has similar concerns to Istat and Eurostat in regard to GAMSO adding a reference to Data, metadata and process data (paradata) management are also included here which is not present in SN BAM.

    Developing, maintaining and supporting capabilities (eg systems, policy frameworks and business processes) for managing data and metadata are included in “Capability”.  Most of the activities associated with managing specific data and metadata, however, would not.

    Management of data and metadata associated with one particular production process could be recorded under Production.  As Istat suggests, applied management of data and metadata as a corporate resource could be part of 3.5.

    Similar concerns arise in regard to adding the reference to Manage quality.  Once again, some aspects of Manage Quality (eg design and operation of quality gates during an individual statistical production process) might be considered part of Production.  Other aspects might be considered strategic.